Section 6: Built-In Functions  This section will be a treasure trove for many script writers. Every single built-in function is described here; every helpfile shows exactly what each function takes in and what they spit out. Client State Information: cexist chanwin curpos currchans epic fnexist geom getsets igmask igtype info irclib isconnected iscurchan lastserver mychannels myservers pid ppid querywin rigmask rigtype servername servernick servernum servports status userhost winbound winchan winlevel winnam winnicklist winnum winrefs winserv winsize winvisible Server State Information: chanmode channel chanusers chops ischannel ischanop ischanvoice key nochops notify numonchannel onchannel usermode version System Information: getenv getgid getlogin getpgrp getuid uname Time Functions: stime strftime tdiff tdiff2 time utime Pattern Matching: common copattern deuhc diff filter mask match pattern regcomp regerror regex regexec regfree rfilter rmatch rpattern uhc Character Operations: ascii chr isalpha isdigit isnumber jot nohighlight pass printlen split strip stripansi stripansicodes stripc tolower toupper String Operations: after before center chop count cparse decode encode index left leftpc mid msar pad repeat rest reverse right rindex sar strlen substr tr Word Operations: afterw beforew chngw findw fromw insertw leftw midw notw numwords remw remws restw revw rightw tow uniq word Variable Operations: pop push shift splice unshift Array Operations: delarray delitem finditem getarrays getitem getmatches getrmatches gettmatch ifindfirst ifinditem igetitem igetmatches igetrmatches indextoitem itemtoindex matchitem numarrays numitems rmatchitem setitem File Operations: chmod close eof fexist fsize ftime glob mkdir open randread read renme rmdir twiddle umask unlink which write writeb Network Operations: connect convert iptoname listen nametoip Miscellaneous: aliasctl crypt pipe rand srand trunc