/* * Copyright Colten Edwards (July 1/1998). * This code is for the purpose of re-attaching to a detached BitchX session. * The idea for this program was by kasper@efnet after I mentioned the trouble * I was having reconnecting to a detached terminal. */ /* * Version 1.0 released with BitchX 75 * $Id: scr-bx.c,v 2003/04/11 01:09:07 dan Exp $ */ #include "irc.h" #include "struct.h" #include #include #include #ifdef USING_CURSES #include #endif #include #include #include "ircterm.h" #include "screen.h" #include "ircaux.h" #if defined(_ALL_SOURCE) || defined(__EMX__) || defined(__QNX__) #include #else #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H #include #endif #ifdef MEM_DEBUG #include #endif #ifdef TRANSLATE char translation = 0; unsigned char transToClient[256]; /* Server to client translation. */ #endif int dumb_mode = 0; int already_detached = 1; int do_check_pid = 0; char socket_path[500]; char attach_ttyname[500]; struct param { pid_t pgrp, pid; uid_t uid; int cols; int rows; char tty[80]; char cookie[30]; char password[80]; char termid[81]; }; struct param parm; char *old_pass = NULL; Screen *output_screen = NULL, *last_input_screen = NULL, *main_screen = NULL; char empty_string[] = ""; int foreground = 0; int use_input = 1; int use_flow_control = 0; static int displays = 0; #define SOCKMODE (S_IWRITE | S_IREAD | (displays ? S_IEXEC : 0)) #ifdef CLOAKED extern char proctitlestr[140]; extern char **Argv; /* pointer to argument vector */ extern char *LastArgv; /* end of argv */ #endif char *n_m_strdup (const char *str, const char *module, const char *file, const int line) { char *ptr; if (!str) str = empty_string; ptr = (char *)malloc(strlen(str) + 1); return strcpy(ptr, str); } void ircpanic(char *string, ...) { return; } int get_int_var(int var) { return 1; } char *ltoa (long foo) { static char buffer[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE/8+1]; char *pos = buffer + BIG_BUFFER_SIZE/8-1; unsigned long absv; int negative; absv = (foo < 0) ? (unsigned long)-foo : (unsigned long)foo; negative = (foo < 0) ? 1 : 0; buffer[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE/8] = 0; for (; absv > 9; absv /= 10) *pos-- = (absv % 10) + '0'; *pos = (absv) + '0'; if (negative) *--pos = '-'; return pos; } char *lower(char *str) { register char *ptr = NULL; if (str) { ptr = str; for (; *str; str++) { if (isupper(*str)) *str = tolower(*str); } } return (ptr); } #ifndef HAVE_GETPASS char *getpass(char *); char *get_string_var(int var) { return NULL; } #endif #ifdef WINNT void refresh_screen(int i, char *u) { return; } #endif char *find_tty_name(char *name) { static char tty[20]; char *q, *s; *tty = 0; if ((q = strrchr(name, '/'))) { q++; if ((q = strchr(q, '.'))) { q++; if ((s = strchr(q, '.'))) strncpy(tty, q, s-q); } } return tty; } char *find_tty_path(char *name) { static char ttypath[200]; char *q; *ttypath = 0; if ((q = strrchr(name, '/'))) strncpy(ttypath, name, q - name); return ttypath; } void display_socket_list(char *path, int unl, char *arg) { DIR *dptr; struct dirent *dir; struct stat st; char buffer[2000]; char *new_path, *p; int count = 0; int doit = 0; new_path = alloca(strlen(path)+1); strcpy(new_path, path); if ((p = strrchr(new_path, '/'))) *p = 0; if (!(dptr = opendir(new_path))) { fprintf(stderr, "No such directory %s\r\n ", new_path); exit(1); } while ((dir = readdir(dptr))) { doit = 0; if (!dir->d_ino) continue; if (dir->d_name[0] == '.') continue; sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s", new_path, dir->d_name); if ((stat(buffer, &st) == -1)) continue; if (arg && strstr(dir->d_name, arg)) doit++; if (!count && !unl) fprintf(stderr, "There is more than one sockets available - \r\n"); else if (!count) fprintf(stderr, "unlinking the following\r\n"); count++; if (unl) { if (!((st.st_mode & 0700) == 0600) || doit) { fprintf(stderr, "%30s\r\n", dir->d_name); unlink(buffer); } } else if ((!doit && !arg) || (doit && arg)) fprintf(stderr, "%30s %s\r\n", dir->d_name, ((st.st_mode & 0700) == 0600) ? "detached":"Attached or dead"); } if (!count) fprintf(stderr, "No sockets to attach too\r\n"); closedir(dptr); exit(1); } char *find_detach_socket(char *path, char *name) { char *new_path; DIR *dptr; struct dirent *dir; struct stat st; char *ret = NULL, *p; int count = 0; new_path = alloca(strlen(path)+1); strcpy(new_path, path); if ((p = strrchr(new_path, '/'))) *p = 0; else return NULL; if (!(dptr = opendir(new_path))) return NULL; ret = malloc(2000); *ret = 0; while ((dir = readdir(dptr))) { *ret = 0; if (!dir->d_ino) continue; if (dir->d_name[0] == '.') continue; sprintf(ret, "%s/%s", new_path, dir->d_name); p = strrchr(ret, '/'); p++; if ((stat(ret, &st) == -1) || (st.st_uid != getuid()) || S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { *ret = 0; continue; } if (name) { char *pid, *n_tty, *h_name; pid = alloca(strlen(p)+1); strcpy(pid, p); n_tty = strchr(pid, '.'); *n_tty++ = 0; h_name = strchr(n_tty, '.'); *h_name++ = 0; if (strcmp(name, pid)) { if (strcmp(n_tty, name)) { if (strcmp(h_name, name)) { if (strcmp(p, name)) { if (!strstr(p, name)) { *ret = 0; continue; } } } } } } if ((st.st_mode & 0700) == 0600) break; count++; *ret = 0; } closedir(dptr); if (ret && !*ret) { free(ret); ret = NULL; } switch (count) { case 0: break; case 1: break; default: display_socket_list(path, 0, name); if (ret) free(ret); ret = NULL; } return ret; } void charset_ibmpc (void) { fwrite("\033(U", 3, 1, stdout); /* switch to IBM code page 437 */ } SIGNAL_HANDLER(handle_pipe) { term_cr(); term_clear_to_eol(); term_reset2(); fprintf(stdout, "\rdetached from %s. To re-attach type scr-bx %s\n\r", attach_ttyname, old_pass? "password":""); fflush(stdout); exit(0); } SIGNAL_HANDLER(handle_hup) { term_cr(); term_clear_to_eol(); term_reset2(); fprintf(stdout, "\r"); fflush(stdout); exit(0); } volatile int ctrl_c = 0; SIGNAL_HANDLER(handle_ctrlc) { ctrl_c++; } /* set's socket options */ void set_socket_options (int s) { int opt = 1; int optlen = sizeof(opt); #ifndef NO_STRUCT_LINGER struct linger lin; lin.l_onoff = lin.l_linger = 0; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *)&lin, optlen); #endif setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&opt, optlen); opt = 1; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&opt, optlen); } char *get_cookie(char *name) { static char cookie[80]; FILE *fp = NULL; *cookie = 0; if ((fp = fopen(name, "r"))) { fread(cookie, 40, 1, fp); fclose(fp); if (*cookie) cookie[strlen(cookie)-1] = 0; } return cookie; } void reattach_tty(char *tty, char *password) { int s = -1; char *name; struct sockaddr_in addr; struct hostent *hp; int len = 0; fd_set rd_fd; struct timeval tm = {0}; char chr_c[] = "\003"; /* * this buffer has to be big enough to handle a full screen of * information from the detached process. */ unsigned char buffer[6 * BIG_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; char *p; int port = 0; #if defined (TIOCGWINSZ) struct winsize window; #endif memset(&parm, 0, sizeof(struct param)); if (!(name = find_detach_socket(socket_path, tty))) { fprintf(stderr, "No detached process to attach too\r\n"); _exit(1); } strcpy(parm.cookie, get_cookie(name)); if (!*parm.cookie) _exit(1); if ((p = strrchr(name, '/'))) p++; sscanf(p, "%d.%*s.%*s", &port); displays = 1; if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { displays = 0; _exit(1); } chmod(name, SOCKMODE); set_socket_options(s); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); addr.sin_port = htons(port); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if((hp = gethostbyname("localhost"))) memcpy(&addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); else inet_aton("", (struct in_addr *)&addr.sin_addr); if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "connection refused for %s\r\n", name); _exit(1); } parm.pid = getpid(); parm.pgrp = getpgrp(); parm.uid = getuid(); strcpy(parm.tty, ttyname(0)); strncpy(parm.termid, getenv("TERM"), 80); if (password) strncpy(parm.password, password, 60); fprintf(stderr, "attempting to wakeup %s\r\n", find_tty_name(name)); #if defined (TIOCGWINSZ) if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &window) > -1) { parm.cols = window.ws_col; parm.rows = window.ws_row; } else #endif { parm.cols = 79; parm.rows = 25; } write(s, &parm, sizeof(struct param)); sleep(2); alarm(15); len = read(s, &parm, sizeof(struct param)); alarm(0); if (len <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error reconnecting to %s\r\n", find_tty_name(name)); displays = 0; chmod(name, SOCKMODE); exit(1); } unlink(name); term_init(parm.termid); set_term_eight_bit(1); charset_ibmpc(); term_clear_screen(); term_resize(); term_move_cursor(0,0); my_signal(SIGPIPE, handle_pipe, 0); my_signal(SIGINT, handle_ctrlc, 0); my_signal(SIGHUP, handle_hup, 0); /* * according to MHacker we need to set errno to 0 under BSD. * for some reason we get a address in use from a socket * */ errno = 0; while (1) { FD_ZERO(&rd_fd); FD_SET(0, &rd_fd); FD_SET(s, &rd_fd); tm.tv_sec = 2; switch(select(s+1, &rd_fd, NULL, NULL, &tm)) { case -1: if (ctrl_c) { write(s, chr_c, 1); ctrl_c = 0; } else if (errno != EINTR) { close(s); _exit(1); } break; case 0: break; default: { if (FD_ISSET(0, &rd_fd)) { len = read(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); write(s, buffer, len); } if (FD_ISSET(s, &rd_fd)) { len = read(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); write(1, buffer, len); } } } } close(s); fprintf(stderr, "Never should have got here"); _exit(1); return; /* error return */ } char *stripdev(char *ttynam) { if (ttynam == NULL) return NULL; #ifdef SVR4 /* unixware has /dev/pts012 as synonym for /dev/pts/12 */ if (!strncmp(ttynam, "/dev/pts", 8) && ttynam[8] >= '0' && ttynam[8] <= '9') { static char b[13]; sprintf(b, "pts/%d", atoi(ttynam + 8)); return b; } #endif /* SVR4 */ if (!strncmp(ttynam, "/dev/", 5)) return ttynam + 5; return ttynam; } void init_socketpath(void) { #if !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(WINNT) struct stat st; extern char socket_path[], attach_ttyname[]; sprintf(socket_path, "%s/.BitchX/screens", getenv("HOME")); if (access(socket_path, F_OK)) return; if (stat(socket_path, &st) != -1) { char host[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; char *ap; if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) return; gethostname(host, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE); if ((ap = strchr(host, '.'))) *ap = 0; ap = &socket_path[strlen(socket_path)]; sprintf(ap, "/%%d.%s.%s", stripdev(attach_ttyname), host); ap++; for ( ; *ap; ap++) if (*ap == '/') *ap = '-'; } #endif } char *old_tty = NULL; void parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { int ac = 1; int disp_sock = 0; for (; ac < argc; ac++) { if (!strncasecmp(argv[ac], "tty", 3)) { old_tty = malloc(strlen(argv[ac])+1); strcpy(old_tty, argv[ac]); } else if (argv[ac][0] == '-' && argv[ac][1] == 'p') { char *pass; pass = getpass("Enter password : "); old_pass = malloc(strlen(pass)+1); strcpy(old_pass, pass); } else if (argv[ac][0] == '-' && argv[ac][1] == 'h') { char *p; if ((p = strrchr(argv[0], '/'))) p++; else p = argv[0]; fprintf(stderr, "Usage %s: [tty] [-p] [-h] [-l]\r\n\t\ttty is the name of a tty\r\n\t\t-p to specify a password\r\n\t\t-l to list available sockets\r\n\t\t-w to wipe out dead sockets\r\n", p); exit(0); } else if (argv[ac][0] == '-' && argv[ac][1] == 'l') disp_sock = 1; else if (argv[ac][0] == '-' && argv[ac][1] == 'w') disp_sock = 2; else if (!old_tty) { old_tty = malloc(strlen(argv[ac])+1); strcpy(old_tty, argv[ac]); } } if (disp_sock) display_socket_list(socket_path, disp_sock - 1, old_tty); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef MEM_DEBUG dmalloc_debug(0x1df47dfb); #endif *socket_path = 0; strcpy(attach_ttyname, ttyname(0)); init_socketpath(); parse_args(argc, argv); chdir(getenv("HOME")); reattach_tty(old_tty, old_pass); return 0; }