# The BYTE UNIX Benchmarks - Release 1
# Module: loops.awk SID: 1.4 5/15/91 19:30:25
# LOOPS per second
# Bug reports, patches, comments, suggestions should be sent to:
# Ben Smith or Tom Yager at BYTE Magazine
# ben@bytepb.byte.com tyager@bytepb.byte.com
# Modification Log:
# created 2/12/91 -ben
BEGIN { rsum = 0.000; r2sum = 0.000; r_product = 0.0000;
iter = 0; Test=""; SubTest=""; secs = 0.00; secs_sum = 0.00;
/TEST\|/ { split($0, junk,"|");
/FLAVOR\|/ { split($0, junk,"|");
flavor=junk[2] ;
/loops/ { loops=$1;
iter ++;
/real/ { if (flavor == "SysV") {time_str=$2; }
else {time_str=$1; }
# determine seconds from time_str
if ( time_str ~/\:/)
secs = 60 * junk[1] + junk[2];
else { secs = time_str; }
if(loops) { rsum += loops/secs;
r2sum += (loops*loops)/(secs*secs);
r_product += (log(loops)-log(secs));
secs_sum += secs;
/user/ { if (flavor == "SysV") { next;} } # don't use these times
/sys/ { if (flavor == "SysV") { next;} } # don't use these times
#/^$/ { next }
if (iter > 0) {
# TestName|Sample(seconds)|units|ArithMean|GeoMean|DataPoints
else {
printf("%s| no measured results|\n",Test);
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