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Adds an allow for an IP to use your BNCLISTHOST Lists allowed IP hostsNICKPING004JOINKICKPARTQUIT376PRIVMSGPASSUSERHELPBNCHELPMAINCONNIDENTVIPBKILLADDHOSTRAWECHOBMSGPREDOCKDETACHRESUMEDUMPLLBYPASSNOTICE AUTH :You have docked sessions to resume type /quote resume NOTICE AUTH :Docked session %i NOTICE AUTH :End of dock list NOTICE AUTH :Welcome to BNC v2.9.4, the irc proxy NOTICE AUTH :Level two, lets connect to something real now NOTICE AUTH :type /quote help for basic list of commands and usage NOTICE AUTH :type /quote conn [-s] [port] [pass] to connect rNOTICE AUTH :-*- %s PONG :%s :%s!%s@%s JOIN %s NAMES %s NOTICE %s :Syntax, /quote resume dock_fd pass NOTICE %s :Docked fd not found NOTICE %s :incorrect resume pass NOTICE %s :-*- Resuming session :%s 001 %s :Welcome to a resumed bnc session :%s 002 %s :your host is %s, running an irc server :%s 003 %s :%s runs docked bnc :%s 004 %s %s 234123 _____ ______ LUSERS MOTD :%s@%s!%s NICK :%s NOTICE %s :To resume, /quote resume %i %s NOTICE %s :/quote DOCK pass NOTICE AUTH :Dumping Links. NOTICE AUTH :%p<= %p => %p :(%i,%i) NOTICE AUTH :End of Linked list. %s :%s %s :%s!%s@%s %s NOTICE AUTH :You need to say /quote PASS Failed pass from %s password %s NOTICE AUTH :Failed Pass!! NOTICE AUTH :*** %s NOTICE AUTH :*** For a detailed explanation of commands, consult the file README, NOTICE AUTH :Welcome Supervisor!! Failed MAIN from %s NOTICE AUTH :Failed Main!! NOTICE AUTH :changing ident from %s to %s NOTICE AUTH :current ident is %s NOTICE AUTH :Nulling out Vhost to system internal default NOTICE AUTH :Switching Vhost back to default NOTICE AUTH :Switching Vhost back to default (%s) NOTICE AUTH :Set vhost to %s NOTICE AUTH :No matching vhost for specified ID NOTICE AUTH :Current Vhost: %s NOTICE AUTH :Listing Vhosts NOTICE AUTH : (0) system default NOTICE AUTH : (%i) %s NOTICE AUTH :End of Vhost list NOTICE AUTH : (0) default (%s) NOTICE AUTH :Current Vhost: -SYSTEM DEFAULT- NOTICE AUTH :Listing users. NOTICE AUTH :(FD %i Status: %s)[%s@%s] connecting to server (%s) %s NOTICE AUTH :End of user list. NOTICE AUTH :CHANLIST: %s NOTICE AUTH :(FD %i Status: %s)[%s@%s] on server (%s) %s NOTICE AUTH :(DOCKED FD %i Status: %s)[%s@%s] on server (%s) %s NOTICE AUTH :(FD %i Status: %s)[%s@%s] NOTICE AUTH :Shutting it down.... Shutdown called by %s@%s NOTICE AUTH :%i BMSG %s NOTICE AUTH :No such FD %i NOTICE AUTH :invalid bmsg arguments NOTICE AUTH :Killed %i BKILL to %s@%s NOTICE AUTH :Suicide is painful NOTICE AUTH :invalid bkill argument ADDHOST %s NOTICE AUTH :#%i: (t:%i) %s NOTICE AUTH :Enabling KeepAlive NOTICE AUTH :Disabling KeepAlive ⍀P⍀P⍀Px⍀xPc⍀cPN⍀NP9⍀9Poj$⍀$PVQ⍀P=8⍀P$⍀P ⍀P⍀P⍀P⍀P|⍀|Pg⍀gPupR⍀RP\W=⍀=PC>(⍀(P*%⍀P ⍀P⍀P⍀P⍀P⍀P⍀P{v⍀Pb12!2:2S2l2222223343M3f33333334.4G4`4y44$Ë$Â1=jX1=9 Q15 E1"5"eXG  1V0055}0t\0>45  0^V0^=0^5^Z =8.5 #00 5#00 p`/w7`/w /w/w.wi].w5wN.ws c .c[.cB-c3-c5c-c5c-c`-cy -cq],cI&,c5c,c5c_ +5&" ,5,5 ~c@,^Z J1,+ 5_ +z+z`+z5zv QE+5* * b*_*__5_[ N<`* B* N*)^HF*)%  B*   *W  )W y b 5W \ )W S  6  )j     `)j f  P ) 0)6  #)6  )6  (6 { ` (6 W @ `(6 )   (6 '6  '6  56  e Q '6 2    _ = \/"XCZ'CG'C? 0w='a] M 5('xe5_&'TE:+&%&@&& %w[%UC`%5 vL }5Lp5LH tpd`TPD@40$ tpd`TPD@40$ plhd`\XTPLHD@840,($  V  54 54 V 5q45q4 V 5X4x5X4r mV g4?4_4?4Y TV N4&4F4&4@ ;V 54 4-4 4' "V 4343 V 4343 V 4343 V 4343 V 4343 V 4w34w3 V 4^3~4^3x sV m4E3e4E3_ ZV T4,3L4,3F AV ;43343- (V "4242 V 4242 V 4242 V 4242 V 4242 V 4}24}2 V 4d24d2~ yV s4K2k4K2e `V Z422R422L GV A429423 .V (42 42 V 4141 lhd`\XTPLHD@<840,($  7U9:<R6QHK=MDJ>P8L?A;@BFNTOC7U9:<R6QHK=MDJ>P8L?A;@BFNTOCIGESx 5$5*|aP ~\ L E47lTk  < T (  (XPl- <!<JlX8 o8GhQ%[/X| eD9 f(j0VzDqO"q7a_helplist_helplista_serverbnccmds_srv_nick_srv_ping_srv_tellnick_srv_join_srv_kick_srv_part_srv_quit_srv_endmotd_srv_privmsg_clientbnccmds_cmd_quit_cmd_pass_cmd_nick_cmd_user_cmd_help_cmd_main_cmd_conn_cmd_ident_cmd_vn_cmd_vdf_cmd_vip_cmd_who_cmd_die_cmd_bdie_cmd_bkill_cmd_addhost_cmd_listhost_cmd_keepalive_cmd_rawecho_cmd_bmsg_cmd_prefixrawecho_cmd_dock_cmd_resume_cmd_resumealive_cmd_dumpll_cmd_bypass_cmd_privmsg_remnl_irc_strcasecmp___i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_wipechans_findchan_wipechan_ismenuh_list_docks_handlepclient_nuh_pgetnick_process_join_process_quit_vhostbyid_motdb___i686.get_pc_thunk.axdyld_stub_binding_helper_jack_headclient_touppertab_add_access_wipeclient_bewmstick_bnckill_chanlist_thestat___error_strtoul_logprint_passwordokay_close_send_queued_getclient_mytoi_ct_handle_strncpy_bcopy_pmalloc_fclose_fgets_bzero_feof_fopen_irc_connect_strcasecmp_tprintf_strncasecmp_free