/************ * cdns.c * ************ * * A threaded DNS lookup implementation. * * This was written exclusively to get around the fact that * gethostbyaddr()/gethostbyname() will BLOCK until the resolver either * gets an answer, or times out. So we create a thread, and allow * the calls to block as long as they want, as the main app's thread * will keep on chugging along regardless. * * BTW, even tho the file is .cc, it really is only C code, I just like * C++'s strict type checking. * * Written by Scott H Kilau * * Copyright(c) 1999 * * See the COPYRIGHT file, or do a HELP IRCII COPYRIGHT * $Id: cdns.c,v 2003/04/11 01:09:07 dan Exp $ */ #include #include #include "cdns.h" #include "irc.h" /* To pick up our next #define checks */ static char cvsrevision[] = "$Id: cdns.c,v 2003/04/11 01:09:07 dan Exp $"; CVS_REVISION(cdns_c) #include "commands.h" #include "struct.h" #include "newio.h" #define MAIN_SOURCE #include "modval.h" #if defined(THREAD) && defined(WANT_NSLOOKUP) /* Our static functions */ static void init_dns_mutexes(void); static void *start_dns_thread(void *); static void do_dns_lookup(DNS_QUEUE *); static void cleanup_dns(void); static void destroy_dns_queue(DNS_QUEUE **, DNS_QUEUE **); static void free_dns_entry(DNS_QUEUE *); static void kill_dns_thread(int); static DNS_QUEUE *build_dns_entry(char *, void (*)(DNS_QUEUE *), char *, void *); static DNS_QUEUE *dns_dequeue(DNS_QUEUE **, DNS_QUEUE **); static DNS_QUEUE *dns_enqueue(DNS_QUEUE **, DNS_QUEUE **, DNS_QUEUE *); static DNS_QUEUE *dns_enqueue_urgent(DNS_QUEUE **, DNS_QUEUE **, DNS_QUEUE *); /* Our static globals */ static pthread_t dns_thread = {0}; static pthread_mutex_t pending_queue_mutex = {0}; static pthread_mutex_t finished_queue_mutex = {0}; static pthread_mutex_t quit_mutex = {0}; static pthread_cond_t pending_queue_cond; static DNS_QUEUE *PendingQueueHead = NULL, *PendingQueueTail = NULL; static DNS_QUEUE *FinishedQueueHead = NULL, *FinishedQueueTail = NULL; static int cdns_write = -1; static int cdns_read = -1; /* * start_dns : This should be called by the main app thread, * whenever it wants to start up the dns stuff */ void start_dns(void) { int fd_array[2]; /* Init our queues. */ Q_OPEN(&PendingQueueHead, &PendingQueueTail); Q_OPEN(&FinishedQueueHead, &FinishedQueueTail); /* Create our mutexes */ init_dns_mutexes(); /* init our pending queue condition, and set to default attributes (NULL) */ pthread_cond_init(&pending_queue_cond, NULL); /* lock up the quit mutex */ pthread_mutex_lock(&quit_mutex); /* create our pipe [0] = main to read from, [1] = cdns to write to */ pipe(fd_array); cdns_read = fd_array[0]; cdns_write = fd_array[1]; new_open(cdns_read); new_open(cdns_write); /* create our dns thread */ pthread_create(&dns_thread, NULL, start_dns_thread, NULL); } /* * stop_dns : This should be called by the main app thread, * whenever it wants to stop the dns stuff. */ void stop_dns(void) { void *ptr; if (!dns_thread) return; /* Unlock the quit mutex */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&quit_mutex); /* lock up pending queue mutex */ pthread_mutex_lock(&pending_queue_mutex); /* signal thread to wake up */ pthread_cond_signal(&pending_queue_cond); /* Give lock back, so dns thread can react to signal */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&pending_queue_mutex); /* Wait until the thread kills itself. */ pthread_join(dns_thread, &ptr); cleanup_dns(); } /* * kill_dns : This should be called by the main app thread, * when it wants the dns thread to go away forever. This function * kills the thread uncleanly, and probably should only be used * when the main app is about to exit() */ void kill_dns(void) { sigset_t set, oldset; /* Fill set with all known signals */ sigfillset(&set); /* Remove the few signals that POSIX says we should */ sigdelset(&set, SIGFPE); sigdelset(&set, SIGILL); sigdelset(&set, SIGSEGV); /* Tell our thread (main) to block against the above signals */ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oldset); /* lock up pending queue mutex */ pthread_mutex_lock(&pending_queue_mutex); /* signal thread to wake up */ pthread_cond_signal(&pending_queue_cond); /* Kill the dns thread, using the SIGQUIT signal */ pthread_kill(dns_thread, SIGQUIT); /* Put back the previous blocking signals */ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &oldset, &set); /* cleanup anything dealing with the dns stuff */ cleanup_dns(); } /* * add_to_dns_queue : This should be called by the main app thread, * whenever it wants us to resolve something... host <---> ip. */ void add_to_dns_queue(char *userhost, void (*callback)(DNS_QUEUE *), char *cmd, void *data, int urgency) { char *split = (char *) 0; DNS_QUEUE *tmp; if (userhost && *userhost) { /* Look for user@host */ split = index(userhost, '@'); if (split) split++; else split = userhost; if (split && *split) { /* Build dns entry */ tmp = build_dns_entry(split, callback, cmd, data); /* Wait until we can get mutex lock for queue */ pthread_mutex_lock(&pending_queue_mutex); /* Enqueue the entry, checking urgency */ if (urgency == DNS_URGENT) dns_enqueue_urgent(&PendingQueueHead, &PendingQueueTail, tmp); else dns_enqueue(&PendingQueueHead, &PendingQueueTail, tmp); /* signal dns thread, its got work to do */ pthread_cond_signal(&pending_queue_cond); /* Give lock back, so dns thread can react to signal */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&pending_queue_mutex); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d error: No host!", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d error: NULL!", __FILE__, __LINE__); } /* set_dns_output_fd : This makes check_dns_queue much better. * This will add our piped fd into the main's select() loop, so * we will know right away when the output queue has data waiting. */ void set_dns_output_fd(fd_set *rd) { if (cdns_read >= 0) FD_SET(cdns_read, rd); } /* dns_check : See above. */ void dns_check(fd_set *rd) { char blah[2]; if (cdns_read >= 0 && FD_ISSET(cdns_read, rd)) { read(cdns_read, &blah, 1); check_dns_queue(); } } /* * check_dns_queue : This should be called by the main app thread, at * periodic intervals, ie, whenever its convenient. */ void check_dns_queue() { DNS_QUEUE *dns = (DNS_QUEUE *) 0; while (pthread_mutex_trylock(&finished_queue_mutex) == 0) { dns = dns_dequeue(&FinishedQueueHead, &FinishedQueueTail); pthread_mutex_unlock(&finished_queue_mutex); if (dns) { #ifdef MY_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DNS IN: %s: %s <-> %s", dns->in ? dns->in : "", dns->in ? dns->in : "", dns->out ? dns->out : ""); #endif if (dns->alias) { char buffer[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; snprintf(buffer, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s %s ", dns->in ? dns->in : "", dns->out ? dns->out : ""); parse_line("NSLOOKUP", dns->alias, buffer, 0, 0, 1); } else if (dns->callback) dns->callback(dns); else fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d error: No callback!", __FILE__, __LINE__); free_dns_entry(dns); } else return; } } /* Give back memory that we allocated for this entry */ static void free_dns_entry(DNS_QUEUE *tmp) { if (tmp->in) free(tmp->in); if (tmp->out) free(tmp->out); if (tmp->alias) free(tmp->alias); if (tmp->hostentr) freemyhostent(tmp->hostentr); free(tmp); } /* init our dns mutexes */ static void init_dns_mutexes(void) { pthread_mutex_init(&pending_queue_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&finished_queue_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&quit_mutex, NULL); } static void kill_dns_thread(int notused) { /* Empty */ } static void kill_dns_thread2(int notused) { int ecode = 0; pthread_exit(&ecode); } static void dns_thread_signal_setup(void) { sigset_t set; /* Create SIGQUIT signal handler for this thread */ #if 0 signal(SIGQUIT, kill_dns_thread); #endif /* Use ircii's portable implementation of signal() instead */ my_signal(SIGQUIT, (sigfunc *) kill_dns_thread, 0); /* Fill set with every signal */ sigfillset(&set); /* Remove the SIGQUIT signal from the set */ sigdelset(&set, SIGQUIT); /* Apply the mask on this thread */ pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); } /* Our main function of the dns thread */ static void *start_dns_thread(void *args) { DNS_QUEUE *dns = NULL; /* Set up the thread's signal handlers and mask */ dns_thread_signal_setup(); /* loop */ while(1) { /* Try the quit mutex, if we get it, that means * main() wants us to die. */ if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&quit_mutex) == 0) { kill_dns_thread2(0); } /* Lock the queue */ pthread_mutex_lock(&pending_queue_mutex); dns = dns_dequeue(&PendingQueueHead, &PendingQueueTail); if (!dns) { /* * Give back the cpu, and go to sleep until cond gets signalled. * Note: the mutex MUST be locked, before going into the wait! */ pthread_cond_wait(&pending_queue_cond, &pending_queue_mutex); /* We have been woken up. Thus, 2 conditions are present. * 1) We have been signalled that data is waiting. * 2) The mutex is locked. */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&pending_queue_mutex); } else { char c = ' '; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pending_queue_mutex); do_dns_lookup(dns); /* block until we get the lock */ pthread_mutex_lock(&finished_queue_mutex); dns_enqueue(&FinishedQueueHead, &FinishedQueueTail, dns); pthread_mutex_unlock(&finished_queue_mutex); /* Write to our pipe, this will wake up mains select loop */ write(cdns_write, &c, 1); } } } /* Makes a malloced duplicate of the hostent returned. */ my_hostent *duphostent(struct hostent *orig) { my_hostent *tmp = new_malloc(sizeof(my_hostent)); int z; tmp->h_name = m_strdup(orig->h_name); tmp->h_length = orig->h_length; tmp->h_addrtype = orig->h_addrtype; for(z=0;zh_aliases[z];z++) tmp->h_aliases[z] = m_strdup(orig->h_aliases[z]); for(z=0;zh_addr_list[z];z++) memcpy(&tmp->h_addr_list[z], orig->h_addr_list[z], sizeof(*orig->h_addr_list)); return (my_hostent *)tmp; } /* Free's the replica hostent. */ void freemyhostent(my_hostent *freeme) { int z; if(!freeme) return; new_free(&freeme->h_name); for(z=0;zh_aliases[z]) new_free(&freeme->h_aliases[z]); new_free(&freeme); } /* Does the actual DNS lookup.... host <---> ip */ static void do_dns_lookup(DNS_QUEUE *dns) { struct hostent *temp; struct in_addr temp1; int ip = 0; /* If nothing, give back nothing */ if (!dns->in) return; if (isdigit(*(dns->in + strlen(dns->in) - 1))) { ip = 1; temp1.s_addr = inet_addr(dns->in); temp = gethostbyaddr((char*) &temp1, sizeof (struct in_addr), AF_INET); } else { temp = gethostbyname(dns->in); if (temp) #if defined(_Windows) memcpy(&temp1, temp->h_addr, temp->h_length); #else memcpy((caddr_t)&temp1, temp->h_addr, temp->h_length); #endif else return; } if (!temp) return; if (ip) { dns->ip = 1; if (temp->h_name && *temp->h_name) { dns->out = (char *) malloc(strlen(temp->h_name) + 1); strcpy(dns->out, temp->h_name); dns->hostentr = duphostent(temp); } } else { dns->ip = 0; dns->out = (char *) malloc(strlen(inet_ntoa(temp1)) + 1); strcpy(dns->out, inet_ntoa(temp1)); dns->hostentr = duphostent(temp); } } /* dequeue an entry from the passed in queue */ DNS_QUEUE * dns_dequeue(DNS_QUEUE **headp, DNS_QUEUE **tailp) { DNS_QUEUE *tmp = NULL; if (*headp == NULL) return NULL; tmp = *headp; *headp = Q_NEXT(tmp); if (*headp == NULL) *tailp = NULL; Q_NEXT(tmp) = NULL; return tmp; } /* enqueue a request onto the passed in queue */ DNS_QUEUE * dns_enqueue(DNS_QUEUE **headp, DNS_QUEUE **tailp, DNS_QUEUE *tmp) { Q_NEXT(tmp) = NULL; if (*headp == NULL) *headp = *tailp = tmp; else { Q_NEXT(*tailp) = tmp; *tailp = tmp; } return NULL; } /* enqueue a request onto the passed in queue, putting it at the front * of the queue. This means it will be the next requested dequeue. */ DNS_QUEUE * dns_enqueue_urgent(DNS_QUEUE **headp, DNS_QUEUE **tailp, DNS_QUEUE *tmp) { Q_NEXT(tmp) = *headp; *headp = tmp; if (*tailp == NULL) *tailp = tmp; return NULL; } /* build a dns entry struct */ static DNS_QUEUE * build_dns_entry(char *text, void (*callback) (DNS_QUEUE *), char *cmd, void *data) { DNS_QUEUE *tmp = (DNS_QUEUE *) malloc(sizeof(DNS_QUEUE)); bzero(tmp, sizeof(DNS_QUEUE)); tmp->in = (char *) malloc(strlen(text) + 1); strcpy(tmp->in, text); tmp->callback = callback; tmp->callinfo = data; if (cmd) tmp->alias = strdup(cmd); return tmp; } /* cleanup_dns : cleanup anything regarding the dns thread */ static void cleanup_dns(void) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&pending_queue_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&finished_queue_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&quit_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&pending_queue_cond); destroy_dns_queue(&PendingQueueHead, &PendingQueueTail); destroy_dns_queue(&FinishedQueueHead, &FinishedQueueTail); close(cdns_read); close(cdns_write); cdns_read = cdns_write = -1; } /* destroy_dns_queue : Walks the queue, blowing away each node */ static void destroy_dns_queue(DNS_QUEUE **QueueHead, DNS_QUEUE **QueueTail) { DNS_QUEUE *dns; while((dns = dns_dequeue(QueueHead, QueueTail)) != NULL) free_dns_entry(dns); } #endif /* THREAD && NSLOOKUP */