/* * ctcp.c:handles the client-to-client protocol(ctcp). * * Written By Michael Sandrof * Copyright(c) 1990, 1995 Michael Sandroff and others * See the COPYRIGHT file, or do a HELP IRCII COPYRIGHT * * Serious cleanup by jfn (August 1996) */ #include "irc.h" static char cvsrevision[] = "$Id: ctcp.c,v 2003/05/27 07:00:22 root Exp $"; CVS_REVISION(ctcp_c) #include "struct.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_UNAME # include #endif #include #include "encrypt.h" #include "ctcp.h" #include "dcc.h" #include "commands.h" #include "flood.h" #include "hook.h" #include "if.h" #include "ignore.h" #include "ircaux.h" #include "lastlog.h" #include "list.h" #include "names.h" #include "output.h" #include "parse.h" #include "server.h" #include "status.h" #include "vars.h" #include "window.h" #include "cdcc.h" #include "misc.h" #include "userlist.h" #include "hash2.h" #ifdef WANT_TCL #include "tcl_bx.h" #endif #define MAIN_SOURCE #include "modval.h" /* * ctcp_entry: the format for each ctcp function. note that the function * described takes 4 parameters, a pointer to the ctcp entry, who the message * was from, who the message was to (nickname, channel, etc), and the rest of * the ctcp message. it can return null, or it can return a malloced string * that will be inserted into the oringal message at the point of the ctcp. * if null is returned, nothing is added to the original message */ /* forward declarations for the built in CTCP functions */ static char *do_sed (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_version (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_clientinfo (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_ping (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_echo (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_userinfo (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_finger (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_time (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_atmosphere (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_dcc (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_utc (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_dcc_reply (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_ping_reply (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_bdcc (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_cinvite (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_whoami (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_ctcpops (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_ctcpunban (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_botlink (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_botlink_rep (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_ctcp_uptime (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static char *do_ctcpident (CtcpEntry *, char *, char *, char *); static CtcpEntry ctcp_cmd[] = { { "SED", CTCP_SED, CTCP_INLINE | CTCP_NOLIMIT, "contains simple_encrypted_data", do_sed, do_sed }, { "UTC", CTCP_UTC, CTCP_INLINE | CTCP_NOLIMIT, "substitutes the local timezone", do_utc, do_utc }, { "ACTION", CTCP_ACTION, CTCP_SPECIAL | CTCP_NOLIMIT, "contains action descriptions for atmosphere", do_atmosphere, do_atmosphere }, { "DCC", CTCP_DCC, CTCP_SPECIAL, "requests a direct_client_connection", do_dcc, do_dcc_reply }, { "CDCC", CTCP_CDCC, CTCP_SPECIAL | CTCP_TELLUSER, "checks cdcc info for you", do_bdcc, NULL }, { "BDCC", CTCP_CDCC1, CTCP_SPECIAL | CTCP_TELLUSER, "checks cdcc info for you", do_bdcc, NULL }, { "XDCC", CTCP_CDCC2, CTCP_SPECIAL | CTCP_TELLUSER, "checks cdcc info for you", do_bdcc, NULL }, { "VERSION", CTCP_VERSION, CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, "shows client type, version and environment", do_version, NULL }, { "CLIENTINFO", CTCP_CLIENTINFO,CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, "gives information about available CTCP commands", do_clientinfo, NULL }, { "USERINFO", CTCP_USERINFO, CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, "returns user settable information", do_userinfo, NULL }, { "ERRMSG", CTCP_ERRMSG, CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, "returns error messages", do_echo, NULL }, { "FINGER", CTCP_FINGER, CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, "shows real name, login name and idle time of user", do_finger, NULL }, { "TIME", CTCP_TIME, CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, "tells you the time on the user's host", do_time, NULL }, { "PING", CTCP_PING, CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, "returns the arguments it receives", do_ping, do_ping_reply }, { "ECHO", CTCP_ECHO, CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, "returns the arguments it receives", do_echo, NULL }, { "INVITE", CTCP_INVITE, CTCP_SPECIAL, "invite to channel specified", do_cinvite, NULL }, { "WHOAMI", CTCP_WHOAMI, CTCP_SPECIAL, "user list information", do_whoami, NULL }, { "OP", CTCP_OPS, CTCP_SPECIAL, "ops the person if on userlist", do_ctcpops, NULL }, { "OPS", CTCP_OPS, CTCP_SPECIAL, "ops the person if on userlist", do_ctcpops, NULL }, { "UNBAN", CTCP_UNBAN, CTCP_SPECIAL, "unbans the person from channel", do_ctcpunban, NULL }, { "IDENT", CTCP_IDENT, CTCP_SPECIAL, "change userhost of userlist", do_ctcpident, NULL }, { "XLINK", CTCP_BOTLINK, CTCP_SPECIAL, "x-filez rule", do_botlink, do_botlink_rep }, { "UPTIME", CTCP_UPTIME, CTCP_SPECIAL, "my uptime", do_ctcp_uptime, NULL }, { NULL, CTCP_CUSTOM, CTCP_REPLY | CTCP_TELLUSER, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; #ifdef WANT_DLL CtcpEntryDll *dll_ctcp = NULL; #endif /* CDE do ops and unban logging */ static char *ctcp_type[] = { "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE" }; /* This is set to one if we parsed an SED */ int sed = 0; /* * in_ctcp_flag is set to true when IRCII is handling a CTCP request. This * is used by the ctcp() sending function to force NOTICEs to be used in any * CTCP REPLY */ int in_ctcp_flag = 0; #define CTCP_HANDLER(x) \ static char * x (CtcpEntry *ctcp, char *from, char *to, char *cmd) /**************************** CTCP PARSERS ****************************/ /********** INLINE EXPANSION CTCPS ***************/ #ifdef WANT_USERLIST void print_ctcp(char *from, char *uh, char *to, char *str, char *cmd) { put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(is_channel(to)?FORMAT_CTCP_CLOAK_FUNC_FSET:FORMAT_CTCP_CLOAK_FUNC_USER_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s %s",update_clock(GET_TIME), from, uh, to, str, *cmd? cmd : empty_string)); } void log_denied(char *type, char *from, char *uh, char *to, char *cmd) { logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "%s %s %s [%s]", type, "! Access Denied from ", uh, cmd); } #endif CTCP_HANDLER(do_ctcpident) { #if defined(WANT_USERLIST) UserList *ThisNick = NULL; char *nick, *passwd = NULL; char *channel = "*"; int ok = 0; print_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, to, "IDENT ", cmd); if (is_channel(to)) return NULL; nick = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); passwd = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); if (cmd && *cmd) channel = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); ThisNick = lookup_userlevelc(nick, "*", channel, passwd); if (nick && passwd && ThisNick && ThisNick->password) { if (!checkpass(passwd, ThisNick->password)) { char *bang = NULL; char *u, *h; ok = 1; bang = LOCAL_COPY(FromUserHost); u = bang; if ((h = strchr(bang, '@'))) *h++ = 0; if (!h || !*h) return NULL; malloc_sprintf(&ThisNick->host, "*%s@%s", clear_server_flags(u), cluster(h)); } } if (!ok && !get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) log_denied("IDENT", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); else if (ok || (ThisNick && (ThisNick->flags & ADD_CTCP))) { if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) send_to_server("NOTICE %s :UserHost updated to %s", from, FromUserHost); logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "Successful %s from %s!%s", "IDENT", from, FromUserHost); } #endif return NULL; } /* parse a remote ctcp CDCC command */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_bdcc) { #ifdef WANT_CDCC int i; char *secure = NULL; extern pack *offerlist; extern remote_cmd remote[]; char *rest, *arg, *temp = NULL; if ((check_ignore(from, FromUserHost, to, IGNORE_CDCC, NULL) == IGNORED)) return NULL; if (!offerlist || !get_int_var(CDCC_VAR)) return NULL; if ((secure = get_string_var(CDCC_SECURITY_VAR))) { UserList *tmp; char *pass = NULL; /* workaround for var.c which had a int for a var */ if (*secure == '0' && strlen(secure) == 1) goto got_good_pass1; if (cmd && *cmd) pass = strrchr(cmd, ' '); if (pass && *pass) { pass++; if (*pass && !my_stricmp(pass, secure)) { *pass-- = 0; goto got_good_pass1; } } #if defined(WANT_USERLIST) if (!(tmp = lookup_userlevelc("*", FromUserHost, "*", NULL)) || !(tmp->flags & ADD_DCC)) return NULL; #else return NULL; #endif } got_good_pass1: temp = LOCAL_COPY(cmd); arg = next_arg(temp, &temp); if (!arg) return NULL; rest = temp; for (i = 0; *remote[i].name; i++) { if (!my_stricmp(arg, remote[i].name)) { remote[i].function(from, rest); return NULL; } } send_to_server("NOTICE %s :try /ctcp %s cdcc help", from, get_server_nickname(from_server)); #endif return NULL; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_botlink) { #if !defined(BITCHX_LITE) #ifdef WANT_USERLIST char *nick = NULL, *password = NULL, *port = NULL; nick = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); password = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); port = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); print_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, to, "XLINK ", cmd); if (nick && password) { char *t = NULL; UserList *n = NULL; if (get_string_var(BOT_PASSWD_VAR) || (n = lookup_userlevelc(nick, FromUserHost, "*", password))) { char *pass; if (!n) pass = get_string_var(BOT_PASSWD_VAR); else pass = n->password; if (pass && !my_stricmp(pass, password)) { if (port) malloc_sprintf(&t, "%s -p %s -e %s", nick, port, password); else malloc_sprintf(&t, "%s -e %s", nick, password); dcc_chat("BOT", t); new_free(&t); set_int_var(BOT_MODE_VAR, 1); logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "Successful %s from %s!%s to %s [%s]", "XLINK", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd?cmd:empty_string); } else log_denied("XLINK", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } else log_denied("XLINK", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } else { log_denied("XLINK", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); return m_sprintf("Invalid Bot Link request %s %s %s", nick?nick:"null", password?password:"-", port?port:"*"); } #endif #endif return NULL; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_botlink_rep) { #ifndef BITCHX_LITE char *type, *description, *inetaddr, *port, *extra_flags; if (my_stricmp(to, get_server_nickname(from_server))) return NULL; if (!(type = next_arg(cmd, &cmd)) || !(description = next_arg(cmd, &cmd)) || !(inetaddr = next_arg(cmd, &cmd)) || !(port = next_arg(cmd, &cmd))) return NULL; extra_flags = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); set_int_var(BOT_MODE_VAR, 1); register_dcc_type(from, type, description, inetaddr, port, NULL, extra_flags, FromUserHost, NULL); #endif return NULL; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_cinvite) { #ifdef WANT_USERLIST UserList *tmp; char *channel; char *password = NULL; ChannelList *chan; int serv = from_server; print_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, to, "Invite to ", cmd); channel = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); if (cmd && *cmd) password = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); if (is_channel(to) || !channel || (channel && *channel && !is_channel(channel))) return NULL; tmp = lookup_userlevelc("*", FromUserHost, channel, password); chan = prepare_command(&serv, channel, 3); if (chan && tmp && (tmp->flags & ADD_INVITE) && (check_channel_match(tmp->channels, channel))) { if (tmp->password && !password) { log_denied("INVITE", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); return NULL; } if (im_on_channel(channel, from_server) && is_chanop(channel, get_server_nickname(from_server))) { if (chan->key) my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002Ctcp-inviting you to %s. Key is [%s]\002", from, channel, chan->key); else my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002Ctcp-inviting you to %s\002", from, channel); my_send_to_server(serv, "INVITE %s %s", from, channel); logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "Successful INVITE from %s!%s to %s", from, FromUserHost, channel); } else { if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: I'm not on %s, or I'm not opped", from, version, channel); log_denied("INVITE", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } } else if (!get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR) || (tmp && (tmp->flags & ADD_CTCP))) { if (!chan) { if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: I'm not on that channel", from, version); log_denied("INVITE", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } else { if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: Access Denied", from, version); log_denied("INVITE", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } } else log_denied("INVITE", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); #endif return NULL; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_whoami) { #ifdef WANT_USERLIST UserList *Nick = NULL; print_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, to, "WhoAmI", cmd); if (is_channel(to)) return NULL; Nick = lookup_userlevelc("*", FromUserHost, "*", NULL); if (Nick && Nick->flags) { send_to_server("NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: Userlevel - %s ",from, version, convert_flags_to_str(Nick->flags)); send_to_server("NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: Host Mask - %s Channels Allowed - %s %s", from, version, Nick->host, Nick->channels, Nick->password?"Password Required":empty_string); logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "Successful %s from %s!%s to %s", "WHOAMI", from, FromUserHost, to); } else if (!get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR) || (Nick && (Nick->flags & ADD_CTCP))) { send_to_server("NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: Access Denied", from, version); if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) log_denied("WHOAMI", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } else if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) log_denied("WHOAMI", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); #endif return NULL; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_ctcp_uptime) { #ifdef WANT_USERLIST UserList *Nick = NULL; print_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, to, "Uptime", cmd); Nick = lookup_userlevelc("*", FromUserHost, "*", NULL); if (Nick) { send_to_server("NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: Current Uptime is %s", from, version, convert_time(now-start_time)); logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "Successful %s from %s!%s to %s", "UPTIME", from, FromUserHost, to); } else if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) log_denied("UPTIME", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); #endif return NULL; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_ctcpops) { #ifdef WANT_USERLIST UserList *Nick = NULL; char *channel; char *password = NULL; ChannelList *chan; int serv = from_server; print_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, to, "Ops on", cmd); if (is_channel(to)) return NULL; channel = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); if (!channel || !*channel) return NULL; if (cmd && *cmd) password = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); Nick = lookup_userlevelc("*", FromUserHost, channel, password); chan = prepare_command(&serv, channel, 3); if (chan && get_cset_int_var(chan->csets, USERLIST_CSET) && Nick) { if (Nick->flags & ADD_OPS) { if (Nick->password && !password) { log_denied("OPS", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); return NULL; } if (im_on_channel(channel, from_server) && is_chanop(channel, get_server_nickname(from_server))) { my_send_to_server(serv, "MODE %s +o %s", channel, from); logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "Successful %s from %s!%s", "OPS", from, FromUserHost); } else { if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: I'm not on %s, or I'm not opped", from, version, channel); log_denied("OPS", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } } else if (Nick->flags & ADD_VOICE) { if (im_on_channel(channel, from_server) && is_chanop(channel, get_server_nickname(from_server))) { my_send_to_server(serv, "MODE %s +v %s", channel, from); logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "Successful %s from %s!%s", "VOICE", from, FromUserHost); } else { if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: I'm not on %s, or I'm not opped", from, version, channel); log_denied("OPS", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } } else { if ((!get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR) || (Nick && (Nick->flags & ADD_CTCP))) && get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: I'm not on %s, or I'm not opped", from, version, channel?channel:empty_string); log_denied("OPS", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } } else if (!get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR) || (Nick && (Nick->flags & ADD_CTCP))) { if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(serv, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: I'm not on %s, or I'm not opped", from, version, channel?channel:empty_string); log_denied("OPS", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } #endif return NULL; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_ctcpunban) { #ifdef WANT_USERLIST UserList *Nick = NULL; char *channel; char *password = NULL; char ban[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE]; ChannelList *chan; int server; print_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, to, "UnBan on ", cmd); if (is_channel(to)) return NULL; channel = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); if (!channel || !*channel) return NULL; if (cmd && *cmd) password = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); Nick = lookup_userlevelc("*", FromUserHost, channel, password); chan = prepare_command(&server, channel, 3); if (chan && get_cset_int_var(chan->csets, USERLIST_CSET) && Nick && (Nick->flags & ADD_UNBAN)) { BanList *b = NULL; if (Nick->password && !password) { log_denied("UNBAN", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); return NULL; } sprintf(ban, "%s!%s", from, FromUserHost); if (chan && chan->chop) { if ((b = ban_is_on_channel(ban, chan))) { my_send_to_server(server, "MODE %s -b %s", channel, b->ban); logmsg(LOG_CTCP, from, 0, "Successful %s from %s!%s on %s", "UNBAN", from, FromUserHost, channel); } else { if (get_int_var(SEND_CTCP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(server, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: you %s are not banned on %s", from, version, ban, channel); log_denied("OPS", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } } else { my_send_to_server(server, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: I'm not on %s, or I'm not opped", from, version, channel); log_denied("OPS", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } } else if (!get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR) || (Nick && (Nick->flags & ADD_CTCP))) { if (!chan) my_send_to_server(server, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: I'm not on that channel", from, version); else my_send_to_server(server, "NOTICE %s :\002%s\002: Access Denied", from, version); log_denied("OPS", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); } #endif return NULL; } /* * do_sed: Performs the Simple Encrypted Data trasfer for ctcp. Returns in a * malloc string the decryped message (if a key is set for that user) or the * text "[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]" */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_sed) { char *key = NULL, *crypt_who; char *ret = NULL, *ret2 = NULL; if (*from == '=') crypt_who = from; if (my_stricmp(to, get_server_nickname(from_server))) crypt_who = to; else crypt_who = from; if ((key = is_crypted(crypt_who))) ret = decrypt_msg(cmd, key); if (!key || !ret) malloc_strcpy(&ret2, "[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]"); else { /* * There might be a CTCP message in there, * so we see if we can find it. */ ret2 = m_strdup(do_ctcp(from, to, ret)); sed = 1; } new_free(&ret); return ret2; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_utc) { if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) return m_strdup(empty_string); if (!cmd || !*cmd) return m_strdup(empty_string); return m_strdup(my_ctime(my_atol(cmd))); } /* * do_atmosphere: does the CTCP ACTION command --- done by lynX * Changed this to make the default look less offensive to people * who don't like it and added a /on ACTION. This is more in keeping * with the design philosophy behind IRCII */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_atmosphere) { const char *old_message_from; unsigned long old_message_level; int ac_reply; char *ptr1 = cmd; if (!cmd || !*cmd) return NULL; if ((ac_reply = check_auto_reply(cmd))) addtabkey(from,"msg", 1); save_display_target(&old_message_from, &old_message_level); logmsg(LOG_ACTION, from, 0, "%s %s", to, cmd); if (is_channel(to)) { int r = 0; ChannelList *chan = NULL; chan = lookup_channel(to, from_server, CHAN_NOUNLINK); do_logchannel(LOG_CTCP, chan, "%s %s %s %s", from, FromUserHost, to, cmd); #ifdef WANT_USERLIST r = (lookup_userlevelc("*", FromUserHost, to, NULL)) ? 1 : 0; #endif set_display_target(to, LOG_ACTION); if (do_hook(ACTION_LIST, "%s %s %s", from, to, cmd)) { char *s; s = fget_string_var((ac_reply && r)?FORMAT_ACTION_USER_AR_FSET : ac_reply ? FORMAT_ACTION_OTHER_AR_FSET : r ? FORMAT_ACTION_USER_FSET :FORMAT_ACTION_OTHER_FSET); if (is_current_channel(to, from_server, 0)) { s = fget_string_var((r && ac_reply)?FORMAT_ACTION_USER_AR_FSET: (ac_reply) ? FORMAT_ACTION_AR_FSET: r ? FORMAT_ACTION_USER_FSET : FORMAT_ACTION_CHANNEL_FSET); put_it("%s", convert_output_format(s, "%s %s %s %s %s",update_clock(GET_TIME), from, FromUserHost, to, ptr1)); } else put_it("%s", convert_output_format(s, "%s %s %s %s %s", update_clock(GET_TIME), from, FromUserHost, to, ptr1)); } } else { set_display_target(from, LOG_ACTION); if (do_hook(ACTION_LIST, "%s %s %s", from, to, cmd)) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(ac_reply?FORMAT_ACTION_AR_FSET:FORMAT_ACTION_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s", update_clock(GET_TIME), from, FromUserHost, to, ptr1)); } restore_display_target(old_message_from, old_message_level); return NULL; } /* * do_dcc: Records data on an incoming DCC offer. Makes sure it's a * user->user CTCP, as channel DCCs don't make any sense whatsoever */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_dcc) { char *type; char *description = NULL; char *inetaddr = NULL; char *port = NULL; char *size = NULL; char *extra_flags = NULL; if (my_stricmp(to, get_server_nickname(from_server))) return NULL; if (!(type = next_arg(cmd, &cmd))) return NULL; #if 1 if (!(description = new_next_arg(cmd, &cmd)) || !*description) return NULL; if (!(inetaddr = next_arg(cmd, &cmd)) || !(port = next_arg(cmd, &cmd))) return NULL; size = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); extra_flags = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); #else size = last_arg(&cmd); port = last_arg(&cmd); inetaddr = last_arg(&cmd); if (!size || !port || !inetaddr || !description) return NULL; #endif register_dcc_type(from, type, description, inetaddr, port, size, extra_flags, FromUserHost, NULL); return NULL; } /*************** REPLY-GENERATING CTCPS *****************/ /* * do_clientinfo: performs the CLIENTINFO CTCP. If cmd is empty, returns the * list of all CTCPs currently recognized by IRCII. If an arg is supplied, * it returns specific information on that CTCP. If a matching CTCP is not * found, an ERRMSG ctcp is returned */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_clientinfo) { int i; #ifdef WANT_DLL CtcpEntryDll *dll = NULL; #endif if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) return NULL; if (cmd && *cmd) { #ifdef WANT_DLL for (dll = dll_ctcp; dll; dll = dll->next) { if (!my_stricmp(cmd, dll->name)) { send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_CLIENTINFO, "%s %s", dll->name, dll->desc?dll->desc:"none"); return NULL; } } #endif for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS; i++) { if (!my_stricmp(cmd, ctcp_cmd[i].name)) { send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_CLIENTINFO, "%s %s", ctcp_cmd[i].name, ctcp_cmd[i].desc); return NULL; } } send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_ERRMSG, "%s: %s is not a valid function", ctcp_cmd[CTCP_CLIENTINFO].name, cmd); } else { char buffer[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; *buffer = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS; i++) { strmcat(buffer, ctcp_cmd[i].name, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); strmcat(buffer, space, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); } #ifdef WANT_DLL for (dll = dll_ctcp; dll; dll = dll->next) { strmcat(buffer, dll->name, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); strmcat(buffer, space, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); } #endif send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_CLIENTINFO, "%s :Use CLIENTINFO to get more specific information", buffer); } return NULL; } /* do_version: does the CTCP VERSION command */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_version) { char *tmp; char *version_reply = NULL; extern char tcl_versionstr[]; /* * The old way seemed lame to me... let's show system name and * release information as well. This will surely help out * experts/gurus answer newbie questions. -- Jake [WinterHawk] Khuon * * For the paranoid, UNAME_HACK hides the gory details of your OS. */ #if defined(HAVE_UNAME) && !defined(UNAME_HACK) struct utsname un; char *the_unix, *the_version; if (get_int_var(AUTOKICK_ON_VERSION_VAR)) { char *channel = get_current_channel_by_refnum(0); if (channel) { ChannelList *chan; if ((chan = lookup_channel(channel, from_server, CHAN_NOUNLINK))) { NickList *nick; if ((nick = find_nicklist_in_channellist(from, chan, 0)) && !isme(from)) send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s", channel, from, "/VER is lame"); } } return NULL; } if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) return NULL; if (uname(&un) < 0) { the_version = empty_string; the_unix = "unknown"; } else { the_version = un.release; the_unix = un.sysname; } malloc_strcpy(&version_reply, stripansicodes(convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_VERSION_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s", irc_version, internal_version, the_unix, the_version, tcl_versionstr))); send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_VERSION, "%s :%s", version_reply, #else if (get_int_var(AUTOKICK_ON_VERSION_VAR)) { char *channel = get_current_channel_by_refnum(0); if (channel) { ChannelList *chan; if ((chan = lookup_channel(channel, from_server, CHAN_NOUNLINK))) { NickList *nick; if ((nick = find_nicklist_in_channellist(from, chan, 0))) send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s", channel, from, "/VER is lame"); } } return NULL; } if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) return NULL; malloc_strcpy(&version_reply, stripansicodes(convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_VERSION_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s", irc_version, internal_version, "*IX", "ÿ", tcl_versionstr))); send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_VERSION, "%s :%s", version_reply, #endif (tmp = get_string_var(CLIENTINFO_VAR)) ? tmp : IRCII_COMMENT); new_free(&version_reply); return NULL; } /* do_time: does the CTCP TIME command --- done by Veggen */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_time) { if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) return NULL; send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_TIME, "%s", my_ctime(now)); return NULL; } /* do_userinfo: does the CTCP USERINFO command */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_userinfo) { if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) return NULL; send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_USERINFO, "%s", get_string_var(USERINFO_VAR)); return NULL; } /* * do_echo: does the CTCP ERRMSG and CTCP ECHO commands. Does * not send an error for ERRMSG and if the CTCP was sent to a channel. */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_echo) { if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) return NULL; if (!is_channel(to)) { if (strlen(cmd) > 60) { yell("WARNING ctcp echo request longer than 60 chars. truncating"); cmd[60] = 0; } send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, ctcp->id, "%s", cmd); } return NULL; } CTCP_HANDLER(do_ping) { if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR) == 2) return NULL; send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_PING, "%s", cmd ? cmd : empty_string); return NULL; } /* * Does the CTCP FINGER reply */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_finger) { struct passwd *pwd; time_t diff; char *tmp; char *ctcpuser, *ctcpfinger; const char *my_host; if (get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)) return NULL; if ((my_host = get_server_userhost(from_server)) && strchr(my_host, '@')) my_host = strchr(my_host, '@') + 1; else my_host = hostname; diff = now - idle_time; if (!(pwd = getpwuid(getuid()))) return NULL; #ifndef GECOS_DELIMITER #define GECOS_DELIMITER ',' #endif if ((tmp = strchr(pwd->pw_gecos, GECOS_DELIMITER)) != NULL) *tmp = '\0'; /* * Three optionsn for handling CTCP replies * + Fascist Bastard Way -- normal, non-hackable fashion * + Winterhawk way (default) -- allows hacking through IRCUSER and * IRCFINGER environment variables * + hop way -- returns a blank always */ /* * It would be pretty pointless to allow for customisable * usernames if they can track via IRCNAME from the * /etc/passwd file... We therefore need to either disable * CTCP_FINGER or also make it customisable. Let's do the * latter because it invokes less suspicion in the long run * -- Jake [WinterHawk] Khuon */ if ((ctcpuser = getenv("IRCUSER"))) strmcpy(pwd->pw_name, ctcpuser, NAME_LEN); if ((ctcpfinger = getenv("IRCFINGER"))) strmcpy(pwd->pw_gecos, ctcpfinger, NAME_LEN); send_ctcp(CTCP_NOTICE, from, CTCP_FINGER, "%s (%s@%s) Idle %ld second%s", pwd->pw_gecos, pwd->pw_name, my_host, diff, plural(diff)); return NULL; } /* * If we recieve a CTCP DCC REJECT in a notice, then we want to remove * the offending DCC request */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_dcc_reply) { char *subcmd = NULL; char *type = NULL; if (is_channel(to)) return NULL; if (cmd && *cmd) subcmd = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); if (cmd && *cmd) type = next_arg(cmd, &cmd); if (subcmd && type && cmd && !strcmp(subcmd, "REJECT")) dcc_reject (from, type, cmd); return NULL; } /* * Handles CTCP PING replies. */ CTCP_HANDLER(do_ping_reply) { char *sec, *usec = NULL; struct timeval t; time_t tsec = 0, tusec = 0, orig; if (!cmd || !*cmd) return NULL; /* This is a fake -- cant happen. */ orig = my_atol(cmd); get_time(&t); if (orig < start_time || orig > t.tv_sec) return NULL; /* We've already checked 'cmd' here, so its safe. */ sec = cmd; tsec = t.tv_sec - my_atol(sec); if ((usec = strchr(sec, ' '))) { *usec++ = 0; tusec = t.tv_usec - my_atol(usec); } /* * 'cmd', a variable passed in from do_notice_ctcp() * points to a buffer which is MUCH larger than the * string 'cmd' points at. So this is safe, even * if it looks "unsafe". */ sprintf(cmd, "%5.3f seconds", (float)(tsec + (tusec / 1000000.0))); return NULL; } /************************************************************************/ /* * do_ctcp: a re-entrant form of a CTCP parser. The old one was lame, * so i took a hatchet to it so it didnt suck. */ extern char *do_ctcp (char *from, char *to, char *str) { int flag; char local_ctcp_buffer [BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1], the_ctcp [IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1], last [IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; char *ctcp_command, *ctcp_argument; int i; char *ptr = NULL; int allow_ctcp_reply = 1; #ifdef WANT_DLL CtcpEntryDll *dll = NULL; #endif int delim_char = charcount(str, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); if (delim_char < 2) return str; /* No CTCPs. */ if (delim_char > 8) allow_ctcp_reply = 0; /* Historical limit of 4 CTCPs */ flag = check_ignore(from, FromUserHost, to, IGNORE_CTCPS, NULL); in_ctcp_flag++; strmcpy(local_ctcp_buffer, str, IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE-2); for (;;strmcat(local_ctcp_buffer, last, IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE-2)) { split_CTCP(local_ctcp_buffer, the_ctcp, last); if (!*the_ctcp) break; /* all done! */ /* * Apply some integrety rules: * -- If we've already replied to a CTCP, ignore it. * -- If user is ignoring sender, ignore it. * -- If we're being flooded, ignore it. * -- If CTCP was a global msg, ignore it. */ /* * Yes, this intentionally ignores "unlimited" CTCPs like * UTC and SED. Ultimately, we have to make sure that * CTCP expansions dont overrun any buffers that might * contain this string down the road. So by allowing up to * 4 CTCPs, we know we cant overflow -- but if we have more * than 40, it might overflow, and its probably a spam, so * no need to shed tears over ignoring them. Also makes * the sanity checking much simpler. */ if (!allow_ctcp_reply) continue; /* * Check to see if the user is ignoring person. */ if (flag == IGNORED) { allow_ctcp_reply = 0; continue; } ctcp_command = the_ctcp; ctcp_argument = strchr(the_ctcp, ' '); if (ctcp_argument) *ctcp_argument++ = 0; else ctcp_argument = empty_string; /* Set up the window level/logging */ if (im_on_channel(to, from_server)) set_display_target(to, LOG_CTCP); else set_display_target(from, LOG_CTCP); /* Global messages -- just drop the CTCP */ if (*to == '$' || (*to == '#' && !lookup_channel(to, from_server, 0))) { allow_ctcp_reply = 0; continue; } #ifdef WANT_DLL /* Find the correct CTCP and run it. */ for (dll = dll_ctcp; dll; dll = dll->next) if (!strcmp(dll->name, ctcp_command)) break; #endif for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS; i++) if (!strcmp(ctcp_command, ctcp_cmd[i].name)) break; /* Set up the window level/logging */ if (im_on_channel(to, from_server)) set_display_target(to, LOG_CTCP); else set_display_target(NULL, LOG_CTCP); #ifdef WANT_DLL if (!dll && ctcp_cmd[i].id == CTCP_ACTION) check_flooding(from, CTCP_ACTION_FLOOD, ctcp_argument, is_channel(to)?to:NULL); else if (!dll && ctcp_cmd[i].id == CTCP_DCC) check_flooding(from, CTCP_FLOOD, ctcp_argument, is_channel(to)?to:NULL); #else if (ctcp_cmd[i].id == CTCP_ACTION) check_flooding(from, CTCP_ACTION_FLOOD, ctcp_argument, is_channel(to)?to:NULL); else if (ctcp_cmd[i].id == CTCP_DCC) check_flooding(from, CTCP_FLOOD, ctcp_argument, is_channel(to)?to:NULL); #endif else { check_flooding(from, CTCP_FLOOD, ctcp_argument, is_channel(to)?to:NULL); if (get_int_var(NO_CTCP_FLOOD_VAR) && (now - get_server_last_ctcp_time(from_server) < get_int_var(CTCP_DELAY_VAR))) { if (get_int_var(FLOOD_WARNING_VAR)) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_FLOOD_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s", update_clock(GET_TIME),ctcp_command,from, FromUserHost, to)); set_server_last_ctcp_time(from_server, time(NULL)); allow_ctcp_reply = 0; continue; } } /* Did the CTCP search work? */ #ifdef WANT_DLL if (i == NUMBER_OF_CTCPS && !dll) #else if (i == NUMBER_OF_CTCPS) #endif { /* * Offer it to the user. * Maybe they know what to do with it. */ #ifdef WANT_TCL if (check_tcl_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument)) continue; #endif if (do_hook(CTCP_LIST, "%s %s %s %s", from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument)) { if (allow_ctcp_reply && get_int_var(CTCP_VERBOSE_VAR)) { #ifdef WANT_USERLIST if (lookup_userlevelc("*", FromUserHost, "*", NULL)) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)? FORMAT_CTCP_CLOAK_UNKNOWN_USER_FSET:FORMAT_CTCP_UNKNOWN_USER_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s %s",update_clock(GET_TIME), from, FromUserHost, to, ctcp_command, *ctcp_argument? ctcp_argument : empty_string)); else #endif put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)? FORMAT_CTCP_CLOAK_UNKNOWN_FSET:FORMAT_CTCP_UNKNOWN_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s %s",update_clock(GET_TIME), from, FromUserHost, to, ctcp_command, *ctcp_argument? ctcp_argument : empty_string)); } } allow_ctcp_reply = 0; continue; } #ifdef WANT_TCL check_tcl_ctcp(from, FromUserHost, from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument); #endif #ifdef WANT_DLL if (dll) ptr = (dll->func) (dll, from, to, ctcp_argument); else #endif ptr = ctcp_cmd[i].func(ctcp_cmd + i, from, to, ctcp_argument); #ifdef WANT_DLL if (!(ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_NOLIMIT) || (dll && !(dll->flag & CTCP_NOLIMIT))) #else if (!(ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_NOLIMIT)) #endif { set_server_last_ctcp_time(from_server, time(NULL)); allow_ctcp_reply = 0; } /* * We've only gotten to this point if its a valid CTCP * query and we decided to parse it. */ /* If its an inline CTCP paste it back in */ #ifdef WANT_DLL if ((ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_INLINE) || (dll && (dll->flag & CTCP_INLINE))) strmcat(local_ctcp_buffer, ptr, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); #else if ((ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_INLINE)) strmcat(local_ctcp_buffer, ptr, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); #endif /* If its interesting, tell the user. */ #ifdef WANT_DLL if ((ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_TELLUSER) || (dll && (dll->flag & CTCP_TELLUSER))) #else if ((ctcp_cmd[i].flag & CTCP_TELLUSER)) #endif { if (do_hook(CTCP_LIST, "%s %s %s %s", from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument)) { if (get_int_var(CTCP_VERBOSE_VAR)) #ifdef WANT_USERLIST put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var((!lookup_userlevelc("*",FromUserHost, "*", NULL))? get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)?FORMAT_CTCP_CLOAK_FSET:FORMAT_CTCP_FSET:get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)?FORMAT_CTCP_CLOAK_USER_FSET:FORMAT_CTCP_USER_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s %s", update_clock(GET_TIME), from, FromUserHost, to, ctcp_command, *ctcp_argument? ctcp_argument : empty_string)); #else put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var((get_int_var(CLOAK_VAR)?FORMAT_CTCP_CLOAK_FSET:FORMAT_CTCP_FSET)), "%s %s %s %s %s %s", update_clock(GET_TIME), from, FromUserHost, to, ctcp_command, *ctcp_argument? ctcp_argument : empty_string)); #endif } } new_free(&ptr); } /* Reset the window level/logging */ reset_display_target(); in_ctcp_flag--; if (*local_ctcp_buffer) return strcpy(str, local_ctcp_buffer); else return empty_string; } /* * do_notice_ctcp: a re-entrant form of a CTCP reply parser. */ extern char *do_notice_ctcp (char *from, char *to, char *str) { int flag; char local_ctcp_buffer [BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1], the_ctcp [IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1], last [IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; char *ctcp_command, *ctcp_argument; int i; char *ptr; char *tbuf = NULL; int allow_ctcp_reply = 1; #ifdef WANT_DLL CtcpEntryDll *dll = NULL; #endif int delim_char = charcount(str, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); if (delim_char < 2) return str; /* No CTCPs. */ if (delim_char > 8) allow_ctcp_reply = 0; /* Ignore all the CTCPs. */ flag = check_ignore(from, FromUserHost, to, IGNORE_CTCPS, NULL); if (!in_ctcp_flag) in_ctcp_flag = -1; tbuf = stripansi(str); strmcpy(local_ctcp_buffer, tbuf, IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE-2); new_free(&tbuf); for (;;strmcat(local_ctcp_buffer, last, IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE-2)) { split_CTCP(local_ctcp_buffer, the_ctcp, last); if (!*the_ctcp) break; /* all done! */ if (!allow_ctcp_reply) continue; if (flag == IGNORED) { allow_ctcp_reply = 0; continue; } /* Global messages -- just drop the CTCP */ if (*to == '$' || (*to == '#' && !lookup_channel(to, from_server, 0))) { allow_ctcp_reply = 0; continue; } ctcp_command = the_ctcp; ctcp_argument = strchr(the_ctcp, ' '); if (ctcp_argument) *ctcp_argument++ = 0; else ctcp_argument = empty_string; #ifdef WANT_DLL /* Find the correct CTCP and run it. */ for (dll = dll_ctcp; dll; dll = dll->next) if (!strcmp(dll->name, ctcp_command)) break; #endif /* Find the correct CTCP and run it. */ for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS; i++) if (!strcmp(ctcp_command, ctcp_cmd[i].name)) break; /* * If we've already parsed one, and there is a limit * on this CTCP, then just punt it. */ #ifdef WANT_DLL if (i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS && !dll && ctcp_cmd[i].repl) #else if (i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS && ctcp_cmd[i].repl) #endif { if ((ptr = ctcp_cmd[i].repl(ctcp_cmd + i, from, to, ctcp_argument))) { strmcat(local_ctcp_buffer, ptr, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); new_free(&ptr); continue; } } #ifdef WANT_DLL if (dll && dll->repl) { if ((ptr = dll->repl(dll, from, to, ctcp_argument))) { strmcat(local_ctcp_buffer, ptr, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); new_free(&ptr); continue; } } #endif #ifdef WANT_TCL check_tcl_ctcr(from, FromUserHost, from, to, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument?ctcp_argument:empty_string); #endif /* Set up the window level/logging */ set_display_target(from, LOG_CTCP); /* Toss it at the user. */ if (do_hook(CTCP_REPLY_LIST, "%s %s %s", from, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument)) { put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_CTCP_REPLY_FSET),"%s %s %s %s %s", update_clock(GET_TIME), from, FromUserHost, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument)); add_last_type(&last_ctcp[0], 1, from, FromUserHost, ctcp_command, ctcp_argument); } allow_ctcp_reply = 0; } if (in_ctcp_flag == -1) in_ctcp_flag = 0; /* Reset the window level/logging */ reset_display_target(); return strcpy(str, local_ctcp_buffer); } /* in_ctcp: simply returns the value of the ctcp flag */ extern int in_ctcp (void) { return (in_ctcp_flag); } /* * This is no longer directly sends information to its target. * As part of a larger attempt to consolidate all data transmission * into send_text, this function was modified so as to use send_text(). * This function can send both direct CTCP requests, as well as the * appropriate CTCP replies. By its use of send_text(), it can send * CTCPs to DCC CHAT and irc nickname peers, and handles encryption * transparantly. This greatly reduces the logic, complexity, and * possibility for error in this function. */ extern void send_ctcp (int type, char *to, int datatag, char *format, ...) { char putbuf [BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1], *putbuf2; int len; if ((len = IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE - (12 + strlen(to))) < 0) return; if (len < strlen(ctcp_cmd[datatag].name) + 3) return; putbuf2 = alloca(len); if (format) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(putbuf, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE, format, args); va_end(args); do_hook(SEND_CTCP_LIST, "%s %s %s %s", ctcp_type[type], to, ctcp_cmd[datatag].name, putbuf); snprintf(putbuf2, len, "%c%s %s%c", CTCP_DELIM_CHAR, ctcp_cmd[datatag].name, putbuf, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); } else { do_hook(SEND_CTCP_LIST, "%s %s %s", ctcp_type[type], to, ctcp_cmd[datatag].name); snprintf(putbuf2, len, "%c%s%c", CTCP_DELIM_CHAR, ctcp_cmd[datatag].name, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); } putbuf2[len - 2] = CTCP_DELIM_CHAR; putbuf2[len - 1] = 0; send_text(to, putbuf2, ctcp_type[type], 0, 0); } /* * quote_it: This quotes the given string making it sendable via irc. A * pointer to the length of the data is required and the data need not be * null terminated (it can contain nulls). Returned is a malloced, null * terminated string. */ extern char *ctcp_quote_it (char *str, int len) { char buffer[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; char *ptr; int i; ptr = buffer; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case CTCP_DELIM_CHAR: *ptr++ = CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR; *ptr++ = 'a'; break; case '\n': *ptr++ = CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR; *ptr++ = 'n'; break; case '\r': *ptr++ = CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR; *ptr++ = 'r'; break; case CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR: *ptr++ = CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR; *ptr++ = CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR; break; case '\0': *ptr++ = CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR; *ptr++ = '0'; break; default: *ptr++ = str[i]; break; } } *ptr = '\0'; return m_strdup(buffer); } /* * ctcp_unquote_it: This takes a null terminated string that had previously * been quoted using ctcp_quote_it and unquotes it. Returned is a malloced * space pointing to the unquoted string. NOTE: a trailing null is added for * convenied, but the returned data may contain nulls!. The len is modified * to contain the size of the data returned. */ extern char *ctcp_unquote_it (char *str, int *len) { char *buffer; char *ptr; char c; int i, new_size = 0; buffer = (char *) new_malloc((sizeof(char) * *len) + 1); ptr = buffer; i = 0; while (i < *len) { if ((c = str[i++]) == CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR) { switch (c = str[i++]) { case CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR: *ptr++ = CTCP_QUOTE_CHAR; break; case 'a': *ptr++ = CTCP_DELIM_CHAR; break; case 'n': *ptr++ = '\n'; break; case 'r': *ptr++ = '\r'; break; case '0': *ptr++ = '\0'; break; default: *ptr++ = c; break; } } else *ptr++ = c; new_size++; } *ptr = '\0'; *len = new_size; return (buffer); } int get_ctcp_val (char *str) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CTCPS; i++) if (!strcmp(str, ctcp_cmd[i].name)) return i; /* * This is *dangerous*, but it works. The only place that * calls this function is edit.c:ctcp(), and it immediately * calls send_ctcp(). So the pointer that is being passed * to us is globally allocated at a level higher then ctcp(). * so it wont be bogus until some time after ctcp() returns, * but at that point, we dont care any more. */ ctcp_cmd[CTCP_CUSTOM].name = str; return CTCP_CUSTOM; } /* * XXXX -- some may call this a hack, but if youve got a better * way to handle this job, id love to use it. */ void BX_split_CTCP(char *raw_message, char *ctcp_dest, char *after_ctcp) { char *ctcp_start, *ctcp_end; *ctcp_dest = *after_ctcp = 0; ctcp_start = strchr(raw_message, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); if (!ctcp_start) return; /* No CTCPs present. */ *ctcp_start++ = 0; ctcp_end = strchr(ctcp_start, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); if (!ctcp_end) { *--ctcp_start = CTCP_DELIM_CHAR; return; /* Thats _not_ a CTCP. */ } *ctcp_end++ = 0; strmcpy(ctcp_dest, ctcp_start, IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE-2); strmcpy(after_ctcp, ctcp_end, IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE-2); return; /* All done! */ }