/* * CDE created userlist functions. * Copyright Colten Edwards 04/10/96 * */ #include "irc.h" static char cvsrevision[] = "$Id: userlist.c,v 2003/04/11 01:09:07 dan Exp $"; CVS_REVISION(userlist_c) #include "struct.h" #include "server.h" #include "commands.h" #include "encrypt.h" #include "vars.h" #include "ircaux.h" #include "lastlog.h" #include "window.h" #include "screen.h" #include "who.h" #include "hook.h" #include "input.h" #include "ignore.h" #include "keys.h" #include "names.h" #include "alias.h" #include "history.h" #include "funny.h" #include "ctcp.h" #include "dcc.h" #include "output.h" #include "exec.h" #include "notify.h" #include "numbers.h" #include "status.h" #include "list.h" #include "struct.h" #include "timer.h" #include "whowas.h" #include "misc.h" #include "userlist.h" #include "parse.h" #include "hash2.h" #include "cset.h" #define MAIN_SOURCE #include "modval.h" #include #include /* * Shit levels * 1 no opz * 2 Auto Kick * 3 Auto Ban Kick * 4 perm ban. all times. * 5 perm ignore all * * User levels * 25 ctcp invite and whoami * 50 ops, chops and unban * 90 no Kick/Dop flood checking * * Auto-op levels * 0 auto-op off * 1 timed autoop * 2 instant op * 3 delay +v * 4 instant +v * * Protection levels * 1 Reop if de-oped * 2 De-op offender * 3 Kick offender * 4 KickBan offender */ int user_count = 0; int shit_count = 0; extern char *FromUserHost; #define PERM_IGNORE 5 /* CDE this shouldn't be here at all */ #define IGNORE_REMOVE 1 extern UserList *user_list; ShitList *shitlist_list = NULL; LameList *lame_list = NULL; WordKickList *ban_words = NULL; extern AJoinList *ajoin_list; extern void save_idle (FILE *); extern void save_banwords (FILE *); extern int save_formats (FILE *); extern void sync_nicklist (UserList *, int); extern void sync_shitlist (ShitList *, int); #ifdef WANT_USERLIST #define COMPATIBILITY 1 char *strflags[] = {"VOICE", "OPS", "BAN", "UNBAN", "INVITE", "DCC", "TCL", "I_OPS", "FLOOD", "BOT", NULL}; #define NUMBER_OF_FLAGS (sizeof(strflags) / sizeof(char *)) char *protflags[] = {"REOP", "DEOP", "KICK", "PBAN", "PINVITE", "UOPS", "UPROT", "CTCP", NULL}; #define NUMBER_OF_PROT (sizeof(protflags) / sizeof(char *)) unsigned long convert_str_to_flags(char *str) { char *p; register int i; register unsigned long j; unsigned long flags = 0; int done; if (!str || !*str) return 0; if (!my_strnicmp("FRIEND", str, 6)) flags = ADD_FRIEND; else if (!my_strnicmp("MASTER", str, 6)) flags = ADD_MASTER; else if (!my_strnicmp("OWNER", str, 5)) flags = ADD_OWNER; while ((p = next_in_comma_list(str, &str))) { if (!*p) break; upper(p); done = 0; for (i = 0, j = 1; strflags[i]; i++, j <<= 1 ) { if (!strcmp(p, strflags[i])) { flags |= j; done = 1; break; } } if (!done) { for (i = 0, j = PROT_REOP; protflags[i]; i++, j <<= 1) { if (!strcmp(p, protflags[i])) { flags |= j; break; } } } } return flags; } char * convert_flags_to_str(unsigned long flags) { unsigned int i; unsigned long p; static char buffer[290]; *buffer = 0; for (i = 0, p = 1; strflags[i]; i++, p <<= 1) { if (flags & p) { strmcat(buffer, strflags[i], 280); strmcat(buffer, ",", 280); } } for (i = 0, p = PROT_REOP; protflags[i]; i++, p <<= 1) { if (flags & p) { strmcat(buffer, protflags[i], 280); strmcat(buffer, ",", 280); } } if (*buffer) chop(buffer, 1); return buffer; } char * convert_flags(unsigned long flags) { unsigned int i; unsigned long p; static char buffer[40]; char *q; *buffer = 0; q = buffer; for (i = 0, p = 1; strflags[i]; i++, p <<= 1) { if (flags & p) *q = '1'; else *q = '0'; q++; } for (i = 0, p = PROT_REOP; protflags[i]; i++, p <<= 1) { if (flags & p) *q = '1'; else *q = '0'; q++; } *q = 0; return buffer; } void prepare_addshit(UserhostItem *stuff, char *nick, char *args) { char *uh; char *channels, *reason; char listbuf[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; int thetype = 0, shit = 0; if (!stuff || !stuff->nick || !nick || !strcmp(stuff->user, "") || my_stricmp(stuff->nick, nick)) { bitchsay("No such nick [%s] found", nick); return; } thetype = my_atol(args); next_arg(args, &args); shit = my_atol(args); next_arg(args, &args); channels = next_arg(args, &args); reason = args; uh = clear_server_flags(stuff->user); while (strlen(uh) > 7) uh++; sprintf(listbuf, "*%s@%s", uh, stuff->host); add_to_a_list(listbuf, thetype, "*", channels, reason, shit); } void add_userhost_to_userlist(char *nick, char *uhost, char *channels, char *passwd, unsigned int flags) { UserList *uptr; uptr = new_malloc(sizeof(UserList)); uptr->nick = m_strdup(nick); uptr->host = m_strdup(uhost); uptr->channels = m_strdup(channels); if (passwd) malloc_strcpy(&uptr->password, passwd); uptr->flags = flags; uptr->time = now; add_userlist(uptr); sync_nicklist(uptr, 1); user_count++; } int remove_userhost_from_userlist(char *host, char *channel) { UserList *uptr = NULL; int count = 0; if ((uptr = find_userlist(host, channel, 1))) { sync_nicklist(uptr, 0); new_free(&uptr->nick); new_free(&uptr->host); new_free(&uptr->channels); new_free(&uptr->password); new_free(&uptr->comment); new_free(&uptr); user_count--; count++; } return count; } void prepare_adduser(UserhostItem *stuff, char *nick, char *args) { int thetype = 0; unsigned long flags = 0; int ppp = 0; UserList *uptr = NULL; char *channels = NULL, *passwd = NULL, *p = NULL, *uh, *e_host, *host; if (!stuff || !stuff->nick || !nick || !strcmp(stuff->user, "") || my_stricmp(stuff->nick, nick)) { bitchsay("No such nick [%s] found", nick); return; } thetype = my_atol(args); next_arg(args, &args); ppp = my_atol(args); next_arg(args, &args); channels = next_arg(args, &args); p = next_arg(args, &args); flags = convert_str_to_flags(p); passwd = next_arg(args, &args); uh = clear_server_flags(stuff->user); if (*stuff->user == '~' || *stuff->user == '^') { while ((strlen(uh) > 8)) uh++; host = m_sprintf("*%s@%s", uh, ppp ? cluster(stuff->host) : stuff->host); } else host = m_sprintf("%s@%s", uh, ppp ? cluster(stuff->host) : stuff->host); e_host = m_sprintf("%s@%s", stuff->user, stuff->host); if (thetype == USERLIST_ADD) { char *e_pass = NULL; if (passwd) e_pass = cryptit(passwd); if (!(uptr = lookup_userlevelc(stuff->nick, e_host, channels, NULL))) { add_userhost_to_userlist(stuff->nick, host, channels, e_pass, flags); send_to_server("NOTICE %s :You have been added to my Userlist as *!%s with [%s]", nick, host, convert_flags_to_str(flags)); send_to_server("NOTICE %s :You are allowed on channels [%s]", nick, channels); if (passwd) send_to_server("NOTICE %s :Your password is [%s]", nick, passwd); put_it("%s", convert_output_format("$G Added [*!$0] on $1. Password is [$2] and flags are [$3-]", "%s %s %s %s", host, channels, passwd?passwd:"None", convert_flags_to_str(flags))); } else if (passwd) { send_to_server("NOTICE %s :Your password is %s[%s]", nick, uptr->password ? "changed to " : "", passwd); malloc_strcpy(&uptr->password, e_pass); } } else { if (!(remove_userhost_from_userlist(host, channels))) bitchsay("User not found on the userlist"); else put_it("%s", convert_output_format("$G Removed [$0] on $1 from userlist", "%s %s", host, channels)); } new_free(&e_host); new_free(&host); } void remove_all(int type) { UserList *tmp; ShitList *tmp_s, *next_s; ChannelList *chan; NickList *nick; void *location = NULL; int i = 0; if (type == -1 || type == USERLIST_REMOVE) { int size = -1; while ((tmp = next_userlist(NULL, &size, &location))) { if ((tmp = find_userlist(tmp->host, tmp->channels, 1))) { new_free(&tmp->nick); new_free(&tmp->host); new_free(&tmp->channels); new_free(&tmp->password); new_free(&tmp->comment); new_free((char **)&tmp); } } user_count = 0; user_list = NULL; for (i = 0; i < server_list_size(); i ++) { for (chan = get_server_channels(i); chan; chan = chan->next) { for(nick = next_nicklist(chan,NULL); nick; nick = next_nicklist(chan, nick)) nick->userlist = NULL; } } } if (type == -1 || type == SHITLIST_REMOVE) { for (tmp_s = shitlist_list; tmp_s; tmp_s = next_s) { next_s = tmp_s->next; sync_shitlist(tmp_s, 0); new_free(&tmp_s->filter); new_free(&tmp_s->channels); new_free(&tmp_s->reason); new_free((char **)&tmp_s); } for (i = 0; i < server_list_size(); i ++) { for (chan = get_server_channels(i); chan; chan = chan->next) { for(nick = next_nicklist(chan,NULL); nick; nick = next_nicklist(chan, nick)) nick->shitlist = NULL; } } shit_count = 0; shitlist_list = NULL; } } BUILT_IN_COMMAND(add_user) { char *nick, *capabilities = NULL; char *passwd = NULL; char *channels = NULL; char *bang, *at; int type = USERLIST_ADD; int ppp = 0; #ifdef COMPATIBILITY char buffer[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; *buffer = 0; #endif if (command && !my_stricmp(command,"UNUSER")) type = USERLIST_REMOVE; if ((nick = next_arg(args, &args)) && *nick) { while (nick && *nick == '-') { if ((type == USERLIST_REMOVE) && !my_stricmp(nick, "-ALL")) { bitchsay("Removing all Users on Userlist"); remove_all(type); return; } if (!my_stricmp(nick, "-PPP")) { ppp = 1; nick = next_arg(args, &args); } else nick = next_arg(args, &args); } if (!nick || !*nick) return; if (!(channels = next_arg(args, &args)) || !*channels) { bitchsay("Need a channel for %s", command ? "UnUser" : "AddUser"); return; } #ifdef COMPATIBILITY capabilities = next_arg(args, &args); passwd = next_arg(args, &args); if (passwd && is_number(passwd) && args && *args) { int aop = my_atol(passwd); int level = my_atol(capabilities); int prot = my_atol(next_arg(args, &args)); if (aop == 1 || aop == 2) strcpy(buffer, "OPS,"); else if (aop == 3 || aop == 4) strcpy(buffer, "VOICE,"); passwd = next_arg(args, &args); if (level >= 25) strcat(buffer, "INVITE,"); if (level >= 49) strcat(buffer, "UNBAN,"); if (level >= 90) strcat(buffer, "FLOOD,"); switch(prot) { case 1: strcat(buffer, "REOP,"); break; case 2: strcat(buffer, "DEOP,"); break; default: break; } capabilities = buffer; if (*buffer) chop(buffer, 1); } #else capabilities = next_arg(args, &args); passwd = next_arg(args, &args); #endif if ((bang = strchr(nick, '!')) && (at = strchr(nick, '@'))) { char *p = nick; char *newuh = NULL; char *e_pass = passwd; *bang++ = 0; if (passwd) { extern int loading_savefile; if (!loading_savefile) e_pass = cryptit(passwd); else e_pass = passwd; } if (ppp) { *at++ = 0; newuh = m_sprintf("%s@%s", bang, cluster(at)); } if (type == USERLIST_ADD) add_userhost_to_userlist(p, newuh? newuh : bang, channels, e_pass, convert_str_to_flags(capabilities)); else remove_userhost_from_userlist(newuh ? newuh : bang, channels); bitchsay("%s %s!%s %s Userlist", type == USERLIST_ADD ? "Adding":"Deleting", p, newuh ? newuh : bang, type == USERLIST_ADD ? "to":"from"); new_free(&newuh); } else { char format[80]; strcpy(format, "%d %d %s"); if (capabilities) strcat(format, " %s"); if (passwd) strcat(format, " %s"); if (passwd) userhostbase(nick, prepare_adduser, 1, format, type, ppp, channels, capabilities, passwd); else if (capabilities) userhostbase(nick, prepare_adduser, 1, format, type, ppp, channels, capabilities); else userhostbase(nick, prepare_adduser, 1, format, type, ppp, channels); } } } BUILT_IN_COMMAND(add_shit) { char *nick, *ptr; int level = 1; char *reason = NULL; char *channels = NULL; int type = SHITLIST_ADD; if (command && *command && !my_stricmp(command, "UNSHIT")) type = SHITLIST_REMOVE; if (args && *args) { char *bang = NULL; char *atsign = NULL; char *cn; nick = next_arg(args, &args); if (!nick || !*nick) return; if (type == SHITLIST_REMOVE && !my_stricmp(nick, "-ALL")) { bitchsay("Removing all Users on shitlist"); remove_all(SHITLIST_REMOVE); return; } channels = next_arg(args, &args); if (!channels || !*channels) { bitchsay("Need a channel for %s", type == SHITLIST_REMOVE ? "UnShit": "AddShit"); return; } ptr = next_arg(args, &args); if (ptr && *ptr) level = my_atol(ptr); if (args && *args) malloc_strcpy(&reason, args); else malloc_strcpy(&reason, "ShitListz"); bang = strchr(nick, '!'); if (bang) atsign = strchr(bang, '@'); else atsign = strchr(nick, '@'); if (!bang && !atsign && (cn = check_nickname(m_strdup(nick)))) { userhostbase(cn, prepare_addshit, 1, "%d %d %s %s", type, level, channels, reason); new_free(&cn); } else { /* * *!*@*test* * *!*test@* * *!* bang !atsign * *@* !bang atsign * *test* !bang !atsign */ char *uh; if (bang) { *bang++ = '\0'; uh = bang; } else { uh = nick; nick = "*"; } add_to_a_list(uh, type, nick, channels, reason, level); } new_free(&reason); } } void sync_nicklist(UserList *added, int type) { ChannelList *chan; NickList *nick; int i; char *check; check = clear_server_flags(added->host); for (i = 0; i < server_list_size(); i ++) { for (chan = get_server_channels(i); chan; chan = chan->next) { for (nick = next_nicklist(chan, NULL); nick; nick = next_nicklist(chan, nick)) { if (wild_match(check, nick->host)) { if (type) { nick->userlist = added; check_auto(chan->channel, nick, chan); } else nick->userlist = NULL; } } } } } void sync_shitlist(ShitList *added, int type) { ChannelList *chan; NickList *nick; int i; char tmp[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; char *check; for (i = 0; i < server_list_size(); i ++) { for (chan = get_server_channels(i); chan; chan = chan->next) { for (nick = next_nicklist(chan, NULL); nick; nick = next_nicklist(chan, nick)) { check = clear_server_flags(nick->host); sprintf(tmp, "%s!%s", nick->nick, check); if (wild_match(added->filter, tmp)) { if (type) { nick->shitlist = added; check_auto(chan->channel, nick, chan); } else { BanList *b = NULL; nick->shitlist = NULL; if ((b = ban_is_on_channel(tmp, chan)) && !eban_is_on_channel(tmp, chan)) add_mode(chan, "b", 0, b->ban, NULL, get_int_var(NUM_BANMODES_VAR)); } } } flush_mode_all(chan); } } } void add_to_a_list(char *thestring, int thetype, char *nick, char *channels, char *reason, int shitlevel) { ShitList *sremove = NULL; int scount = 0; switch(thetype) { case SHITLIST_ADD: { if (!(sremove = nickinshit(nick, thestring))) { shit_count++; sremove = (ShitList *) new_malloc(sizeof(ShitList)); sremove->level = shitlevel; sremove->reason = m_strdup(reason); sremove->channels = m_strdup(channels); sremove->filter = m_sprintf("%s!%s", nick, thestring); add_to_list((List **)&shitlist_list, (List *)sremove); sync_whowas_addshit(sremove); sync_shitlist(sremove, 1); if (shitlevel == PERM_IGNORE) ignore_nickname(sremove->filter, IGNORE_ALL, 0); bitchsay("Adding %s!%s to Shitlist", nick, thestring); } else bitchsay ("%s!%s already on my Shitlist", nick, thestring); break; } case SHITLIST_REMOVE: { char *s_str; s_str = m_sprintf("%s!%s", nick, thestring); while ((sremove = (ShitList *)removewild_from_list((List **)&shitlist_list, s_str))) { shit_count--; scount++; if (sremove->level == PERM_IGNORE) ignore_nickname(sremove->filter, IGNORE_ALL, IGNORE_REMOVE); sync_whowas_unshit(sremove); sync_shitlist(sremove, 0); new_free(&sremove->filter); new_free(&sremove->reason); new_free(&sremove->channels); new_free((char **)&sremove); bitchsay("Deleting %s!%s from Shitlist", nick, thestring); } if (!scount) bitchsay("Didnt find %s!%s on the Shitlist", nick, thestring); new_free(&s_str); break; } } } BUILT_IN_COMMAND(showuserlist) { UserList *tmp; void *location = NULL; int first = 0; int hook = 0; int size = -1; char *p, *channel = NULL, *hostname = NULL; if (args && *args) { while ((p = next_arg(args, &args))) { if (is_channel(p)) channel = p; else hostname = p; } } for (tmp = next_userlist(NULL, &size, &location); tmp; tmp = next_userlist(tmp, &size, &location)) { if (channel) if (!wild_match(tmp->channels, channel)) continue; if (hostname) if (!wild_match(hostname, tmp->host)) continue; if (!first++ && (hook = do_hook(USERLIST_HEADER_LIST, "%s %s %s %s %s", "Level","Nick","Password","Host","Channels"))) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_USERLIST_HEADER_FSET), NULL)); if (do_hook(USERLIST_LIST, "%lu %s %s %s %s", tmp->flags, tmp->nick,tmp->host,tmp->channels,tmp->password?tmp->password:empty_string)) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_USERLIST_FSET), "%s %s %s %s %s", convert_flags(tmp->flags), tmp->nick, tmp->password?tmp->password:"", tmp->host, tmp->channels)); } if (first && hook && do_hook(USERLIST_FOOTER_LIST, "%s", "End of userlist")) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_USERLIST_FOOTER_FSET), "%s %d", update_clock(GET_TIME), first)); } BUILT_IN_COMMAND(showshitlist) { ShitList *tmp = shitlist_list; int first = 0; int hook = 0; if (!tmp) { bitchsay("No entries in Shit list"); return; } while (tmp) { if (!first++ && (hook = do_hook(SHITLIST_HEADER_LIST,"%s %s %s %s %s %s", "Lvl","Nick","Channels","Reason", empty_string, empty_string))) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_SHITLIST_HEADER_FSET), NULL)); if (do_hook(SHITLIST_LIST, "%d %s %s %s %s %s", tmp->level, tmp->filter,tmp->channels, tmp->reason?tmp->reason:"", empty_string, empty_string)) { put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_SHITLIST_FSET), "%d %s %s %s", tmp->level, tmp->filter, tmp->channels, tmp->reason?tmp->reason:"next; } if (first && hook && do_hook(SHITLIST_FOOTER_LIST, "%s", "End of shitlist")) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_SHITLIST_FOOTER_FSET), "%s %d", update_clock(GET_TIME), shit_count)); } BUILT_IN_COMMAND(set_user_info) { int size = -1; if (command) { UserList *tmp; void *location = NULL; int count = 0; for (tmp = next_userlist(NULL, &size, &location); tmp; tmp = next_userlist(tmp, &size, &location)) { if (tmp->comment) { put_it("%s", convert_output_format("$[10]0 $[25]1 %K[%C$2-%K]", "%s %s %s", tmp->nick, tmp->host, tmp->comment)); count++; } } if (count) bitchsay("%d entries with a comment", count); else bitchsay("There are no comments"); return; } if (args && *args) { char *uh; UserList *tmp = NULL; void *location = NULL; size = -1; uh = next_arg(args, &args); for (tmp = next_userlist(NULL, &size, &location); tmp; tmp = next_userlist(tmp, &size, &location)) { if (wild_match(uh, tmp->nick) || wild_match(uh, tmp->host)) { if (args && *args) malloc_strcpy(&tmp->comment, args); else new_free(&tmp->comment); bitchsay("%s info for %s", (args && *args)?"Added":"Removed", uh); } } } } /* * Function courtesy of Sheik. From his CtoolZ client. * but modified a little by panasync */ UserList *lookup_userlevelc(char *nick, char *userhost, char *channel, char *passwd) { if (!nick || !userhost || !*userhost || !channel) return NULL; return find_bestmatch(nick, userhost, channel, passwd); } ShitList *nickinshit(char *niq, char *uh) { char theuh[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; register ShitList *thisptr = shitlist_list; char *u; if (!uh || !niq) return NULL; u = clear_server_flags(uh); sprintf(theuh, "%s!%s", niq, u); while (thisptr) { if (!strcmp(thisptr->filter, theuh) || (/*wild_match(theuh, thisptr->filter) || */wild_match(thisptr->filter, theuh))) return(thisptr); thisptr = thisptr->next; } return NULL; } int find_user_level(char *from, char *host, char *channel) { UserList *tmp; if ((tmp = (UserList *) lookup_userlevelc(from, host, channel, NULL))) return tmp->flags; return 0; } int find_shit_level(char *from, char *host, char *channel) { register ShitList * tmp = shitlist_list; if (!shitlist_list) return 0; if (!(tmp = (ShitList *) nickinshit(from, host))) return 0; if (check_channel_match(tmp->channels, channel)) return tmp->level; return 0; } int real_check_auto (void *arg, char *sub) { char *nick, *host, *channel; char *p = (char *)arg; char *args = (char *)arg; char *serv_num = NULL; int this_server = from_server; channel = next_arg(args, &args); nick = next_arg(args, &args); host = next_arg(args, &args); if ((serv_num = next_arg(args, &args))) from_server = my_atol(serv_num); if (channel && *channel && nick && *nick && host && *host) { ChannelList *chan; if ((chan = lookup_channel(channel, from_server, CHAN_NOUNLINK))) check_auto(channel, find_nicklist_in_channellist(nick, chan, 0), NULL); } this_server = from_server; new_free(&p); return 0; } int delay_check_auto (char *channel) { ChannelList *chan = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; NickList *possible; if (!channel || !*channel) return -1; if ((chan = lookup_channel(channel, from_server, CHAN_NOUNLINK)) == NULL) return -1; for (possible = next_nicklist(chan, NULL); possible; possible = next_nicklist(chan, possible)) { if ((possible->shitlist || possible->userlist) && (!(possible->sent_reop < 4) || !(possible->sent_deop < 4))) { malloc_sprintf(&buffer, "%s %s %s %d", channel, possible->nick, possible->host, from_server); add_timer(0, empty_string, 3 * 1000, 1, real_check_auto, buffer, NULL, -1, "check-auto"); } } add_timer(0, empty_string, 5 * 1000, 1, delay_flush_all, m_sprintf("%s %d", channel, from_server), NULL, -1, "check-auto"); return 0; } int delay_opz (void *arg, char *sub) { char * args = (char *)arg; char * from = NULL; char * host = NULL; char * channel = NULL; char * mode = NULL; char * serv_num = NULL; ChannelList *chan = NULL; int this_server = from_server; char *p = (char *) arg; /* original args unmodified so we can free them */ channel = next_arg(args, &args); from = next_arg(args, &args); host = next_arg(args, &args); mode = next_arg(args, &args); if ((serv_num = next_arg(args, &args))) this_server = my_atol(serv_num); chan = lookup_channel(channel, this_server, 0); if (chan && is_on_channel(channel, this_server, from) && chan->chop) { NickList *nick; for (nick = next_nicklist(chan, NULL); nick; nick = next_nicklist(chan, nick)) { if (!my_stricmp(nick->nick, from)) { if (!my_stricmp(host, nick->host)) break; else { new_free(&p); new_free(&sub); return 0; } } } if (nick && ((!nick_isop(nick) && *mode == 'o') || (!nick_isvoice(nick) && *mode == 'v'))) { my_send_to_server(this_server, "MODE %s +%s %s", channel, mode, from); if (get_int_var(SEND_OP_MSG_VAR)) my_send_to_server(this_server, "NOTICE %s :You have been delay Auto-%s'd", from, *mode == 'o'? "op":"voice"); } } new_free(&p); new_free(&sub); return 0; } static char *protected = NULL; int delay_kick (void *arg, char *sub) { char * args = (char *)arg; char * from = NULL; char * channel = NULL; char * serv_num = NULL; int this_server = from_server; int server; ChannelList *chan; char *p = (char *) arg; /* original args unmodified so we can free them */ if (protected) { from = next_arg(args, &args); channel = next_arg(args, &args); if ((serv_num = next_arg(args, &args))) this_server = my_atol(serv_num); if ((chan = prepare_command(&server, channel, 3))) my_send_to_server(this_server, "KICK %s %s :\002%s\002 Kick/ban me will ya", channel, from, _VERSION_); new_free(&protected); } new_free(&p); new_free(&sub); return 0; } void run_user_flag(char *name, char *what, NickList *user, NickList *kicker) { char *tmp = NULL; char *name_copy, *stuff_copy; int sa = 0; char buffer[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE*5+1]; *buffer = 0; strmopencat(buffer, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE*5, user->nick, space, user->host, space, user->ip, space, user->userlist?one:zero, space, NULL); if (user->userlist) strmopencat(buffer, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE*5, user->userlist->nick, space, user->userlist->host, space, user->userlist->channels, space, ltoa(user->userlist->flags), space, NULL); if (kicker) { strmopencat(buffer, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE*5, kicker->nick, space, kicker->host, space, kicker->ip, space, kicker->userlist?one:zero, NULL); if (kicker->userlist) strmopencat(buffer, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE*5, space, kicker->userlist->nick, space, kicker->userlist->host, space, kicker->userlist->channels, space, ltoa(kicker->userlist->flags), NULL); } if ((tmp = expand_alias(what, empty_string, &sa, NULL))) { stuff_copy = alloca(strlen(tmp) + 1); name_copy = LOCAL_COPY(name); stuff_copy = LOCAL_COPY(tmp); will_catch_return_exceptions++; parse_line(name_copy, stuff_copy, buffer, 0, 0, 1); will_catch_return_exceptions--; return_exception = 0; } new_free(&tmp); } NickList *check_auto(char *channel, NickList *nicklist, ChannelList *chan) { ShitList *shitptr = NULL; UserList *userptr = NULL; ChannelList *chan_ptr = NULL; char *ban; if (!channel || !*channel || !nicklist) return NULL; if (!chan) { ChannelList *chan2; chan2 = get_server_channels(from_server); chan_ptr = (ChannelList *) find_in_list((List **)&chan2, channel, 0); } else chan_ptr = chan; if (!chan_ptr) return NULL; if (!chan_ptr->chop) return nicklist; userptr = nicklist->userlist; shitptr = nicklist->shitlist; if (userptr && !check_channel_match(userptr->channels, channel)) userptr = NULL; if (shitptr && (!check_channel_match(shitptr->channels, channel) || isme(nicklist->nick))) shitptr = NULL; if (get_cset_int_var(chan_ptr->csets, SHITLIST_CSET) && shitptr != NULL && userptr == NULL) { char *theshit; time_t current = now; theshit = get_string_var(SHITLIST_REASON_VAR); switch(shitptr->level) { case 0: return nicklist; break; case 1:/* never give opz */ if (nicklist->sent_deop < 4 && nick_isop(nicklist)) { add_mode(chan_ptr, "o", 0, nicklist->nick, NULL, get_int_var(NUM_OPMODES_VAR)); nicklist->sent_deop++; nicklist->sent_deop_time = current; } break; case 2: /* Auto Kick offender */ add_mode(chan_ptr, NULL, 0, nicklist->nick, shitptr->reason?shitptr->reason:theshit, 0); break; case 3: /* kick ban the offender */ case 4: /* perm ban on offender */ if (nicklist->sent_deop < 4 || (nicklist->sent_deop < 4 && shitptr->level == 4)) { send_to_server("MODE %s -o+b %s %s", channel, nicklist->nick, shitptr->filter); nicklist->sent_deop++; nicklist->sent_deop_time = current; if (get_int_var(AUTO_UNBAN_VAR) && shitptr->level != 4) add_timer(0, empty_string, get_int_var(AUTO_UNBAN_VAR) * 1000, 1, timer_unban, m_sprintf("%d %s %s", from_server, channel, shitptr->filter), NULL, -1, "auto-unban"); } if (get_cset_int_var(chan_ptr->csets, KICK_IF_BANNED_CSET)) send_to_server("KICK %s %s :%s", channel, nicklist->nick, (shitptr->reason && *shitptr->reason) ? shitptr->reason : theshit); default: break; } return nicklist; } if (userptr && get_cset_int_var(chan_ptr->csets, USERLIST_CSET)) { char *buffer = NULL; time_t current = now; int done = 0; char *p = NULL; if (get_cset_int_var(chan_ptr->csets, AOP_CSET)) { if ((userptr->flags & ADD_OPS)) { done++; if (!userptr->password && !nicklist->sent_reop && !nick_isop(nicklist)) { nicklist->sent_reop++; nicklist->sent_reop_time = current; if (!(userptr->flags & ADD_IOPS)) { malloc_sprintf(&buffer, "%s %s %s %s %d", channel, nicklist->nick, nicklist->host, "o", from_server); add_timer(0, empty_string, 10 * 1000, 1, delay_opz, buffer, NULL, -1, "delay-ops"); } else send_to_server("MODE %s +o %s", chan_ptr->channel, nicklist->nick); } } else if ((userptr->flags & ADD_VOICE)) { done++; if (!nicklist->sent_voice && !nick_isvoice(nicklist)) { nicklist->sent_voice++; nicklist->sent_voice_time = current; if (!(userptr->flags & ADD_IOPS)) { malloc_sprintf(&buffer, "%s %s %s %s %d", channel, nicklist->nick, nicklist->host, "v", from_server); add_timer(0, empty_string, 10 * 1000, 1, delay_opz, buffer, NULL, -1, "delay-ops"); } else send_to_server("MODE %s +v %s", chan_ptr->channel, nicklist->nick); } } } if ((userptr->flags & USER_FLAG_OPS) && (p = get_string_var(USER_FLAG_OPS_VAR))) { done++; run_user_flag("USER_FLAG_OPS", p, nicklist, NULL); } if (done) return nicklist; } if (get_cset_int_var(chan_ptr->csets, KICK_IF_BANNED_CSET) && check_channel_match(get_string_var(PROTECT_CHANNELS_VAR), chan_ptr->channel)) { char *ipban = NULL; char *u = NULL; if (!nicklist->host) return nicklist; ban = m_3dup(nicklist->nick, "!", nicklist->host); if (nicklist->ip && nicklist->host) { char *user = alloca(strlen(nicklist->host)+1); strcpy(user, nicklist->host); if ((u = strchr(user, '@'))) *u = 0; ipban = m_opendup(nicklist->nick, "!", user, "@", nicklist->ip, NULL); } if (!isme(nicklist->nick) && (!eban_is_on_channel(ban, chan_ptr) && (ban_is_on_channel(ban, chan_ptr) || (ipban && ban_is_on_channel(ipban, chan_ptr)))) ) { new_free(&ban); new_free(&ipban); if (nick_isop(nicklist) && !get_cset_int_var(chan_ptr->csets, KICK_OPS_CSET)) return nicklist; my_send_to_server(from_server, "KICK %s %s :Banned", chan_ptr->channel, nicklist->nick); } new_free(&ban); new_free(&ipban); } return nicklist; } /* * Protection levels * 1 Reop if de-oped * 2 De-op offender * 3 Kick offender * 4 KickBan offender */ int check_prot(char *from, char *person, ChannelList *chan, BanList *thisban, NickList *n) { NickList *tmp = NULL; NickList *kicker; char *tmp_ban = NULL; char *nick = NULL, *userhost = NULL, *p; if (!from || !*from || !person || !*person || !chan) return 0; if (!my_stricmp(person, from)) return 0; tmp_ban = LOCAL_COPY(person); if ((p = strchr(tmp_ban, '!'))) { nick = tmp_ban; *p++ = 0; userhost = p; } else nick = person; if (!n) { if (!(tmp = find_nicklist_in_channellist(person, chan, 0))) { for (tmp = next_nicklist(chan, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_nicklist(chan, tmp)) { if (wild_match(nick, tmp->nick) && wild_match(userhost, tmp->host) && tmp->userlist) { n = tmp; break; } } } } if (get_cset_int_var(chan->csets, USERLIST_CSET) && chan->chop && ((n && n->userlist) || (tmp && tmp->userlist))) { UserList *user = NULL; time_t current = now; if (n) user = n->userlist; else user = tmp->userlist; if (!user || (user && !check_channel_match(user->channels, chan->channel))) return 0; if (!(kicker = find_nicklist_in_channellist(from, chan, 0))) return 0; if ((user->flags & (PROT_DEOP | PROT_INVITE | PROT_BAN | PROT_KICK | PROT_REOP))) { int do_reop = 0; if (user->flags & PROT_DEOP) { if (!kicker->sent_deop) { if (!kicker->userlist || (kicker->userlist && !(kicker->userlist->flags & PROT_DEOP))) send_to_server("MODE %s -o %s", chan->channel, from); kicker->sent_deop++; } do_reop = 1; } if (user->flags & PROT_INVITE) { if (thisban && !thisban->sent_unban) { thisban->sent_unban++; thisban->sent_unban_time = current; send_to_server("MODE %s -b %s", chan->channel, thisban->ban); send_to_server("INVITE %s %s", n?n->nick:tmp->nick, chan->channel); } } if (user->flags & PROT_BAN) { /* do_reop = 1; */ if (kicker->userlist) send_to_server("MODE %s -o %s", chan->channel, from); else { char *h, *u; u = LOCAL_COPY(kicker->host); h = strchr(u, '@'); *h++ = 0; send_to_server("MODE %s -o+b %s %s", chan->channel, kicker->nick, ban_it(kicker->nick, u, h, kicker->ip)); if (get_int_var(AUTO_UNBAN_VAR)) add_timer(0, empty_string, get_int_var(AUTO_UNBAN_VAR) * 1000, 1, timer_unban, m_sprintf("%d %s %s", from_server, chan->channel, ban_it(kicker->nick, u, h, kicker->ip)), NULL, -1, "auto-unban"); } } if (user->flags & PROT_KICK) { if (kicker && (!kicker->userlist || (kicker->userlist && !(kicker->userlist->flags & PROT_KICK)))) send_to_server("KICK %s %s :\002BitchX\002 Protected User", chan->channel, kicker->nick); } if ((user->flags & PROT_REOP) || do_reop) { /* added by Sergs serg@gamma.niimm.spb.su */ if (thisban) { if (thisban->sent_unban_time - current > 30) { thisban->sent_unban++; thisban->sent_unban_time = current; send_to_server("MODE %s -b %s", chan->channel, thisban->ban); } else if (thisban->sent_unban < 3) { thisban->sent_unban++; thisban->sent_unban_time = current; send_to_server("MODE %s -b %s", chan->channel, thisban->ban); } } if (n && (!n->sent_reop || (n->sent_reop_time && (current - n->sent_reop_time > 60)))) { char *u = NULL; malloc_sprintf(&u, "%s %s %s %s %d", chan->channel, n->nick, n->host, "o", from_server); add_timer(0, empty_string, 10 * 1000, 1, delay_opz, u, NULL, -1, "delay-ops"); n->sent_reop++; n->sent_reop_time = current; } } } if ((user->flags & USER_FLAG_PROT) && (p = get_string_var(USER_FLAG_PROT_VAR))) run_user_flag("USER_FLAG_PROT", p, n, kicker); return 1; } return 0; } void check_shit(ChannelList *chan) { ShitList *Bans; if (!chan || !chan->chop || !shitlist_list || chan->server <= -1 || !get_cset_int_var(chan->csets, SHITLIST_CSET)) return; if (!check_channel_match(get_string_var(PROTECT_CHANNELS_VAR), chan->channel)) return; for (Bans = shitlist_list; Bans; Bans = Bans->next) { /* this is a permanent ban */ if (!check_channel_match(Bans->channels, chan->channel)) continue; if ((Bans->level == 4) && !ban_is_on_channel(Bans->filter, chan) && !eban_is_on_channel(Bans->filter, chan)) add_mode(chan, "b", 1, Bans->filter, NULL, get_int_var(NUM_BANMODES_VAR)); } flush_mode_all(chan); } BUILT_IN_COMMAND(change_user) { #if 0 int comm = 0; char *user, *what; char err_msg[7][50] = { empty_string, "No Level Specified", "No Protection level Specified", "No Channel(s) Specified", "No Auto-op Specified", "No password Specified", "No Userhost Specified"}; if (!my_stricmp(command, "CHGFLAGS")) comm = 1; else if (!my_stricmp(command, "CHGCHAN")) comm = 3; else if (!my_stricmp(command, "CHGPASS")) comm = 5; else if (!my_stricmp(command, "CHGUH")) comm = 6; if (comm && (user = next_arg(args, &args))) { UserList *ThisNick; int prot, level, autoop; char *channels = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *format = NULL; char *userhost = NULL; if (!(what = next_arg(args, &args))) { bitchsay("%s %s", command, err_msg[comm]); return; } if (!(ThisNick = (UserList *)find_bestmatch(user, 0))) { bitchsay("Nick [%s] was not found on userlist", user); return; } flags = ThisNick->flags; channels = ThisNick->channels; password = ThisNick->password; userhost = ThisNick->host; switch(comm) { case 1: ThisNick->level = my_atol(what); format = "Changed level for [$0] $2 to $1"; put_it("%s", convert_output_format(format,"%s %d %d", ThisNick->nick, ThisNick->level, level)); break; case 2: ThisNick->channels = m_strdup(what); format = "Changed allowed channels for [$0] $2 to $1"; put_it("%s", convert_output_format(format,"%s %s %s", ThisNick->nick,ThisNick->channels?ThisNick->channels:"null", channels?channels:"null")); new_free(&channels); break; case 3: ThisNick->password = m_Strdup(what); format = "Changed passwd for [$0] $2 to $1"; put_it("%s", convert_output_format(format,"%s %s %s", ThisNick->nick, ThisNick->password?ThisNick->password:"null", password?password:"null")); new_free(&password); case 4: ThisNick->host = m_strdup(what); format = "Changed userhost for [$0] $2 to $1"; put_it("%s", convert_output_format(format,"%s %s %s", ThisNick->nick, ThisNick->host, userhost)); new_free(&userhost); break; default: break; } } #endif return; } #endif int check_channel_match(char *tmp, char *channel) { char *p, *q, *chan = NULL; int wmatch = 0; if (!tmp || !channel) return 0; if (*channel == '*' && (strlen(channel)==1)) return 1; q = chan = alloca(strlen(tmp)+1); strcpy(chan, tmp); while ((p = next_in_comma_list(chan, &chan))) { if (!p || !*p) break; if (*p == '!' && wild_match(p+1, channel)) { wmatch = 0; break; } if (!my_stricmp(p, channel)) { wmatch = strlen(channel); break; } else if ((wmatch = wild_match(p, channel))) break; } return wmatch; } void check_hack(char *nick, ChannelList *channel, NickList *ThisNick, char *from) { #ifdef WANT_USERLIST UserList *userptr = NULL; ShitList *shitptr = NULL; #endif WhowasList *check_op = NULL; int flag; if (from && *from && !strchr(from, '.')) return; if (!channel || !are_you_opped(channel->channel) || !nick || !ThisNick || wild_match(nick, get_server_nickname(from_server))) return; if (!(flag = get_cset_int_var(channel->csets, HACKING_CSET))) return; if ((ThisNick->sent_deop) && (now - ThisNick->sent_deop_time < 10)) return; #ifdef WANT_USERLIST userptr = ThisNick->userlist; shitptr = ThisNick->shitlist; #endif check_op = check_whosplitin_buffer(nick, ThisNick->host, channel->channel, 0); if (check_op && check_op->has_ops) return; #ifdef WANT_USERLIST if ( !userptr || (userptr && !check_channel_match(userptr->channels, channel->channel)) || (shitptr && check_channel_match(shitptr->channels, channel->channel))) #endif { switch(flag) { case 1: case 3: if (is_chanop(channel->channel, nick)) add_mode(channel, "o", 0, nick, NULL, get_int_var(NUM_OPMODES_VAR)); ThisNick->sent_deop++; ThisNick->sent_deop_time = now; case 2: if (flag != 1) bitchsay("NetHack detected on %s by %s!%s", channel->channel, nick, ThisNick->host); case 0: default: break; } } } BUILT_IN_COMMAND(reload_save) { char *p = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; if (get_string_var(CTOOLZ_DIR_VAR)) { malloc_sprintf(&buffer, "%s", get_string_var(CTOOLZ_DIR_VAR)); p = expand_twiddle(buffer); if (p && access(p, F_OK) != 0) { bitchsay("Created directory %s", p); mkdir(p, S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR|S_IXUSR); } new_free(&p); malloc_sprintf(&buffer, "%s/%s.sav", get_string_var(CTOOLZ_DIR_VAR), version); } else malloc_sprintf(&buffer, "~/%s.sav", version); #ifdef WANT_USERLIST remove_all(-1); #endif p = expand_twiddle(buffer); load(empty_string, p, empty_string, NULL); /*CDE XXX p */ new_free(&buffer); new_free(&p); } BUILT_IN_COMMAND(savelists) { #ifdef PUBLIC_ACCESS bitchsay("This command is disabled on a public access system"); return; #else char thefile[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; char *p = NULL; FILE *outfile = NULL; extern int defban; ShitList *slist = shitlist_list; UserList *ulist = NULL; void *location = NULL; LameList *lame_nick = lame_list; AJoinList *ajoin = ajoin_list; int count = 0; int size = -1; sprintf(thefile, "%s/%s.sav", get_string_var(CTOOLZ_DIR_VAR), version); if ((p = expand_twiddle(thefile))) outfile = fopen(p, "w"); if (!outfile) { bitchsay("Cannot open file %s for saving!", thefile); new_free(&p); return; } if (do_hook(SAVEFILEPRE_LIST, "%s %s", thefile, p)) bitchsay("Saving All Your Settings to %s", thefile); #ifdef WANT_USERLIST if (ulist) fprintf(outfile, "# %s UserList\n", version); count = 0; for (ulist = next_userlist(NULL, &size, &location); ulist; ulist = next_userlist(ulist, &size, &location)) { fprintf(outfile, "ADDUSER %s!%s %s %s%s%s\n", ulist->nick, ulist->host, ulist->channels, convert_flags_to_str(ulist->flags), ulist->password?space:empty_string, ulist->password? ulist->password : empty_string); count ++; } if (count && do_hook(SAVEFILE_LIST, "UserList %d", count)) bitchsay("Saved %d UserList entries", count); count = 0; if (slist) fprintf(outfile, "# %s ShitList\n", version); while(slist) { fprintf(outfile, "ADDSHIT %s %s %d %s\n", slist->filter, slist->channels, slist->level, slist->reason? slist->reason : empty_string); slist = slist->next; count ++; } if (count && do_hook(SAVEFILE_LIST, "ShitList %d", count)) bitchsay("Saved %d ShitList entries", count); #endif count = 0; if (lame_list) fprintf(outfile, "# %s LameNick List\n", version); while(lame_nick) { fprintf(outfile, "ADDLAMENICK %s\n", lame_nick->nick); lame_nick = lame_nick->next; count ++; } if (count && do_hook(SAVEFILE_LIST, "LameNickList %d", count)) bitchsay("Saved %d LameNick entries", count); if (ajoin) fprintf(outfile, "# %s Auto-Join List\n", version); count = 0; while (ajoin) { if (ajoin->ajoin_list == 1) /* actual auto-join entry */ { fprintf(outfile, "AJOIN %s%s%s%s%s\n", ajoin->name, ajoin->group?" -g ":empty_string, ajoin->group?ajoin->group:empty_string, ajoin->key?space:empty_string, ajoin->key?ajoin->key:empty_string); count ++; } ajoin = ajoin->next; } if (count && do_hook(SAVEFILE_LIST, "AutoJoin %d", count)) bitchsay("Saved %d AutoJoin entries", count); #ifdef WANT_USERLIST ulist = user_list; count = 0; while(ulist) { if (ulist->comment) { if (count == 0) fprintf(outfile, "# %s UserInfo\n", version); fprintf(outfile, "USERINFO %s %s\n", ulist->nick, ulist->comment); count++; } ulist = ulist->next; } if (count && do_hook(SAVEFILE_LIST, "UserInfo %d", count)) bitchsay("Saved %d UserInfo entries", count); #endif save_notify(outfile); save_watch(outfile); save_idle(outfile); save_banwords(outfile); dcc_exempt_save(outfile); savebitchx_variables(outfile); fprintf(outfile, "BANTYPE %c\n", defban == 1? 'N':defban == 2? 'B':defban==3?'H':defban==4?'D':defban==5?'U':defban==6?'S':'I'); if (do_hook(SAVEFILEPOST_LIST, "%s %s", thefile, p)) bitchsay("Done Saving to file %s", thefile); fclose(outfile); new_free(&p); /* this looks like a bug but it isn't. formats are saved in a * differant file altogether. */ save_formats(outfile); #endif } int change_pass(char *from, char *msg) { UserList *tmp; char *old_pass, *new_pass, *args; args = LOCAL_COPY(msg); next_arg(args, &args); old_pass = next_arg(args, &args); new_pass = next_arg(args, &args); if ((tmp = (UserList *) lookup_userlevelc(from, FromUserHost, "*", NULL))) { if (tmp->password) { if (!old_pass || !new_pass) return 0; if (!(checkpass(old_pass, tmp->password))) { int old_display_win = window_display; window_display = 0; malloc_strcpy(&tmp->password, cryptit(new_pass)); savelists(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); window_display = old_display_win; return 1; } } /* user doesn't have a pass, so set it up */ if (old_pass) { int old_display_win = window_display; window_display = 0; tmp->password = m_strdup(cryptit(old_pass)); savelists(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); window_display = old_display_win; return 1; } } return 0; }