/* * Copyright Colten Edwards 1996 */ #include "irc.h" static char cvsrevision[] = "$Id: readlog.c,v 2003/05/17 07:00:23 root Exp $"; CVS_REVISION(readlog_c) #include "struct.h" #include #include "ircterm.h" #include "server.h" #include "vars.h" #include "ircaux.h" #include "input.h" #include "window.h" #include "screen.h" #include "output.h" #include "status.h" #include "misc.h" #define MAIN_SOURCE #include "modval.h" #ifdef WANT_HEBREW #include "hebrew.h" #endif FILE * msg_fp = NULL; static Window *msg_window = NULL; static int finished_msg_paging = 0; static Screen *msg_screen = NULL; static int use_msg_window = 0; static void log_prompt (char *name, char *line); static void set_msg_screen (Screen *); static char *(*read_log_func) (char *, int, FILE *); void log_put_it(const char *topic, const char *format, ...); BUILT_IN_COMMAND(remove_log) { char *expand; char *filename = NULL; int old_display = window_display; int reset_logptr = 0; if ((get_string_var(MSGLOGFILE_VAR) == NULL) || (get_string_var(CTOOLZ_DIR_VAR) == NULL)) return; malloc_sprintf(&filename, "%s/%s", get_string_var(CTOOLZ_DIR_VAR), get_string_var(MSGLOGFILE_VAR)); expand = expand_twiddle(filename); new_free(&filename); window_display = 0; reset_logptr = logmsg(LOG_CURRENT, NULL, 3, NULL); log_toggle(0, NULL); window_display = old_display; if (unlink(expand)) { bitchsay("Error unlinking: %s", expand); new_free(&expand); return; } window_display = 0; set_int_var(MSGCOUNT_VAR, 0); if (reset_logptr) log_toggle(1, NULL); window_display = old_display; bitchsay("Removed %s.", expand); status_update(1); new_free(&expand); } static int in_read_log = 0; BUILT_IN_COMMAND(readlog) { char *expand; struct stat stat_buf; char *filename = NULL; char buffer[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; read_log_func = fgets; if (!get_string_var(MSGLOGFILE_VAR)) if (!args || (args && !*args)) return; if (msg_window) return; if (command) { in_read_log = 1; if (my_stricmp(command, "MORE")) { if (args && !my_strnicmp(args, "-resume", 2)) { next_arg(args, &args); read_log_func = (char *(*)(char *, int, FILE *))global[RFGETS]; } } } if (args && *args) malloc_sprintf(&filename, "%s", args); else malloc_sprintf(&filename, "%s/%s", get_string_var(CTOOLZ_DIR_VAR), get_string_var(MSGLOGFILE_VAR)); expand = expand_twiddle(filename); new_free(&filename); stat(expand, &stat_buf); strcpy(buffer, expand); if (stat_buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) return; if ((msg_fp = fopen(expand, "r")) == NULL) { log_put_it(expand, "%s Error Opening Log file %s", thing_ansi, expand); new_free(&expand); msg_fp = NULL; return; } if (read_log_func == (char *(*)(char *, int, FILE *))global[RFGETS]) fseek(msg_fp, 0, SEEK_END); new_free(&expand); msg_window = current_window; msg_screen = current_window->screen; log_prompt(buffer, NULL); } /* * show_help: show's either a page of text from a help_fp, or the whole * thing, depending on the value of HELP_PAGER_VAR. If it gets to the end, * (in either case it will eventally), it closes the file, and returns 0 * to indicate this. */ static int show_log(Window *window, char *name) { Window *old_window; int rows = 0; char line[500]; if (window) { old_window = current_window; current_window = window; } else { old_window = NULL; window = current_window; } if (get_int_var(HELP_PAGER_VAR)) rows = window->display_size - (window->double_status + 2); while (--rows) { if ((*read_log_func)(line, 499, msg_fp)) { if (*(line + strlen(line) - 1) == '\n') *(line + strlen(line) - 1) = (char) 0; #ifdef WANT_HEBREW if (get_int_var(HEBREW_TOGGLE_VAR)) hebrew_process(line); #endif log_put_it(name, "%s", line); } else { if (msg_fp) fclose(msg_fp); set_msg_screen(NULL); msg_fp = NULL; return (0); } } return (1); } void remove_away_log(char *stuff, char *line) { if ((line && toupper(*line) == 'Y')) remove_log(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); in_read_log = 0; } static void set_msg_screen(Screen *screen) { msg_screen = screen; if (!msg_screen && msg_window) { if (use_msg_window) { int display = window_display; window_display = 0; delete_window(msg_window); window_display = display; } msg_window = NULL; update_all_windows(); } } /* * log_prompt: The main procedure called to display the log file * currently being accessed. Using add_wait_prompt(), it sets it * self up to be recalled when the next page is asked for. If * called when we have finished paging the log file, we exit, as * there is nothing left to show. If line is 'q' or 'Q', exit the * log pager, clean up, etc.. If all is cool for now, we call * show_help, and either if its finished, exit, or prompt for the * next page. */ static void log_prompt(char *name, char *line) { if (line && *line && (toupper(*line) == 'Q')) { finished_msg_paging = 1; if (msg_fp) fclose(msg_fp); msg_fp = NULL; set_msg_screen(NULL); if (!in_read_log) add_wait_prompt("Delete msg log [y/N]? ", remove_away_log, empty_string, WAIT_PROMPT_LINE,1); return; } if (show_log(msg_window, name)) { add_wait_prompt("*** Hit any key for more, 'q' to quit ***", log_prompt, name, WAIT_PROMPT_KEY,1); } else { if (msg_fp) fclose(msg_fp); set_msg_screen(NULL); msg_fp = NULL; if (!in_read_log) add_wait_prompt("Delete msg log [y/N]? ", remove_away_log, empty_string, WAIT_PROMPT_LINE,1); } }