# NOTE -- This file is generated by running make-js-interfaces.pl
package opera7;
use strict;
use vars qw/@ISA $standardheader/;
$standardheader = <<EOF;
<!-- This is part of CGI:IRC 0.5
== http://cgiirc.sourceforge.net/
== Copyright (C) 2000-2006 David Leadbeater <cgiirc\@dgl.cx>
== Released under the GNU GPL
if(defined $::config->{javascript_domain}) {
$standardheader .= "<script>
document.domain = '$::config->{javascript_domain}';
use default;
@ISA = qw/default/;
my %colours = (
'00' => '#FFFFFF', '01' => '#000000', '02' => '#0000FF',
'03' => '#008000', '04' => '#FF0000', '05' => '#800000',
'06' => '#800080', '07' => '#FF6600', '08' => '#FFFF00',
'09' => '#00FF00', '10' => '#008080', '11' => '#00FFFF',
'12' => '#0000FF', '13' => '#FF00FF', '14' => '#808080',
'15' => '#C0C0C0');
my %options = (
timestamp => {
type => 'toggle',
info => 'Display a timestamp next to each message',
img => 'time.gif'
font => {
type => 'select',
options => [qw/serif sans-serif fantasy cursive monospace/,
'Arial Black', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Fixedsys',
'Tahoma', 'Verdana'],
info => 'The font that messages are displayed in',
img => 'font.gif'
shownick => {
type => 'toggle',
info => 'Show your nickname next to the text entry box',
img => 'entry.gif'
smilies => {
type => 'toggle',
info => 'Convert smilies into pictures',
img => 'smile.gif'
scrollback => {
type => 'toggle',
info => 'Store all scrollback data (uses more memory)',
img => 'scrollback.gif',
'actsound' => {
type => "toggle",
info => "Play a sound when activity directed at you occurs",
img => 'actsound.gif',
'joinsound' => {
type => "toggle",
info => "Play a sound when some one joins a channel",
img => 'joinsound.gif',
my(%output_status, %output_none, %output_active);
sub new {
my($class,$event, $timer, $config, $icookies) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
tie %$self, 'IRC::UniqueHash';
if(defined $config->{javascript_domain}) {
_out("document.domain = " . _escapejs($config->{javascript_domain}) . ";");
my $tmp='';
for(keys %$icookies) {
$tmp .= "$_: " . _escapejs($icookies->{$_}) . ', ';
$tmp =~ s/, $//;
_out('parent.options = { ' . $tmp . '};');
$event->add('user add', code => \&useradd);
$event->add('user del', code => \&userdel);
$event->add('user change nick', code => \&usernick);
$event->add('user change', code => \&usermode);
$event->add('user self', code => \&mynick);
$event->add('user 005', code => sub { _func_out('prefix',$_[1])});
$event->add('user connected', code => sub { _out('parent.connected = 1;')
$self->add('Status', 0);
_func_out('witemnospeak', 'Status');
_func_out('fontset', $icookies->{font}) if exists $icookies->{font};
_func_out('enable_sounds') if ((exists $icookies->{actsound} || exists $icookies->{joinsound}) && ($icookies->{actsound} || $icookies->{joinsound}));
if(exists $::config->{'output status'}) {
@output_status{split /,\s*/, $::config->{'output status'}} = 1;
if(exists $::config->{'output none'}) {
@output_none{split /,\s*/, $::config->{'output none'}} = 1;
if(exists $::config->{'output active'}) {
@output_active{split /,\s*/, $::config->{'output active'}} = 1;
return $self;
sub end {
_out('parent.connected = 0;');
sub _out {
unless(print "<script>$_[0]</script>\r\n") {
sub _func_out {
my($func,@rest) = @_;
@rest = map(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? _outputarray($_) : _escapejs($_), @rest);
if($func eq 'witemaddtext') {
return 'parent.' . $func . '(' . _jsp(@rest) . ');';
_out('parent.' . $func . '(' . _jsp(@rest) . ');');
sub _escapejs {
my $in = shift;
return "''" unless defined $in;
$in =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$in =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$in =~ s/<\/script/<\\\/\\script/g;
if(defined $_[0]) {
return "$_[0]$in$_[0]";
return '\'' . $in . '\'';
sub _escapehtml {
my $in = shift;
return "''" unless defined $in;
$in =~ s/</</g;
$in =~ s/>/>/g;
$in =~ s/"/"/g;
return $in;
sub _jsp {
return join(', ', @_);
sub _outputarray {
my $array = shift;
return '[' . _jsp(map(_escapejs($_), @$array)) . ']';
sub useradd {
my($event, $nicks, $channel) = @_;
_func_out('channeladdusers', $channel, $nicks);
sub userdel {
my($event, $nick, $channels) = @_;
_func_out('channelsdeluser', $channels, $nick);
sub usernick {
my($event,$old,$new,$channels) = @_;
_func_out('channelsusernick', $old, $new);
sub usermode {
my($event,$nick, $channel, $action, $type) = @_;
_func_out('channelusermode', $channel, $nick, $action, $type);
sub mynick {
my($event, $nick) = @_;
_func_out('mynick', $nick);
sub exists {
return 1 if defined &{__PACKAGE__ . '::' . $_[1]};
sub query {
return 1;
sub style {
my($self, $cgi, $config) = @_;
my $style = $cgi->{style} || 'default';
$cgi->{style} =~ s/[^a-z]//gi;
open(STYLE, "<interfaces/style-$style.css") or die("Error opening stylesheet $style: $!");
print <STYLE>;
sub makeline {
my($self, $info, $html) = @_;
my $target = defined $info->{target} ? $info->{target} : 'Status';
if(ref $target eq 'ARRAY') {
my %tmp = %$info;
my $text = '';
for(@$target) {
$tmp{target} = $_;
$text .= $self->makeline(\%tmp, $html) . "\r\n";
return $text;
my $out = "";
if(not exists $self->{$target}) {
if(defined $info && ref $info && exists $info->{create} && $info->{create}) {
$self->add($target, $info->{type} eq 'join' ? 1 : 0);
}elsif($target ne '-all') {
$target = 'Status';
}elsif($info->{type} eq 'join') {
$out = "parent.joinsound();";
$info->{type} =~ s/^(\w+ \w+) .*/$1/;
return if exists $output_none{$info->{type}};
$target = "Status" if exists $output_status{$info->{type}};
$target = "-active" if exists $output_active{$info->{type}};
if($info->{style}) {
$html = "<span class=\"main-$info->{style}\">$html</span>";
return $out . _func_out('witemaddtext', $target, $html . '<br>', $info->{activity} || 0, 0);
sub lines {
my($self, @lines) = @_;
_out(join("\r\n", @lines)."\r\nparent.witemredraw();");
print "<!-- mozilla padding -->\r\n";
sub header {
my($self, $cgi, $config, $fg, $bg) = @_;
_func_out('maincolor', $fg, $bg);
sub error {
my($self,$message) = @_;
$self->lines($self->makeline({ target => 'Status'}, $message));
sub add {
my($self,$add,$channel) = @_;
return if not defined $add;
_func_out('witemadd', $add, $channel);
_func_out('witemchg', $add) if $channel;
sub del {
my($self, $del) = @_;
return if not defined $del;
_func_out('witemdel', $del);
return if not exists $self->{$del};
sub clear {
my($self, $window) = @_;
_func_out('witemclear', $window);
sub active {
my($self, $window) = @_;
_func_out('witemchg', $window);
sub smilie { # js runs in fmain. (XXX: doesn't actually work?)
return '<img src="'.$_[1].'" alt="' . $_[2] . '">';
sub link {
shift; # object
return "<a href=\"$_[0]\" target=\"cgiirc@{[int(rand(200000))]}\" class=\"main-link\">$_[1]</a>";
sub frameset {
my($self, $scriptname, $config, $random, $out, $interface, $style) = @_;
if($config->{balance_servers}) {
my @balance_servers = split /,\s*/, $config->{balance_servers};
$scriptname = $balance_servers[rand @balance_servers] . "/$scriptname";
print <<EOF;
<title>CGI:IRC - Loading</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$config->{script_login}?interface=opera7&item=style&style=$style" />
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="$config->{image_path}/favicon.ico">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function form_focus() {
if(document.frames && document.frames.fform)
framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" onfocus="form_focus()" onload="form_focus()">
<frame name="fwindowlist" src="$scriptname?$out&item=fwindowlist&style=$style"
<frameset cols="*,120" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0">
<frame name="fmain"
src="$scriptname?item=fmain&interface=$interface&style=$style" scrolling="yes">
<frame name="fuserlist"
<frame name="fform"
src="$scriptname?item=fform&interface=$interface&style=$style" scrolling="no"
framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" resize="no">
<frame name="hiddenframe" src="$scriptname?item=blank&style=$style"
scrolling="no" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" resize="no">
This interface requires a browser that supports frames and javascript.
sub blank {
return '';
sub ctcpping {
my($self, $nick, $params) = @_;
_func_out('sendcmd',"/ctcpreply $nick PING $params");
sub ping {
sub sendping {
sub help {
my($self,$config) = @_;
my %helpmap = ( "russian" => ".ru" );
my $extra = $helpmap{$::formatname} || "";
open(HELP, "<" . $::help_path . "help$extra.html") or do {
_func_out('doinfowin', '-Help', "Help file not found!");
eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; binmode HELP, ':utf8'; };
local $/;
my $help = <HELP>;
close HELP;
$help =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g;
_func_out('doinfowin', '-Help', $help);
sub setoption {
my($self, $name, $value) = @_;
_func_out('setoption', $name, $value);
$self->options({}, {}, $main::config)
sub options {
my($self, $cgi, $irc, $config) = @_;
$config = $irc unless ref $config;
my $ioptions = $main::ioptions;
my $out = "<html><head><title>CGI:IRC Options</title></head><body class=\"options-body\"><h1 class=\"options-title\">Options</h1>These options affect the appearence of CGI:IRC, they will stay between sessions provided cookies are turned on.<form><table border=0 class=\"options-table\"> ";
for my $option(sort keys %options) {
my $o = $options{$option};
my $value = defined $ioptions->{$option} ? $ioptions->{$option} : '';
$out .= "<tr><td>" . (exists $o->{img} ? "<label for=\"$option\"><img src=\"$config->{image_path}/$o->{img}\"> " : '') . "<b>$option</b>" . (exists $o->{info} ? " ($o->{info})" : '') . "</td><td>";
if($o->{type} eq 'toggle') {
$out .= "<input class=\"options-checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$option\" value=\"1\"" .
($value? ' checked=1' : '')."\" onclick=\"parent.fwindowlist.send_option(this.name, this.checked == true ? this.value : 0);return true;\">";
}elsif($o->{type} eq 'select') {
$out .= "<select name=\"$option\" onchange=\"parent.fwindowlist.send_option('$option', this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);return true\" class=\"options-select\">";
for(@{$o->{options}}) {
$out .= "<option class=\"options-option\" name=\"$option\" value=\"$_\"".($_ eq $value ? ' selected=1' : '') . ">$_</option>";
$out .= "</select>";
$out .= "<input class=\"options-input\" type=\"text\" name=\"$option\" value=\""._escapehtml($value)."\" onChange=\"parent.fwindowlist.send_option(this.name, this.value);return true;\">";
$out .= "</label></td></tr>";
$out .= "
</table></form><span onclick=\"parent.fwindowlist.witemdel('-Options')\" class=\"options-close\">close</span></body></html>
$out =~ s/\n//g;
_func_out('doinfowin', '-Options', $out);
sub say {
my($self) = @_;
return 'ok';
sub reconnect {
my($self, $url, $text) = @_;
return "<a href=\"$url\" target=\"_top\" onclick='if(parent.fwindowlist.reconnect){parent.fwindowlist.reconnect();return false;}'>$text</a>";
sub fwindowlist {
my($self, $cgi, $config) = @_;
my $string;
for(keys %$cgi) {
next if $_ eq 'item';
$string .= main::cgi_encode($_) . '=' . main::cgi_encode($cgi->{$_}).'&';
$string =~ s/\&$//;
print $standardheader;
print q~
<script language="JavaScript">
// This javascript code is released under the same terms as CGI:IRC itself
// http://cgiirc.sourceforge.net/
// Copyright (C) 2000-2003 David Leadbeater <cgiirc\@dgl.cx>
// none joins talk directed talk
var activity = ['#000000','#000099','#990000', '#009999'];
var Witems = {};
var options = {};
var currentwindow = '';
var lastwindow = '';
var connected = 0;
var mynickname = '';
var prefixchars = '@%+ ';
function witemadd(name, channel) {
if(Witems[name] || findwin(name)) return;
name = name.replace(/\"/g, '"');
Witems[ name ] = { activity: 0, text: new Array, channel: channel, speak: 1, info: 0 };
if(channel) {
Witems[name].users = {};
Witems[name].topic = '';
if(!currentwindow) currentwindow = name;
function witemnospeak(name) {
if(!Witems[name] && !(name = findwin(name))) return;
Witems[name].speak = 0;
function witeminfo(name) {
if(!Witems[name] && !(name = findwin(name))) return;
Witems[name].info = 1;
function witemdel(name) {
if(!Witems[name] && !(name = findwin(name))) return;
if(name == 'Status') return;
delete Witems[name];
if(currentwindow == name) witemchg(lastwindow ? lastwindow : 'Status');
function witemclear(name) {
if(!Witems[name] && !(name = findwin(name))) return;
Witems[name].text.length = 0;
function channeladdusers(channel, users) {
for(var i = 0;i < users.length;i++) {
channeladduser(channel, users[i]);
function channeladduser(channel, user) {
var o = user.substr(0,1)
if(prefixchars.lastIndexOf(o) != -1) {
user = user.substr(1)
while(prefixchars.lastIndexOf(user.substr(0,1)) != -1)
user = user.substr(1)
if(!Witems[channel] && !(channel = findwin(channel))) return;
Witems[channel].users[user] = { };
if(o == '@') Witems[channel].users[user].op = 1;
else if(o == '%') Witems[channel].users[user].halfop = 1;
else if(o == '+') Witems[channel].users[user].voice = 1;
else if(prefixchars.lastIndexOf(o) != -1)
Witems[channel].users[user].other = o;
function channelsdeluser(channels, user) {
if(channels == '-all-') {
for(var i in Witems) {
if(!Witems[i].channel) continue;
if(!Witems[i].users[user]) continue;
channeldeluser(i, user);
for(var i = 0;i < channels.length; i++) {
channeldeluser(channels[i], user);
function channeldeluser(channel, user) {
if(!Witems[channel] && !(channel = findwin(channel))) return;
delete Witems[channel].users[user];
function channelsusernick(olduser, newuser) {
for(var channel in Witems) {
if(!Witems[channel].channel) continue;
for(var nick in Witems[channel].users) {
if(nick == olduser) {
Witems[channel].users[newuser] = Witems[channel].users[olduser];
delete Witems[channel].users[olduser];
function channelusermode(channel, user, action, type) {
if(!Witems[channel] && !(channel = findwin(channel))) return;
if(!Witems[channel].users[user]) return;
if(action == '+') {
Witems[channel].users[user][type] = 1;
function channellist(channel) {
if(!Witems[channel] && !(channel = findwin(channel))) return;
var users = new Array();
for (var i in Witems[channel].users) {
var user = Witems[channel].users[i];
if(user.other) i = user.other + i;
else if(user.op == 1) i = '@' + i
else if(user.halfop == 1) i = '%' + i;
else if(user.voice == 1) i = '+' + i;
else i = ' ' + i;
users[users.length] = i;
users = users.sort(usersort);
return users;
function usersort(user1,user2) {
var m1 = user1.substr(0,1);
var m2 = user2.substr(0,1);
if(m1 == m2) {
if(user1.toUpperCase() < user2.toUpperCase()) return -1
return 1
if(prefixchars.lastIndexOf(m1) < prefixchars.lastIndexOf(m2)) return -1
return 1
function witemchg(name) {
if(!Witems[name] && !(name = findwin(name))) name = 'Status';
if(Witems[name].activity > 0) Witems[name].activity = 0;
lastwindow = (Witems[currentwindow] ? currentwindow : 'Status');
currentwindow = name;
function retitle() {
parent.document.title = 'CGI:IRC - ' + (Witems[currentwindow].info ? currentwindow.substr(1) : currentwindow) + (Witems[currentwindow].channel == 1 ? ' [' + countit(Witems[currentwindow].users) + '] ' : '');
function setoption(option, value) {
options[option] = value;
if(option == 'shownick' && value == 1)
else if(option == 'shownick') {
if(parent.fform && parent.fform.nickchange) parent.fform.nickchange('');
}else if(option == 'font')
function mynick(mynick) {
mynickname = mynick;
if(options.shownick != 1) return;
if(parent.fform && parent.fform.nickchange) parent.fform.nickchange(mynick);
function maincolor(bg, fg) {
var maindoc = parent.fmain.document;
if(!maindoc) return;
maindoc.bgColor = bg;
maindoc.fgColor = fg;
function prefix(chars) {
if(!/ /.test(chars))
chars += ' '
prefixchars = chars;
function witemchgnum(num) {
var count = 1;
for(var name in Witems) {
if(count++ == num) return name;
return false;
function countit(obj) {
var i = 0;
for(var foo in obj) i++;
return i;
function witemaddtext(name, text, activity, redraw) {
if(name == '-all') {
for(var window in Witems) {
if(window == '-all') return
if(Witems[window].info) continue;
witemaddtext(window, text, activity, redraw);
if(name == '-active') name = currentwindow
if(!Witems[name] && !(name = findwin(name))) {
if(!Witems["Status"]) return;
name = "Status";
if(options["timestamp"] == 1 && !Witems[name].info) {
var D = new Date();
text = '[' + (D.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + D.getHours() : D.getHours()) + ':' + (D.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + D.getMinutes() : D.getMinutes()) + '] ' + text;
if(options["scrollback"] == 0)
Witems[name].text = Witems[name].text.slice(Witems[name].text.length - 200);
text = "<div class='main-item'>" + text + "</div>";
Witems[name].text[Witems[name].text.length] = text;
if(options["actsound"] == 1 && activity >= 3)
if(currentwindow != name && activity > Witems[name].activity)
witemact(name, activity);
if(redraw != 0 && currentwindow == name) witemredraw();
function witemact(name, activity) {
if(!Witems[name] && !(name = findwin(name))) return;
Witems[name].activity = activity;
function witemredraw() {
if(!parent.fmain.document) {
setTimeout("witemredraw()", 1000);
var doc = parent.fmain.document.body;
var scrollok = 1;
if(!currentwindow) currentwindow = 'Status';
parent.fmain.document.getElementById('text').innerHTML = Witems[currentwindow].text.join('');
if(Witems[currentwindow].info == 1) return;
var doc = parent.fmain.window;
var scroll = -1;
while(doc.scrollY > scroll) {
scroll = doc.scrollY;
doc.scrollBy(0, 500);
function wlistredraw() {
var output='';
for (var i in Witems) {
output += '<span class="' + (i == currentwindow ? 'wlist-active' : 'wlist-chooser') + '" style="color: ' + activity[Witems[i].activity] + ';" onclick="witemchg(\'' + (i == currentwindow ? escapejs(lastwindow) : escapejs(i)) + '\')" onmouseover="this.className = \'wlist-mouseover\'" onmouseout="this.className = \'' + (i == currentwindow ? 'wlist-active' : 'wlist-chooser') + '\'">' + escapehtml(Witems[i].info ? i.substr(1) : i) + '</span>\r\n';
document.getElementById('windowlist').innerHTML = output;
function findwin(name) {
var wname = new String(name);
wname = wname.replace(/\"/g, '"');
for (var i in Witems) {
if (i.toUpperCase() == wname.toUpperCase())
return i;
return false;
function escapejs(string) {
out = string.replace(/\\\\/g,'\\\\\\\\').replace(/\\'/g, '\\\\\\'').replace(/\"/g, '"');
return out;
function escapehtml(string) {
var out = string;
out = out.replace(/</g, '<');
out = out.replace(/>/g, '>');
out = out.replace(/\"/g, '"');
return out;
function reconnect() {
Witems = { };
if(document.getElementById('iframe').src.match(/\&token=/)) {
} else {
document.getElementById('iframe').src = document.getElementById('iframe').src + '&xx=yy';
function sendcmd(cmd) {
if(cmd.substr(0, 10) == '/reconnect') {
if(!connected && cmd.substr(0,5) != '/quit') {
alert('Not connected to IRC!');
if(Witems[currentwindow] && !Witems[currentwindow].speak && cmd.substr(0,1) != '/') return;
sendcmd_real('say', cmd, currentwindow);
function sendcmd_userlist(action, user) {
if(!Witems[currentwindow].channel) return;
if(!connected) {
alert('Not connected to IRC!');
sendcmd_real('say', '/' + action + ' ' + user, currentwindow);
function sendcmd_real(type, say, target) {
send_make({ item: 'say', cmd: type, say: say, target: target })
function senditem(item) {
send_make({ item: item })
function send_option(name, value) {
send_make({ cmd: 'options', name: name, value: value })
function send_make(data) {
var xmlhttp = 0
if(xmlhttp) {
try {
xmlhttp_send(xmlhttp, data)
} catch(e) {
xmlhttp = 0
if(!xmlhttp) {
for(var i in data) {
document.hsubmit[i].value = data[i]
for(var i in data) {
document.hsubmit[i].value = ""
function userlist() {
if(!parent.fuserlist.userlist) {
setTimeout(1000, "userlist()");
if(Witems[currentwindow] && Witems[currentwindow].channel == 1) {
userlistupdate([' No channel']);
function userlistupdate(list) {
if(!parent.fuserlist.userlist) return;
function formfocus() {
if(parent.fform.location) parent.fform.fns();
function disconnected() {
if(connected == 1) {
connected = 0;
witemaddtext('-all', '<b>Disconnected</b>', 1, 1);
function doinfowin(name, text) {
witemadd(name, 0);
witemaddtext(name, text, 0, 1);
function fontset(font) {
if(parent.frames.fmain.document.getElementById('text')) {
parent.frames.fmain.document.getElementById('text').style.fontFamily = font;
function playsound(soundname) {
function joinsound() {
if(options["joinsound"] == 1)
# ' (fix syntax hilight)
print <<EOF;
imghelpdn = new Image();
imghelpdn.src = "$config->{image_path}/helpdn.gif";
imghelpup = new Image();
imghelpup.src = "$config->{image_path}/helpup.gif";
imgoptionsdn = new Image();
imgoptionsdn.src = "$config->{image_path}/optionsdn.gif";
imgoptionsup = new Image();
imgoptionsup.src = "$config->{image_path}/optionsup.gif";
imgclosedn = new Image();
imgclosedn.src = "$config->{image_path}/closedn.gif";
imgcloseup = new Image();
imgcloseup.src = "$config->{image_path}/closeup.gif";
function do_quit() {
var i = new Image();
i.src = "$config->{script_form}?R=$cgi->{R}&cmd=quit";
// -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$config->{script_login}?interface=opera7&item=style&style=$cgi->{style}" />
<body onload="wlistredraw()" onkeydown="formfocus()" onbeforeunload="do_quit()" onunload="do_quit()" class="wlist-body">
<noscript>Scripting is required for this interface</noscript>
<table class="wlist-table">
<tr><td width="1">
<iframe src="$config->{script_nph}?$string" id="iframe" width="1" height="1" style="border:0"></iframe>
<iframe src="$config->{script_login}?interface=opera7&item=blank" id="iframe" width="1" height="1" style="border:0" name="hiddenframe"></iframe>
<td id="windowlist" class="wlist-container">
</td><td class="wlist-buttons">
<img src="$config->{image_path}/helpup.gif" onclick="if(connected == 0)return;sendcmd('/help');" class="wlist-button" onmousedown="this.src=imghelpdn.src" onmouseup="this.src=imghelpup.src;" onmouseout="this.src=imghelpup.src;" title="Help">
</td><td class="wlist-buttons">
<img src="$config->{image_path}/optionsup.gif" onclick="senditem('options');" class="wlist-button" onmousedown="if(connected == 0)return;this.src=imgoptionsdn.src" onmouseup="this.src=imgoptionsup.src;" onmouseout="this.src=imgoptionsup.src;" title="Options">
</td><td class="wlist-buttons">
<img src="$config->{image_path}/closeup.gif" onclick="if(connected == 0)return;if(currentwindow != 'Status'){sendcmd('/winclose')}else if(confirm('Are you sure you want to quit?')){do_quit();parent.location='$config->{script_login}'}" class="wlist-button" onmousedown="this.src=imgclosedn.src" onmouseup="this.src=imgcloseup.src;" onmouseout="this.src=imgcloseup.src;" title="Close">
<form name="hsubmit" method="post" action="$config->{script_form}" target="hiddenframe">
<input type="hidden" name="R" value="$cgi->{R}">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="say">
<input type="hidden" name="item" value="say">
<input type="hidden" name="say" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="target" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="value" value="">
sub fmain {
my($self, $cgi, $config) = @_;
print <<EOF;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$config->{script_login}?interface=opera7&item=style&style=$cgi->{style}" />
<body class="main-body"
onkeydown="if((event && ((event.keyCode < 30 || event.keyCode > 40) && (event.keyCode < 112 || event.keyCode > 123) && !event.ctrlKey)) && parent.fform.location) { parent.fform.fns(); return false; }"
<span class="main-span" id="text"></span>
sub fuserlist {
my($self, $cgi, $config) = @_;
print <<EOF;
<script language="JavaScript">
var selected;
function fsubmit(form) {
var action = form.action.options[form.action.selectedIndex].value;
var user = form.user.value;
if(!user || !action) {
alert("No user or action selected");
return false;
user = user.replace(/^[@%+ ]/, '');
parent.fwindowlist.sendcmd_userlist(action, user);
return false;
function deselect() {
if(!selected) return;
selected.className = 'userlist-item';
function userlist(users) {
var tmp = '<table class="userlist-table">';
for(var i = 0;i < users.length; i++) {
var status = users[i].substr(0, 1);
var user = users[i].substr(1);
tmp += '<tr><td class="userlist-status"> ' + statushtml(status) + ' </td>'
+ '<td class="userlist-item" ' +
(user != 'No channel' ?
' onmouseout="this.className=(this == selected ?'
+ '\\'userlist-selected\\':\\'userlist-item\\')"'
+ ' onmouseover="this.className=\\'userlist-hover\\'"'
+ ' onclick="' + 'this.className=\\'userlist-selected\\';'
+ 'deselect();selected = this;document.mform.user.value = \\''
+ parent.fwindowlist.escapejs(user) + '\\';return false;" ondblclick="fsubmit(document.mform);"'
: '') + '>' + user + '</td></tr>';
tmp += '</table>';
document.getElementById('usertable').innerHTML = tmp;
document.mform.user.value = '';
function statushtml(status) {
if(status == "@") {
return '<div class="userlist-op">@</div>';
}else if(status == "+") {
return '<div class="userlist-voice">+</div>';
}else if(status == "%") {
return '<div class="userlist-halfop">%</div>';
}else if(status == ' ') {
return '';
return '<div class="userlist-other">' + status + '</div>';
// -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$config->{script_login}?interface=opera7&item=style&style=$cgi->{style}" />
<body class="userlist-body" onkeydown="if((event && event.keyCode && ((event.keyCode < 30 || event.keyCode > 40) && (event.keyCode < 112 || event.keyCode > 123) && !event.ctrlKey)) && parent.fform.location) { parent.fform.fns(); return false; }">
<div class="userlist-div" id="usertable">
<table class="userlist-table">
<tr><td class="userlist-status"></td>
<td class="userlist-item">No channel</td></tr>
<form name="mform" onsubmit="return fsubmit(this)" class="userlist-form">
<input type="hidden" name="user">
<select name="action" class="userlist-select">
<option value="query">Query</option>
<option value="whois">Whois</option>
<option value="kick">Kick</option>
<input type="submit" class="userlist-btn" value=">>">
sub fform {
my($self, $cgi, $config) = @_;
print <<EOF;
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var shistory = [ ];
var hispos;
var tabtmp = [ ];
var tabpos;
var tablen;
var tabinc;
function fns(){
if(!document.myform.say) return;
function t(item,text) {
if(item.style.display == 'none') {
item.style.display = 'inline';
text.value = '>>';
document.myform.say.style.width='10%' // For IE
document.myform.say.style.width = document.body.offsetWidth - document.getElementById('excont').offsetWidth - 20
item.style.display = 'none';
text.value = '<<';
function load() {
if($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !~ /Mac_PowerPC/ && (!exists $config->{disable_format_input} || !$config->{disable_format_input})) {
print "document.getElementById('extra').style.display = 'none';"
print <<EOF;
document.onkeypress = enter_key_trap;
function append(a) {
document.myform["say"].value += a;
function cmd() {
if(document.myform["say"].value.length < 1) return false;
tabpos = 0;
tabtmp = [];
document.myform["say"].value = ''
return false;
function nickchange(nick) {
document.getElementById('nickname').innerHTML = nick;
function hisadd() {
shistory[shistory.length] = document.myform["say"].value;
hispos = shistory.length;
function hisdo() {
if(shistory[hispos]) {
document.myform["say"].value = shistory[hispos];
document.myform["say"].value = '';
function enter_key_trap(e) {
if(e == null) { // MSIE
return keypress(event.srcElement, event);
}else{ // Mozilla, Netscape, W3C
return keypress(e.target, e);
function keypress(srcEl, event) {
if (srcEl.tagName != 'INPUT' || srcEl.name.toLowerCase() != 'say')
return true;
var charCode = event.charCode; // MSIE: undef, Mozilla: different when shifted
var keyCode = event.keyCode; // the only one in MSIE, Mozilla: only special keys (up, down, etc)
var which = event.which; // the only one in NN
if(keyCode == null) { // NN
charCode = which;
if(which < 32) keyCode = which;
// NN only has charcodes (and some special keys below 32, i.e. Esc)
if(charCode == null) charCode = keyCode; // MSIE
if(!exists $config->{disable_format_input} || !$config->{disable_format_input}) {
print <<EOF;
if((charCode == 66 || charCode == 98) && event.ctrlKey) {
// in NN/Mozilla charcodes are case sensitive
}else if((charCode == 67 || charCode == 99) && event.ctrlKey) {
print <<EOF;
if(keyCode == 9) { // TAB
var tabIndex = srcEl.value.lastIndexOf(' ');
var tabStr = srcEl.value.substr(tabIndex+1 || tabIndex).toLowerCase();
if(tabpos == tabIndex && !tabStr && tabtmp.length) {
if(tabinc >= tabtmp.length) tabinc = 0;
for(var i = (tabinc > 0 ? tabinc : 0); i < tabtmp.length;i++) {
srcEl.value = srcEl.value.substr(0, tabIndex - tablen) +
tabtmp[i] + (tabIndex == tablen ? ': ' : ' ');
tabpos = (tabIndex == -1 ? 0 : tabIndex) + tabtmp[i].length - tablen + (tabIndex == tablen ? 1 : 0);
tablen = tabtmp[i].length + (tabIndex == tablen ? 1 : 0);
tabtmp = [];
var list = parent.fwindowlist.channellist(parent.fwindowlist.currentwindow);
for(var i = 0;i < list.length; i++) {
var item = list[i].replace(/^[+%@ ]/,'');
if(item.substr(0, tabStr.length).toLowerCase() == tabStr) {
tabtmp[tabtmp.length] = item;
if(!tabtmp[0]) {
for(var i in parent.fwindowlist.Witems) {
if(i.substr(0, tabStr.length).toLowerCase() == tabStr) {
tabtmp[tabtmp.length] = i;
if(!tabtmp[0]) return false;
srcEl.value = srcEl.value.substr(0, tabIndex) +
(tabIndex > 0 ? ' ' : '') + tabtmp[0] + (tabIndex == -1 ? ': ' : ' ');
tablen = tabtmp[0].length + (tabIndex == -1 ? 1 : 0);
tabpos = (tabIndex == -1 ? 0 : tabIndex + 1) + tablen;
tabinc = 1;
}else if(keyCode == 38) { // UP, doesn't work in NN
if(!shistory[hispos]) {
if(document.myform["say"].value) hisadd();
hispos = shistory.length;
}else if(keyCode == 40) { // DOWN, dito
if(!shistory[hispos]) {
if(document.myform["say"].value) hisadd();
document.myform["say"].value = '';
return false;
}else if(((event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey) || (!event.altKey && event.ctrlKey)) && charCode > 47 && charCode < 58) {
// Alt or Ctrl + number is often bound to browser functions
// Ctrl+Alt is totally equal to AltGr on Windows (strange!)
// so use Ctrl+num or Alt+num, whatever the browser passes through
var num = charCode - 48;
if(num == 0) num = 10;
var name = parent.fwindowlist.witemchgnum(num);
if(!name) return false;
}else if(keyCode == 27) { // ignore escape (to stop..)
return true;
return false;
function pastedata(text) {
var paste = text.split("\\n");
if(paste.length == 1)
return true;
if(paste.length > 20) {
alert("You can't paste more than 20 lines");
return false;
if(paste.length < 5 ||
confirm("Are you sure you want to paste " + paste.length + " lines?")) {
parent.fwindowlist.sendcmd_real('paste', text, parent.fwindowlist.currentwindow);
return false;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$config->{script_login}?interface=opera7&item=style&style=$cgi->{style}" />
<body onload="load()" onfocus="fns()" class="form-body">
<form name="myform" onSubmit="return cmd();" class="form-form">
<span id="nickname" class="form-nickname"></span>
<input type="text" class="form-say" name="say" autocomplete="off"
onpaste="return pastedata(window.clipboardData.getData('Text',''));">
if($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !~ /Mac_PowerPC/ && (!exists $config->{disable_format_input} || !$config->{disable_format_input})) {
print <<EOF;
<span class="form-econtain" id="excont">
<input type="button" class="form-expand" onclick="t(document.getElementById('extra'),this);" value="<<">
<span id="extra" class="form-extra">
<input type="button" class="form-boldbutton" value="B" onclick="append('\%B')">
<input type="button" class="form-boldbutton" value="_" onclick="append('\%U')">
for(sort {$a <=> $b} keys %colours) {
print "<input type=\"button\" style=\"background: $colours{$_}\" value=\" \" onclick=\"append('\%C$_')\">\n";
print <<EOF;
print <<EOF;
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1