# $Id: perlbench,v 1.5 1997/09/10 23:59:56 niemi Exp $
#	perlbench
#	A simplistic, portable Perl benchmark
#	Copyright 1997 David C Niemi <niemi@tux.org>
#	This program is distributed "as-is".
#	The author places no restrictions on the use of this program.

$version = "pre-v1.0-19970910";
$rez = 0.001;
#$duration = 10;
$duration = 2;		## For quick testing only
$count = 50;
$smallarray = 200;
$largearray = 5000;

$_tare = $_num_scores = 0;
$_score_l = $_lps_l = $_baseline_l = 0;

## Wait until the top of the next second
sub synctime {
	return if (! $rez);

	$_start = time;
	$_count = 0;
	while (time == $_start) {
		select(undef, undef, undef, $rez);
		++ $_count;
	$_end = time;

sub pretime {
	$_count = $j = 0;
	$_targtime = time + $duration;

sub posttime {
	if (time > $_targtime) {
		print STDERR "WARNING: System too busy, dubious results.\n";
	$_lps = $_count/$duration;
	if ($_lps == 0) {
		$_tunits = "NaN";
		$_ttime = 0;
	} elsif ($_lps >= 1000000) {
		$_tunits = "nsec";
		$_ttime = 1000000000/$_lps - 1000000000*$_tare*$_loops/$_count;
	} elsif ($_lps >= 1000) {
		$_tunits = "usec";
		$_ttime = 1000000/$_lps - 1000000*$_tare*$_loops/$_count;
	} else {
		$_tunits = "msec";
		$_ttime = 1000/$_lps - 1000*$_tare*$_loops/$_count;
	$_score = $_lps / $_baseline;
	$_lps_l += log($_lps);
	$_baseline_l += log($_baseline);
	$_score_l += log($_score);
	++ $_num_tests;

format STDOUT_TOP =

Test Name     Count   Secs    Latency         Rate     Baseline       Score
---------   --------- ----  ------------   ---------   --------    --------

format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<<<< @#######.# @### @####.## @<<<< @#######.#  @######.#    @####.##
$_name, $_count, $duration, $_ttime, $_tunits, $_lps,  $_baseline*10, $_score

## 64 legal characters
@chars = ('A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', '0' .. '9', ' ', '-');

sub bynumber { $a <=> $b; }

sub testempty {
	$_name = "EmptyLoop";
	$_baseline = 7850;
	while (time  < $_targtime) {
		++ $j;
	$_loops = $_count = $j;
	$_tare = $duration/$_count;

sub testassign {
	$_name = "VarAssign";
	$_baseline = 5980;
	while (time  < $_targtime) {
		$junk = 10;
		++ $j;
	$_loops = $_count = $j;
	$_tare = $duration/$_count;

sub testrandom {
	$_name = "Random";
	$_baseline = 280;
	while (time  < $_targtime) {
		for ($i=0; $i < $smallarray; ++$i) {
			$length = int(5 + rand(15));
			$ssn = int(rand(999999999));

			$name = "";
			for ($c = 0; $c < $length; ++$c) {
				$name .= $chars[rand(64)];
			$ssn{$name} = $ssn;
			$name{$ssn} = $name;
		++ $j;
	$_loops = $j;
	$_count = $j * $smallarray;

sub testnumsort {
	$_name = NumSort;
	$_baseline = 850;
	$k = 0;
	while (time < $_targtime) {
		for $i (sort bynumber keys %name) {
			if ($name{$i} =~ /^[AEIOU][bcdfg]/) {
				++ $k;
#				print "$i\t$name{$i}\n";
		++ $j;
	$_loops = $j;
	$_count = $j * $smallarray;

sub testcharsort {
	$_name = "CharSort";
	$_baseline = 2000;
	while (time < $_targtime) {
		for $i (sort keys %ssn) {
			if ($ssn{$i} > 950000000) {
#				print "$i\t$ssn{$i}\n";
				++ $k;
		++ $j;
	$_loops = $j;
	$_count = $j * $largearray;

sub testregexp {
	$_name = "RegExp";
	$_baseline = 1000;
	$k = 0;
	%save = %name;
	while (time < $_targtime) {
		for $ssn (keys %name) {
			if ($name{$ssn} =~ /^([AEIOU][bdcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])(..)/) {
				($initial, $next) = ($1, $2);
				$name{$ssn} =~ s/^....//;
				$name{$ssn} .= ($next, $initial);
				++ $k;
			if ($name{$ssn} =~ /^([aeiou][BDCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ])(..)/) {
				($initial, $next) = ($1, $2);
				$name{$ssn} =~ s/....$//;
				$name{$ssn} .= ($initial, $next);
				-- $k;
			if ($name{$ssn} =~ /^([AaBb]*[DdEe]*[^ ]) (.*)/) {
				($initial, $next) = ($1, $2);
				$name{$ssn} =~ $2 . ' ' . $1;
				++ $k;
			if ($name{$ssn} =~ /^([DdEe]*[AaBb]*[^ ]) (.*)/) {
				($initial, $next) = ($1, $2);
				$name{$ssn} =~ $2 . ' ' . $1;
				-- $k;
		++ $j;
		%name = %save;
	$_loops = $j;
	$_count = $j * $largearray;

## Memory Write
sub testmemwrite {
	$_name = "MemWrite";
	$_baseline = 2080;
        while (time  < $_targtime) {
		for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++ $i) {
			$z{$i}= $i;
		++ $j;

	$_loops = $j;
	$_count = $j * $count;

## time()
sub testtime {
	$_name = "time()";
	$_baseline = 7750;
	while (time < $_targtime) {
		$junk = time();
		$junk = time();
		$junk = time();
		$junk = time();
		$junk = time();
		++ $j;

	$_loops = $j;
	$_count = $j * 5;

sub testint {
	$_name = "Int";
	$_baseline = 1800;
	$j = $sum = 0;
	while (time < $_targtime) {
		for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++ $i) {
			## Make sure we don't penalize high scorers with huge
			## values as the number of iterations soars
			$k = ($j % 256);
			$sum += $i*$i*$i - 3*$i*$i*$k + 3*$i*$k*$k - $k*$k*$k;
		++ $j;
	$_loops = $j;
	$_count = $j * $i;

sub testfloat {
	$_name = "Float";
	$_baseline = 2200;
	$sum = 0;
	while (time < $_targtime) {
		for ($i = 0; $i < ($count / 10); $i += 0.1) {
  			$sum += log($i+1) * sin($i) + ($i ** 2.5);
		++ $j;
	$_loops = $j;
	$_count = $j * $i * 10;

## Figure out how often it is worth checking the time
print "\nStarting PerlBench $version\n\n";
system('uname -a');

print "\nCalibrating timer resolution: ";

if (($_end != $_start + 1) || ($_count < 2)) {
	print "worse than 500 msec!\n";
	$rez = 0;
} else {
	printf "approximately %.1f msec\n",
		1000/$_count + .0005;
	$rez = 2/$_count;
print "\n";


#print "Populating large array...\n";
## Populate large array (don't time it, just get it done...
for ($i=0; $i < $largearray; ++$i) {
	$length = int(5 + rand(15));
	$ssn = int(rand(999999999));

	$name = "";
	for ($c = 0; $c < $length; ++$c) {
		$name .= $chars[rand(64)];
	$ssn{$name} = $ssn;
	$name{$ssn} = $name;
#print "... done.\n";


"---------                                  ---------   --------    --------\n";

"Total                                        %6.1f    %6.1f      %6.2f\n",

printf STDERR "lps\t%.2f\t%.1f\n",

## END ##

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