/* * whowas.c a linked list buffer of people who have left your channel * mainly used for ban prot and stats stuff. * Should even speed stuff up a bit too. * * Written by Scott H Kilau * * Copyright(c) 1995 * Modified Colten Edwards 1996 * See the COPYRIGHT file, or do a HELP IRCII COPYRIGHT */ #include "irc.h" static char cvsrevision[] = "$Id: whowas.c,v 2003/04/11 01:09:07 dan Exp $"; CVS_REVISION(whowas_c) #include "struct.h" #include "vars.h" #include "ircaux.h" #include "window.h" #include "who.h" #include "hook.h" #include "input.h" #include "names.h" #include "alias.h" #include "output.h" #include "numbers.h" #include "status.h" #include "screen.h" #include "commands.h" #include "config.h" #include "list.h" #include "userlist.h" #include "misc.h" #include "hash.h" #include "hash2.h" #define MAIN_SOURCE #include "modval.h" /* #include "ctimers.h" #include "edit2.h" #include "edit3.h" #include "edit4.h" */ #include "userlist.h" #include "whowas.h" WhowasWrapList whowas_userlist_list = { 0 }; WhowasWrapList whowas_reg_list = { 0 }; WhowasWrapList whowas_splitin_list = { 0 }; WhowasChanList *whowas_chan_list = NULL; static int whowas_userlist_count = 0; static int whowas_reg_count = 0; static int whowas_chan_count = 0; extern WhowasList *check_whowas_buffer(char *nick, char *userhost, char *channel, int unlink) { WhowasList *tmp = NULL; if (!(tmp = find_userhost_channel(userhost, channel, unlink, &whowas_userlist_list))) tmp = find_userhost_channel(userhost, channel, unlink, &whowas_reg_list); return tmp; } extern WhowasList * check_whowas_nick_buffer(char *nick, char *channel, int unlink) { WhowasList *tmp = NULL, *last = NULL; for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, tmp)) { if (!my_stricmp(tmp->nicklist->nick, nick) && !my_stricmp(tmp->channel, channel)) { if (unlink) { last = find_userhost_channel(tmp->nicklist->host, tmp->channel, 1, &whowas_userlist_list); tmp = NULL; } return last?last:tmp; } } for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, tmp)) { if (!my_stricmp(tmp->nicklist->nick, nick) && !my_stricmp(tmp->channel, channel)) { if (unlink) { last = find_userhost_channel(tmp->nicklist->host, tmp->channel, 1, &whowas_reg_list); tmp = NULL; } return last?last:tmp; } } return( NULL ); } extern WhowasList * check_whosplitin_buffer(char *nick, char *userhost, char *channel, int unlink) { WhowasList *tmp = NULL; tmp = find_userhost_channel(userhost, channel, unlink, &whowas_splitin_list); return tmp; } void add_to_whowas_buffer(NickList *nicklist, char *channel, char *server1, char *server2) { WhowasList *new; if (!nicklist || !nicklist->nick) return; if (nicklist->userlist) { if (whowas_userlist_count >= whowas_userlist_max) { whowas_userlist_count -= remove_oldest_whowas(&whowas_userlist_list, 0, (whowas_userlist_max + 1) - whowas_userlist_count); } new = (WhowasList *) new_malloc(sizeof(WhowasList)); new->has_ops = nick_isop(nicklist); new->nicklist = nicklist; malloc_strcpy(&(new->channel), channel); malloc_strcpy(&(new->server1), server1); if (server2) malloc_strcpy(&(new->server2), server2); new->time = now; add_whowas_userhost_channel(new, &whowas_userlist_list); whowas_userlist_count++; } else { if (whowas_reg_count >= whowas_reg_max) { whowas_reg_count -= remove_oldest_whowas(&whowas_reg_list, 0, (whowas_reg_max + 1) - whowas_reg_count); } new = (WhowasList *) new_malloc(sizeof(WhowasList)); new->has_ops = nick_isop(nicklist); new->nicklist = (NickList *) nicklist; malloc_strcpy(&(new->channel), channel); malloc_strcpy(&(new->server1), server1); malloc_strcpy(&(new->server2), server2); new->time = now; add_whowas_userhost_channel(new, &whowas_reg_list); whowas_reg_count++; } } void add_to_whosplitin_buffer(NickList *nicklist, char *channel, char *server1, char *server2) { WhowasList *new; new = (WhowasList *) new_malloc(sizeof(WhowasList)); new->has_ops = nick_isop(nicklist); new->nicklist = (NickList *)new_malloc(sizeof(NickList)); /*nicklist;*/ new->nicklist->nick = m_strdup(nicklist->nick); new->nicklist->host = m_strdup(nicklist->host); malloc_strcpy(&(new->channel), channel); malloc_strcpy(&(new->server1), server1); malloc_strcpy(&(new->server2), server2); new->time = now; add_whowas_userhost_channel(new, &whowas_splitin_list); } int remove_oldest_whowas(WhowasWrapList *list, time_t timet, int count) { int total = 0; /* if no ..count.. then remove ..time.. links */ total = remove_oldest_whowas_hashlist(list, timet, count); return total; } void clean_whowas_list(void) { if (whowas_userlist_count) whowas_userlist_count -= remove_oldest_whowas_hashlist(&whowas_userlist_list, 20 * 60, 0); if (whowas_reg_count) whowas_reg_count -= remove_oldest_whowas_hashlist(&whowas_reg_list, 10 * 60, 0); remove_oldest_whowas_hashlist(&whowas_splitin_list, 25 * 60 , 0); } /* Used to rehash whowas listings for new users */ void sync_whowas_adduser(UserList *added) { WhowasList *tmp; for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, tmp)) { if (check_channel_match(added->channels, tmp->channel)) if (wild_match(added->host, tmp->nicklist->host) && wild_match(added->nick, tmp->nicklist->nick)) tmp->nicklist->userlist = added; } for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, tmp)) { if (check_channel_match(added->channels, tmp->channel)) if (wild_match(added->host, tmp->nicklist->host) && wild_match(added->nick, tmp->nicklist->nick)) tmp->nicklist->userlist = added; } } /* Used to rehash whowas listings for removed userlist entries */ void sync_whowas_unuser(UserList *entry) { WhowasList *tmp; for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, tmp)) { if (!tmp->nicklist->userlist) continue; if (!my_stricmp(tmp->nicklist->userlist->host, entry->host) && !my_stricmp(tmp->nicklist->userlist->nick, entry->nick) && check_channel_match(tmp->nicklist->userlist->channels, entry->channels)) tmp->nicklist->userlist = NULL; } for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, tmp)) { if (!tmp->nicklist->userlist) continue; if (!my_stricmp(tmp->nicklist->userlist->host, entry->host) && !my_stricmp(tmp->nicklist->userlist->nick, entry->nick) && check_channel_match(tmp->nicklist->userlist->channels, entry->channels)) tmp->nicklist->userlist = NULL; } } /* Used to rehash whowas listings for new shitlist entries */ void sync_whowas_addshit(ShitList *added) { WhowasList *tmp; char user[BIG_BUFFER_SIZE]; for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, tmp)) { if (check_channel_match(added->channels, tmp->channel)) { sprintf(user, "%s!%s", tmp->nicklist->nick, tmp->nicklist->host); if (wild_match(added->filter, user)) tmp->nicklist->shitlist = added; } } for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, tmp)) { if (check_channel_match(added->channels, tmp->channel)) { sprintf(user, "%s!%s", tmp->nicklist->nick, tmp->nicklist->host); if (wild_match(added->filter, user)) tmp->nicklist->shitlist = added; } } } /* Used to rehash whowas listings for removed shitlist entries */ void sync_whowas_unshit(ShitList *entry) { WhowasList *tmp; for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_userlist_list, tmp)) { if (!tmp->nicklist->shitlist) continue; if (!my_stricmp(tmp->nicklist->shitlist->filter, entry->filter) && check_channel_match(tmp->nicklist->shitlist->channels, entry->channels)) tmp->nicklist->shitlist = NULL; } for (tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, NULL); tmp; tmp = next_userhost(&whowas_reg_list, tmp)) { if (!tmp->nicklist->shitlist) continue; if (!my_stricmp(tmp->nicklist->shitlist->filter, entry->filter) && check_channel_match(tmp->nicklist->shitlist->channels, entry->channels)) tmp->nicklist->shitlist = NULL; } } /* BELOW THIS MARK IS THE CHANNEL WHOWAS STUFF */ extern WhowasChanList *check_whowas_chan_buffer(char *channel, int refnum, int unlink) { WhowasChanList *tmp, *last = NULL; for (tmp = whowas_chan_list; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (!my_stricmp(tmp->channellist->channel, channel)) { if ((refnum == -1) || (refnum == tmp->channellist->refnum)) { if (unlink) { if (last) last->next = tmp->next; else whowas_chan_list = tmp->next; whowas_chan_count--; } return(tmp); } } last = tmp; } return( NULL ); } void add_to_whowas_chan_buffer(ChannelList *channel) { WhowasChanList *new; WhowasChanList **slot; if (whowas_chan_count >= whowas_chan_max) { whowas_chan_count -= remove_oldest_chan_whowas(&whowas_chan_list, 0, (whowas_chan_max + 1) - whowas_chan_count); } new = (WhowasChanList *) new_malloc(sizeof(WhowasChanList)); new->channellist = channel; new->time = now; clear_nicklist_hashtable(channel); /* we've created it, now put it in order */ for (slot = &whowas_chan_list; *slot; slot = &(*slot)->next) { if ((*slot)->time > new->time) break; } new->next = *slot; *slot = new; whowas_chan_count++; } int remove_oldest_chan_whowas(WhowasChanList **list, time_t timet, int count) { WhowasChanList *tmp = NULL; time_t t; int total = 0; /* if no ..count.. then remove ..time.. links */ if (!count) { t = now; while (*list && ((*list)->time + timet) <= t) { tmp = *list; new_free(&(tmp->channellist->channel)); new_free(&(tmp->channellist->topic)); new_free(&(tmp->channellist->modelock_key)); clear_bans(tmp->channellist); if (tmp->channellist->msglog_fp) fclose(tmp->channellist->msglog_fp); remove_csets_for_channel(tmp->channellist->csets); new_free((char **)&(tmp->channellist)); *list = tmp->next; new_free((char **)&tmp); total++; } } else { while (*list && count) { tmp = *list; new_free(&(tmp->channellist->channel)); new_free(&(tmp->channellist->topic)); new_free(&(tmp->channellist->modelock_key)); clear_bans(tmp->channellist); if (tmp->channellist->msglog_fp) fclose(tmp->channellist->msglog_fp); remove_csets_for_channel(tmp->channellist->csets); new_free((char **)&(tmp->channellist)); *list = tmp->next; new_free((char **)&tmp); total++; count--; } } return total; } void clean_whowas_chan_list(void) { whowas_chan_count -= remove_oldest_chan_whowas(&whowas_chan_list, 24 * 60 * 60, 0); } void clear_whowas(void) { whowas_chan_count -= remove_oldest_chan_whowas(&whowas_chan_list, 0, 0); if (whowas_userlist_count) whowas_userlist_count -= remove_oldest_whowas_hashlist(&whowas_userlist_list, 0, 0); if (whowas_reg_count) whowas_reg_count -= remove_oldest_whowas_hashlist(&whowas_reg_list, 0, 0); remove_oldest_whowas_hashlist(&whowas_splitin_list, 0 , 0); } void show_whowas(void) { reset_display_target(); show_whowas_hashtable(&whowas_userlist_list, "Userlist"); show_whowas_hashtable(&whowas_reg_list, "Reglist"); } void show_wholeft(char *channel) { int count = 0; int hook = 0; time_t ltime = now; reset_display_target(); #if 0 hook = show_wholeft_hashtable(&whowas_splitin_list, ltime, &count, &hook, "SplitList"); #endif hook = show_wholeft_hashtable(&whowas_userlist_list, ltime, &count, &hook, "Splitin"); hook = show_wholeft_hashtable(&whowas_reg_list, ltime, &count, &hook, "Splitin"); if (count && hook && fget_string_var(FORMAT_WHOLEFT_FOOTER_FSET)) put_it("%s", convert_output_format(fget_string_var(FORMAT_WHOLEFT_FOOTER_FSET), NULL)); }