  * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway                     *
  *                                                                    *
  * Copyright 2002-2004 Wilmer van der Gaast and others                *

/* Main file                                                            */

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with
  the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL;
  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
  Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "bitlbee.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "crypting.h"
#include "protocols/nogaim.h"
#include "help.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

gboolean bitlbee_io_new_client( GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data )
	size_t size = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
	struct sockaddr_in conn_info;
	int new_socket = accept( global.listen_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &conn_info, 
		                     &size );
	log_message( LOGLVL_INFO, "Creating new connection with fd %d.", new_socket );
	irc_new( new_socket );

	return TRUE;

int bitlbee_daemon_init()
	struct sockaddr_in listen_addr;
	int i;
	GIOChannel *ch;
	global.listen_socket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
	if( global.listen_socket == -1 )
		log_error( "socket" );
		return( -1 );
	listen_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	listen_addr.sin_port = htons( global.conf->port );
	listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( global.conf->iface );

	i = bind( global.listen_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &listen_addr, sizeof( struct sockaddr ) );
	if( i == -1 )
		log_error( "bind" );
		return( -1 );

	i = listen( global.listen_socket, 10 );
	if( i == -1 )
		log_error( "listen" );
		return( -1 );

	ch = g_io_channel_unix_new( global.listen_socket );
	g_io_add_watch( ch, G_IO_IN, bitlbee_io_new_client, NULL );

#ifndef _WIN32
	if( !global.conf->nofork )
		i = fork();
		if( i == -1 )
			log_error( "fork" );
			return( -1 );
		else if( i != 0 ) 
			exit( 0 );
		close( 0 );
		close( 1 );
		close( 2 );
		chdir( "/" );
	return( 0 );
int bitlbee_inetd_init()
	if( !irc_new( 0 ) )
		return( 1 );
	return( 0 );

gboolean bitlbee_io_current_client_read( GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data )
	irc_t *irc = data;
	char line[513];
	int st;
	if( condition & G_IO_ERR || condition & G_IO_HUP )
		irc_free( irc );
		return FALSE;
	st = read( irc->fd, line, sizeof( line ) - 1 );
	if( st == 0 )
		irc_free( irc );
		return FALSE;
	else if( st < 0 )
		if( sockerr_again() )
			return TRUE;
			irc_free( irc );
			return FALSE;
	line[st] = '\0';
	if( irc->readbuffer == NULL ) 
		irc->readbuffer = g_strdup( line );
		irc->readbuffer = g_renew( char, irc->readbuffer, strlen( irc->readbuffer ) + strlen ( line ) + 1 );
		strcpy( ( irc->readbuffer + strlen( irc->readbuffer ) ), line );
	if( !irc_process( irc ) )
		log_message( LOGLVL_INFO, "Destroying connection with fd %d.", irc->fd );
		irc_free( irc );
		return FALSE;
	/* Very naughty, go read the RFCs! >:) */
	if( irc->readbuffer && ( strlen( irc->readbuffer ) > 1024 ) )
		log_message( LOGLVL_ERROR, "Maximum line length exceeded." );
		irc_free( irc );
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

gboolean bitlbee_io_current_client_write( GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data )
	irc_t *irc = data;
	int st, size;
	char *temp;

	if( irc->sendbuffer == NULL )
		return( FALSE );
	size = strlen( irc->sendbuffer );
	st = write( irc->fd, irc->sendbuffer, size );
	if( st == 0 || ( st < 0 && !sockerr_again() ) )
		irc_free( irc );
		return FALSE;
	else if( st < 0 ) /* && sockerr_again() */
		return TRUE;
	if( st == size )
		g_free( irc->sendbuffer );
		irc->sendbuffer = NULL;
		irc->w_watch_source_id = 0;
		return( FALSE );
		temp = g_strdup( irc->sendbuffer + st );
		g_free( irc->sendbuffer );
		irc->sendbuffer = temp;
		return( TRUE );

int bitlbee_load( irc_t *irc, const char* password )
	char s[512];
	char *line;
	int proto;
	char nick[MAX_NICK_LENGTH+1];
	FILE *fp;
	user_t *ru = user_find( irc, ROOT_NICK );
	if( irc->status == USTATUS_IDENTIFIED )
		return( 1 );
	g_snprintf( s, 511, "%s%s%s", global.conf->configdir, irc->nick, ".accounts" );
   	fp = fopen( s, "r" );
   	if( !fp ) return( 0 );
	fscanf( fp, "%32[^\n]s", s );
	if( setpass( irc, password, s ) < 0 )
		fclose( fp );
		return( -1 );
	/* Do this now. If the user runs with AuthMode = Registered, the
	   account command will not work otherwise. */
	irc->status = USTATUS_IDENTIFIED;
	while( fscanf( fp, "%511[^\n]s", s ) > 0 )
		fgetc( fp );
		line = deobfucrypt( irc, s );
		root_command_string( irc, ru, line, 0 );
		g_free( line );
	fclose( fp );
	g_snprintf( s, 511, "%s%s%s", global.conf->configdir, irc->nick, ".nicks" );
	fp = fopen( s, "r" );
	if( !fp ) return( 0 );
	while( fscanf( fp, "%s %d %s", s, &proto, nick ) > 0 )
		http_decode( s );
		nick_set( irc, s, proto, nick );
	fclose( fp );
	if( set_getint( irc, "auto_connect" ) )
		strcpy( s, "account on" );	/* Can't do this directly because r_c_s alters the string */
		root_command_string( irc, ru, s, 0 );
	return( 1 );

int bitlbee_save( irc_t *irc )
	char s[512];
	char path[512], new_path[512];
	char *line;
	nick_t *n;
	set_t *set;
	mode_t ou = umask( 0077 );
	account_t *a;
	FILE *fp;
	char *hash;
	 *  [SH] Nothing should be saved if no password is set, because the
	 *  password is not set if it was wrong, or if one is not identified
	 *  yet. This means that a malicious user could easily overwrite
	 *  files owned by someone else:
	 *  a Bad Thing, methinks

	/* [WVG] No? Really? */

	 *  [SH] Okay, okay, it wasn't really Wilmer who said that, it was
	 *  me. I just thought it was funny.
	hash = hashpass( irc );
	if( hash == NULL )
		irc_usermsg( irc, "Please register yourself if you want to save your settings." );
		return( 0 );
	g_snprintf( path, 511, "%s%s%s", global.conf->configdir, irc->nick, ".nicks~" );
	fp = fopen( path, "w" );
	if( !fp ) return( 0 );
	for( n = irc->nicks; n; n = n->next )
		strcpy( s, n->handle );
		s[169] = 0; /* Prevent any overflow (169 ~ 512 / 3) */
		http_encode( s );
		g_snprintf( s + strlen( s ), 510 - strlen( s ), " %d %s", n->proto, n->nick );
		if( fprintf( fp, "%s\n", s ) != strlen( s ) + 1 )
			irc_usermsg( irc, "fprintf() wrote too little. Disk full?" );
			fclose( fp );
			return( 0 );
	if( fclose( fp ) != 0 )
		irc_usermsg( irc, "fclose() reported an error. Disk full?" );
		return( 0 );
	g_snprintf( new_path, 512, "%s%s%s", global.conf->configdir, irc->nick, ".nicks" );
	if( unlink( new_path ) != 0 )
		if( errno != ENOENT )
			irc_usermsg( irc, "Error while removing old .nicks file" );
			return( 0 );
	if( rename( path, new_path ) != 0 )
		irc_usermsg( irc, "Error while renaming new .nicks file" );
		return( 0 );
	g_snprintf( path, 511, "%s%s%s", global.conf->configdir, irc->nick, ".accounts~" );
	fp = fopen( path, "w" );
	if( !fp ) return( 0 );
	if( fprintf( fp, "%s", hash ) != strlen( hash ) )
		irc_usermsg( irc, "fprintf() wrote too little. Disk full?" );
		fclose( fp );
		return( 0 );
	g_free( hash );

	for( a = irc->accounts; a; a = a->next )
		if( a->protocol == PROTO_OSCAR || a->protocol == PROTO_ICQ || a->protocol == PROTO_TOC )
			g_snprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "account add oscar \"%s\" \"%s\" %s", a->user, a->pass, a->server );
			g_snprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "account add %s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"",
			            proto_name[a->protocol], a->user, a->pass, a->server ? a->server : "" );
		line = obfucrypt( irc, s );
		if( *line )
			if( fprintf( fp, "%s\n", line ) != strlen( line ) + 1 )
				irc_usermsg( irc, "fprintf() wrote too little. Disk full?" );
				fclose( fp );
				return( 0 );
		g_free( line );
	for( set = irc->set; set; set = set->next )
		if( set->value && set->def )
			g_snprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "set %s \"%s\"", set->key, set->value );
			line = obfucrypt( irc, s );
			if( *line )
				if( fprintf( fp, "%s\n", line ) != strlen( line ) + 1 )
					irc_usermsg( irc, "fprintf() wrote too little. Disk full?" );
					fclose( fp );
					return( 0 );
			g_free( line );
	if( strcmp( irc->mynick, ROOT_NICK ) != 0 )
		g_snprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "rename %s %s", ROOT_NICK, irc->mynick );
		line = obfucrypt( irc, s );
		if( *line )
			if( fprintf( fp, "%s\n", line ) != strlen( line ) + 1 )
				irc_usermsg( irc, "fprintf() wrote too little. Disk full?" );
				fclose( fp );
				return( 0 );
		g_free( line );
	if( fclose( fp ) != 0 )
		irc_usermsg( irc, "fclose() reported an error. Disk full?" );
		return( 0 );
 	g_snprintf( new_path, 512, "%s%s%s", global.conf->configdir, irc->nick, ".accounts" );
 	if( unlink( new_path ) != 0 )
		if( errno != ENOENT )
			irc_usermsg( irc, "Error while removing old .accounts file" );
			return( 0 );
	if( rename( path, new_path ) != 0 )
		irc_usermsg( irc, "Error while renaming new .accounts file" );
		return( 0 );
	umask( ou );
	return( 1 );

void bitlbee_shutdown( gpointer data )
	/* Try to save data for all active connections (if desired). */
	while( irc_connection_list != NULL )
		irc_free( irc_connection_list->data );
	/* We'll only reach this point when not running in inetd mode: */
	g_main_quit( global.loop );

int root_command_string( irc_t *irc, user_t *u, char *command, int flags )
	char *cmd[IRC_MAX_ARGS];
	char *s;
	int k;
	char q = 0;
	memset( cmd, 0, sizeof( cmd ) );
	cmd[0] = command;
	k = 1;
	for( s = command; *s && k < ( IRC_MAX_ARGS - 1 ); s ++ )
		if( *s == ' ' && !q )
			*s = 0;
			while( *++s == ' ' );
			if( *s == '"' || *s == '\'' )
				q = *s;
				s ++;
			if( *s )
				cmd[k++] = s;
				s --;
		else if( *s == q )
			q = *s = 0;
	cmd[k] = NULL;
	return( root_command( irc, cmd ) );

int root_command( irc_t *irc, char *cmd[] )
	int i;
	if( !cmd[0] )
		return( 0 );
	for( i = 0; commands[i].command; i++ )
		if( g_strcasecmp( commands[i].command, cmd[0] ) == 0 )
			if( !cmd[commands[i].required_parameters] )
				irc_usermsg( irc, "Not enough parameters given (need %d)", commands[i].required_parameters );
				return( 0 );
			commands[i].execute( irc, cmd );
			return( 1 );
	irc_usermsg( irc, "Unknown command: %s. Please use \x02help commands\x02 to get a list of available commands.", cmd[0] );
	return( 1 );

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