# CGI:IRC - http://cgiirc.sourceforge.net/
# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 David Leadbeater
# vim:set ts=3 expandtab shiftwidth=3 cindent:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Uncomment this if the server doesn't chdir (Boa).
# BEGIN { (my $dir = $0) =~ s|[^/]+$||; chdir($dir) }
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $config $config_path);
use lib qw/modules interfaces/;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
'$Name: rel_0_5_9 $ 0_5_CVS $Id: irc.cgi,v 1.41 2006/06/06 18:53:50 dgl Exp $'
) =~ s/^.*?(\d\S+) .*?(\d{4}\/\S+) .*$/$1/;
$VERSION .= " ($2)";
$VERSION =~ s/_/./g;
require 'parse.pl';
my $cgi = cgi_read();
for('', '/etc/cgiirc/', '/etc/') {
last if -r ($config_path = $_) . 'cgiirc.config';
$config = parse_config($config_path . 'cgiirc.config');
if(!parse_cookie()) {
print "Set-cookie: cgiircauth=". random(25) .";path=/\r\n";
print join("\r\n",
# Hack to make sure we print the correct type for stylesheets too..
'Content-type: text/' . (ref $cgi && defined $cgi->{item} &&
$cgi->{item} eq 'style' ? 'css' : 'html')
# We need this for some JavaScript magic that detects the character set.
# Basically don't send a character set for the login page..
. (ref $cgi && ($cgi->{item} || $cgi->{Nickname}) ? '; charset=utf-8' : ''),
'Pragma: no-cache',
'Cache-control: must-revalidate, no-cache',
'Expires: -1') . "\r\n";
# Please leave this.
my $copy = <CGI:IRC $VERSION
my $scriptname = $config->{script_login} || 'irc.cgi';
my $interface = ref $cgi && defined $cgi->{interface} ? $cgi->{interface} : 'default';
$interface =~ /^([a-z0-9]+)/;
$interface = $1;
require($interface . '.pm');
if(ref $cgi && defined $cgi->{item}) {
print "\r\n"; # send final header
my $name = $cgi->{item};
exit unless $interface->exists($name);
$interface->$name($cgi, $config, 0);
}elsif(ref $cgi && defined $cgi->{Nickname}) {
print "\r\n"; # send final header
my $r = random();
my($format, $style);
my %p = (
Nickname => 'nick',
Channel => 'chan',
Port => 'port',
Server => 'serv',
Realname => 'name',
interface => 'interface',
Password => 'pass',
Format => 'format',
'Character_set' => 'charset',
my $out;
for(keys %p) {
if(exists $cgi->{"${_}_text"}) {
if(!defined $cgi->{$_} or $cgi->{$_} eq '') {
$cgi->{$_} = $cgi->{"${_}_text"};
next unless exists $cgi->{$_};
$out .= cgi_encode($p{$_}) . '=' . cgi_encode($cgi->{$_}) . '&';
$format = exists $cgi->{Format}
? $cgi->{Format}
: $config->{format} || 'default';
$format =~ s/[^a-z]//gi;
$format = parse_config($config_path . "formats/$format");
$style = exists $format->{style} ? $format->{style} : 'default';
$out .= "R=$r";
if(defined $config->{'login secret'}) {
require Digest::MD5;
my $t = time;
my $token = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($t . $config->{'login secret'} . $r);
$out .= "&token=$token&time=$t";
$interface->frameset($scriptname, $config, $r, $out, $interface, $style);
}elsif(defined $config->{form_redirect}) {
print join("\r\n",
"Status: 302",
"Location: $config->{form_redirect}",
print "\r\n"; # send final header
my $have_entities = 0;
eval { require HTML::Entities; $have_entities = 1; };
my $server = dolist($config->{default_server});
my $channel = dolist($config->{default_channel});
my $port = dolist($config->{default_port});
my $charset = [ $config->{'irc charset'} || 'Unicode (UTF-8)' ];
# Add some useful suggestions for character sets:
for my $set('Western (ISO-8859-1)', 'Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)',
'Cyrillic (KOI8-R)', 'Japanese (ShiftJIS)', 'Chinese (Big5)',
'Chinese (GB2312)', 'Korean (EUC-KR)') {
push @$charset, $set unless grep { $set =~ /$_/i } @$charset
for my $set(split ',', $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET}) {
next if $set =~ /;q=0($|\.0$)/ or $set =~ /\*/;
$set =~ s/;.*//;
push @$charset, $set unless grep { /$set/i } @$charset;
if(ref $cgi && $cgi->{chan}) {
$channel = $cgi->{chan};
if(!defined $config->{allow_non_default} || !$config->{allow_non_default}) {
add_disabled($server) unless defined $config->{access_server};
add_disabled($port) unless defined $config->{access_port};
add_disabled($channel) unless defined $config->{access_channel};
opendir(FORMATS, $config_path . "formats");
my @formats;
for(sort readdir FORMATS) {
next unless !/^\./ && -f $config_path . "formats/$_";
if($_ eq ($config->{format} || 'default')) {
unshift(@formats, $_);
push(@formats, $_);
%items = (
Nickname => $ENV{REMOTE_USER} || $config->{default_nick},
Channel => $channel,
Server => $server,
Port => $port,
Password => '-PASSWORD-',
Realname => $config->{default_name},
Format => \@formats,
'Character set' => $charset
my $func = \&escape_html;
$func = \&HTML::Entities::encode_entities if $have_entities;
@items{keys %items} = map { ref $_
? [map { $func->($_) } @$_]
: $func->($_) }
values %items;
$items{Nickname} =~ s/\?/int rand 10/eg;
if(ref $cgi && $cgi->{adv}) {
if($config->{'login advanced'}) {
@order = split(/,\s*/, $config->{'login advanced'});
@order = qw/Nickname Realname Server Port Channel Password Format/;
push @order, 'Character set';
if($config->{'login basic'}) {
@order = split(/,\s*/, $config->{'login basic'});
@order = qw/Nickname Server Channel/;
$interface->login($scriptname, $interface, $copy, $config,
\@order, \%items,
(ref $cgi && $cgi->{adv} ? 0 : 1));
sub random {
return join('',map(('a'..'z','0'..'9')[int rand 62], 0..($_[0] || 15)));
sub dolist {
my($var) = @_;
my @tmp = split(/,\s*/, $var);
return [@tmp] if $#tmp > 0;
return $var;
sub add_disabled {
if(ref $_[0]) {
unshift @{$_[0]}, "-DISABLED-";
} else {
$_[0] = "-DISABLED- $_[0]";
sub cgi_read {
return unless defined $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD};
return parse_query($ENV{QUERY_STRING});
my $tmp;
return parse_query($tmp);
sub cgi_encode { # from CGI.pm
my $toencode = shift;
$toencode=~s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
return $toencode;
sub error {