#ifdef RCS
static char rcsid[]="$Id: convert.c,v 2000/11/13 02:42:41 holsta Exp $";
* Internetting Cooperating Programmers
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ____ PROJECT
* | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __
* | | | |/ _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \ '__|
* | |_| | (_| | | | | (_| __/ |
* |____/ \__,_|_| |_|\___\___|_| the IRC bot
* All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
* $Source: /cvsroot/dancer/dancer/src/convert.c,v $
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2000/11/13 02:42:41 $
* $Author: holsta $
* $State: Exp $
* $Locker: $
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "dancer.h"
#include "trio.h"
#include "strio.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "transfer.h"
#include "country.h"
#include "convert.h"
extern char *errfrom;
tz tzinfo[] = {
/* Standard and non-standard timezones and daylight savings times */
/* Full names for some of the timezones above */
{"International Date Line West",-12,0},
{"Nome Time",-11,0},
{"Hawaii Standard Time",-10,0},
{"Yukon Standard Time",-9,0},
{"Pacific Standard Time",-8,0},
{"Mountain Standard Time",-7,0},
{"Central Standard Time",-6,0},
{"Eastern Standard Time",-5,0},
{"Atlantic Standard Time",-4,0},
{"Azores Time",-2,0},
{"West Africa Time",-1,0},
{"Greenwich Mean Time",0,0},
{"Brittish Summer Time",1,0},
{"Central European Time",1,0},
{"Eastern European Time",2,0},
{"Baghdad Time",3,0},
{"Chinese Coast Time",8,0},
{"West Australian Standard Time",8,0},
{"Japanese Standard Time",9,0},
{"East Australian Standard Time",10,0},
{"International Date Line East",12,0},
/* Timezones for different countries */
{"American Samoa",-11,0},
{"Argentina western prov",-4,0},
{"Australia Northern Territory",9,30},
{"Australia Lord Howe Island",10,30},
{"Australia New South Wales",10,0},
{"Australia Queensland",10,0},
{"Australia Victoria",10,0},
{"Australia Australian Captial Territory",10,0},
{"Australia South",9,30},
{"Australia Tasmania",10,0},
{"Australia Western",8,0},
{"Balearic Islands",1,0},
{"Bosnia Hercegovina",1,0},
{"Brazil Acre",-4,0},
{"Brazil Atlantic Islands",-1,0},
{"Brazil East",-3,0},
{"Brazil West",-4,0},
{"British Virgin Islands",-4,0},
{"Burkina Faso",0,0},
{"Canada Central",-6,0},
{"Canada Eastern",-5,0},
{"Canada Mountain",-7,0},
{"Canada Yukon & Pacific",-8,0},
{"Canada Atlantic",-4,0},
{"Canada Newfoundland",-3,-30},
{"Canary Islands",0,0},
{"Canton Enderbury Islands",-11,0},
{"Cape Verde",-1,0},
{"Caroline Island",11,0},
{"Cayman Islands",-5,0},
{"Central Africa",1,0},
{"Channel Islands",0,0},
{"Chatham Island",12,45},
{"Christmas Islands",-10,0},
{"Cocos Islands",-10,0},
{"Cook Islands",-10,0},
{"Costa Rica",-6,0},
{"Cote d'Ivoire",0,0},
{"Dominican Republic",-4,0},
{"Easter Island",-6,0},
{"El Salvador",-6,0},
{"Equitorial Guinea",1,0},
{"Falkland Islands",-4,0},
{"Faroe Island",0,0},
{"French Guiana",-3,0},
{"French Polynesia",-10,0},
{"Galapagos Islands",-5,0},
{"Gambier Island",-9,0},
{"Greenland Thule",-4,0},
{"Greenland Scoresbysun",-1,0},
{"Guinea Bissau",-1,0},
{"Hong kong",8,0},
{"Indonesia Central",8,0},
{"Indonesia East",9,0},
{"Indonesia West",7,0},
{"Johnston Island",-10,0},
{"Leeward Islands",-4,0},
{"Mariana Island",10,0},
{"Marquesas Islands",-9,-30},
{"Marshall Islands",12,0},
{"Mexico Baja Calif Norte",-8,0},
{"Mexico Nayarit",-7,0},
{"Mexico Sinaloa",-7,0},
{"Mexico Sonora",-7,0},
{"Midway Island",-11,0},
{"Moldovian Rep Pridnestrovye",2,0},
{"Nauru Republic of",12,0},
{"Netherlands Antilles",-4,0},
{"Nevis Montserrat",-4,0},
{"New Caledonia",11,0},
{"New Hebrides",11,0},
{"New Zealand",12,0},
{"Niue Island",-11,0},
{"Norfolk Island",11,30},
{"Northern Ireland",0,0},
{"Northern Mariana Islands",10,0},
{"Papua New Guinea",10,0},
{"Ponape Island",11,0},
{"Principe Island",0,0},
{"Puerto Rico",-4,0},
{"Russian Federation zone eight",9,0},
{"Russian Federation zone eleven",12,0},
{"Russian Federation zone five",6,0},
{"Russian Federation zone four",5,0},
{"Russian Federation zone nine",10,0},
{"Russian Federation zone one",2,0},
{"Russian Federation zone seven",8,0},
{"Russian Federation zone six",7,0},
{"Russian Federation zone ten",11,0},
{"Russian Federation zone three",4,0},
{"Russian Federation zone two",4,0},
{"San Marino",1,0},
{"Sao Tome e Principe",0,0},
{"Saudi Arabia",3,0},
{"Sierra Leone",0,0},
{"Society Island",-10,0},
{"Solomon Islands",11,0},
{"South Africa",2,0},
{"Sri Lanka",5,30},
{"St Christopher",-4,0},
{"St Croix",-4,0},
{"St Helena",0,0},
{"St John",-4,0},
{"St Kitts Nevis",-4,0},
{"St Lucia",-4,0},
{"St Maarten",-4,0},
{"St Pierre & Miquelon",-3,0},
{"St Thomas",-4,0},
{"St Vincent",-4,0},
{"Trinidad and Tobago",-4,0},
{"Tuamotu Island",-10,0},
{"Tubuai Island",-10,0},
{"Turks and Caicos Islands",-5,0},
{"United Arab Emirates",4,0},
{"United Kingdom",0,0},
{"USA Central",-6,0},
{"USA Eastern",-5,0},
{"USA Mountain",-7,0},
{"USA Arizona",-7,0},
{"USA Indiana East",-5,0},
{"USA Pacific",-8,0},
{"USA Alaska",-9,0},
{"USA Aleutian",-10,0},
{"USA Hawaii",-10,0},
{"Vatican City",1,0},
{"Virgin Islands",-4,0},
{"Wake Island",12,0},
{"Wallis and Futuna Islands",12,0},
{"Windward Islands",-4,0},
{"Zaire Kasai",2,0},
{"Zaire Kinshasa Mbandaka",1,0},
{"Zaire Haut Zaire",2,0},
{"Zaire Kivu",2,0},
{"Zaire Shaba",2,0},
/* --- FindPrefix ------------------------------------------------- */
float FindPrefix(char *s, char **newptr)
char *ptr = s;
float exp = 1;
if (StrEqualMax(s, 4, "atto" )) { exp=0.000000000000000001; ptr+=4; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 5, "femto")) { exp=0.000000000000001; ptr+=5; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 4, "pico" )) { exp=0.000000000001; ptr+=4; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 4, "nano" )) { exp=0.000000001; ptr+=4; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 5, "micro")) { exp=0.000001; ptr+=5; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 5, "milli")) { exp=0.001; ptr+=5; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 5, "centi")) { exp=0.01; ptr+=5; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 4, "deci" )) { exp=0.1; ptr+=4; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 5, "hecto")) { exp=100; ptr+=5; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 4, "kilo" )) { exp=1000; ptr+=4; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 4, "mega" )) { exp=1000000; ptr+=4; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 4, "giga" )) { exp=1000000000; ptr+=4; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 4, "tera" )) { exp=1000000000000.0; ptr+=4; }
else if (StrEqualMax(s, 5, "penta")) { exp=1000000000000000.0; ptr+=5; }
*newptr = ptr;
return exp;
/* --- Convert ---------------------------------------------------- */
void Convert(char *from, char *line)
char buf[MINIBUFFER];
char *unit;
float value, exp;
int dec = 1;
float meter=0, celsius=0, gram=0, liter=0, sqm=0;
int len=0, temp=0, mass=0, vol=0, area=0;
if (2 <= StrScan(line, "%g %"MINIBUFFERTXT"s %d", &value, buf, &dec)) {
if (dec > 4)
dec = 4;
exp = FindPrefix(buf, &unit);
/* Length conversion */
if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"me")) { len=1; meter=value; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"dm")) { len=1; meter=value/10; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"cm")) { len=1; meter=value/100; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"mm")) { len=1; meter=value/1000; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"mi")) { len=1; meter=value*1609.344; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"ya")) { len=1; meter=value*0.9144; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"fe") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,2,"fo") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,2,"ft")) { len=1; meter=value*0.3048; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"in")) { len=1; meter=value*0.0254; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"nau")) { len=1; meter=value*1852; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"cha")) { len=1; meter=value*20.11684023; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"rod")) { len=1; meter=value*5.02921006; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"fat")) { len=1; meter=value*1.82880366; }
/* Temperature conversion */
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"cel")) { temp=1; celsius=value; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"fah") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,3,"far")) { temp=1; celsius=(value - 32) * (5.0/9.0); }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"ke")) { temp=1; celsius=value - 273.15; }
/* Weight conversion */
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"gram")) { mass=1; gram=value; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"kg")) { mass=1; gram=value*1000; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"lb") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,2,"po")) { mass=1; gram=value*453.59237; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"oz") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,2,"ou")) { mass=1; gram=value*28.349523125; }
/* Volume conversion */
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"li")) { vol=1; liter=value; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"gal")) { vol=1; liter=value*4.546092; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"us")) { vol=1; liter=value*3.7858411784; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"qua")) { vol=1; liter=value*0.946352946; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"pin")) { vol=1; liter=value*0.473176473; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"cup")) { vol=1; liter=value*0.2365882365; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"fl")) { vol=1; liter=value*0.0295735295625; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"tabl") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,4,"tbsp")) { vol=1; liter=value*0.01478676478125; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"tea") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,3,"tsp")) { vol=1; liter=value*0.00492892159375; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"bush")) { vol=1; liter=value*35.23907; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"peck")) { vol=1; liter=value*8.8097675; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"cuya") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,4,"cuyr")) { vol=1; liter=value*764.554857984; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"cufe") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,4,"cufo") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,4,"cuft")) { vol=1; liter=value*28.316846592; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"cuin")) { vol=1; liter=value*0.016387064; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"cum")) { vol=1; liter=value*1000; }
/* Area conversion */
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"sqme")) { area=1; sqm=value; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"sqkm")) { area=1; sqm=value*1000000; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"ha") ||
StrEqualMax(unit,3,"hec")) { area=1; sqm=value*10000; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,2,"ac")) { area=1; sqm=value*4046.872609874252; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,4,"sqmi")) { area=1; sqm=value*2589988.110336; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"sqy")) { area=1; sqm=value*0.83612736; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"sqf")) { area=1; sqm=value*0.09290304; }
else if (StrEqualMax(unit,3,"sqi")) { area=1; sqm=value*0.00064516; }
/* Unknown conversion */
else {
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_unknown_unit), unit);
if (len) {
meter *= exp;
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_convert_length),
dec, meter,
dec, meter/1609.344,
dec, meter/0.9144,
dec, meter/0.3048,
dec, meter/0.0254,
dec, meter/1852,
dec, meter/20.11684023,
dec, meter/5.02921006,
dec, meter/1.82880366);
else if (temp) {
celsius *= exp;
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_convert_temperature),
dec, celsius,
dec, celsius * (9.0/5.0) + 32,
dec, celsius + 273.15);
else if (mass) {
gram *= exp;
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_convert_mass),
dec, gram,
dec, gram/453.59237,
dec, gram/28.349523125);
else if (vol) {
liter *= exp;
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_convert_volume),
dec, liter,
dec, liter/4.546092,
dec, liter/3.7858411784,
dec, liter/0.0295735295625,
dec, liter/0.473176473,
dec, liter/0.2365882365,
dec, liter/0.01478676478125,
dec, liter/0.00492892159375,
dec, liter/0.946352946,
dec, liter/35.23907,
dec, liter/8.8097675,
dec, liter/1000,
dec, liter/764.554857984,
dec, liter/28.316846592,
dec, liter/0.01638706);
else if (area) {
sqm *= exp;
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_convert_area),
dec, sqm,
dec, sqm/1000000,
dec, sqm/10000,
dec, sqm/4046.872609874252,
dec, sqm/2589988.110336,
dec, sqm/0.83612736,
dec, sqm/0.09290304,
dec, sqm/0.00064516);
CmdSyntax(errfrom, "CONVERT");
/* --- TimeZoneInit ------------------------------------------------- */
void TimeZoneInit(void)
int i;
for (i=0; i < sizeof(tzinfo)/sizeof(tzinfo[0]); i++) {
tzinfo[i].sig = HashSignatureU(tzinfo[i].name);
tzinfo[i].let = MarkLetters(tzinfo[i].name);
/* --- FindZoneByName --------------------------------------------- */
tz *FindZoneByName(char *name)
int min = INT_MAX;
int index = -1;
int i, d;
ulong sig, let;
if ('.' == name[0]) {
land *country;
/* Get name from extention */
country = FindByCode(&name[1]);
if (NULL == country)
return NULL; /* No success */
name = country->country;
sig = HashSignatureU(name);
let = MarkLetters(name);
for (i=0; i < sizeof(tzinfo)/sizeof(tzinfo[0]); i++) {
d = HammingDistance(tzinfo[i].sig, sig) +
UnequalBits(tzinfo[i].let, let);
if (min > d) {
min = d;
index = i;
return ((index > -1) ? &tzinfo[index] : NULL);
/* --- TimeZone --------------------------------------------------- */
void TimeZone(char *from, char *line)
extern char myhost[];
char buffer[BIGBUFFER] = "";
char *pointer;
char *p = NULL;
int hours = 0, mins = 0;
tz *first = NULL, *second = NULL;
time_t t;
struct tm tm, *tp;
t = time(NULL);
StrScan(line, "%"MINIBUFFERTXT"s", buffer);
* 1: Convert tzinfo
* darx tz 12:00 [am/pm] GMT [ AST ]
if (isdigit(buffer[0])) {
char timebuf[MINIBUFFER];
if (2 == StrScan(line, "%"MINIBUFFERTXT"[0-9:]%"BIGBUFFERTXT"[^\n]",
timebuf, buffer)) {
/* Parse time */
if (StrLength(timebuf) > 2) {
if (StrIndex(timebuf, ':'))
StrScan(timebuf, "%d:%d", &hours, &mins);
else {
if (StrLength(timebuf) > 3)
StrScan(timebuf, "%02d%d", &hours, &mins);
StrScan(timebuf, "%1d%02d", &hours, &mins);
else {
hours = atoi(timebuf);
pointer = buffer;
/* am / pm */
if (buffer[0] && buffer[1] && (((char)0 == buffer[2]) || (' ' == buffer[2]))) {
if (StrEqualMax(buffer, 2, "PM")) {
hours += 12;
pointer = &buffer[2];
else if (StrEqualMax(buffer, 2, "AM")) {
pointer = &buffer[2];
/* Check limits and readjust time */
if (mins > 59) {
hours += mins/60;
mins %= 60;
if (hours > 23)
hours = hours % 24;
/* Parse first tzinfo */
p = NextQuoteWord(pointer);
if (p) {
first = FindZoneByName(p);
if (NULL == first) {
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_unknown_zone), p);
/* Parse second tzinfo */
p = NextQuoteWord(pointer);
if (p) {
second = FindZoneByName(p);
if (NULL == second) {
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_unknown_zone), p);
else {
second = FindZoneByName("GMT");
if ((NULL == first) || (NULL == second)) {
Send(from, GetText(msg_specify_tz));
tp = localtime(&t);
memcpy(&tm, tp, sizeof(tm));
tm.tm_hour = hours - first->hdiff + second->hdiff;
tm.tm_min = mins - first->mdiff + second->mdiff;
t = mktime(&tm);
tp = localtime(&t);
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_time_equals_time_in), hours, mins,
first->name, tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, second->name);
Send(from, GetText(msg_specify_tz));
* 4: Display current time in zone
* darx tz now GMT
else if (StrEqual(buffer, "NOW")) {
bool show_buffer;
tp = gmtime(&t);
memcpy(&tm, tp, sizeof(tm));
/* If we have another argument we will use that one */
if ((1 == StrScan(line, "%*s \"%"BIGBUFFERTXT"[^\"\n]", buffer)) ||
(1 == StrScan(line, "%*s %"BIGBUFFERTXT"[^\n]", buffer))) {
first = FindZoneByName(buffer);
else {
buffer[0] = (char)0;
pointer = StrIndexLast(myhost, '.');
if (pointer)
first = FindZoneByName(pointer);
if (NULL == first)
first = FindZoneByName("GMT");
if (NULL == first) {
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_unknown_zone), buffer[0] ? buffer : "GMT");
tm.tm_hour += first->hdiff;
tm.tm_min += first->mdiff;
t = mktime(&tm);
tp = localtime(&t);
/* No point in showing the timezone or country twice */
show_buffer = (buffer[0] && !StrEqual(first->name, buffer));
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_current_time),
show_buffer ? " (" : "",
show_buffer ? buffer : "",
show_buffer ? ")" : "",
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min);
* List countries/zones
else if (StrEqual(buffer, "LIST")) {
char pattern[MINIBUFFER] = "*";
int count = 0, total = 0;
int i;
StrScan(line, "%*s %"MINIBUFFERTXT"s", pattern);
buffer[0] = (char)0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tzinfo)/sizeof(tzinfo[0]); i++) {
if (Match(tzinfo[i].name, pattern)) {
if ((StrLength(buffer) + StrLength(tzinfo[i].name)) < MIDBUFFER) {
StrFormatAppendMax(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s",
(0 == count) ? "" : ", ",
if (0 == count) {
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_pattern_doesnt_match), pattern);
else {
Sendf(from, buffer);
if (count < total)
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_limit_searchpattern), total - count);
* 2: display timezone
* darx tz <where>
* 3: display timezone relative
* darx tz <where> [where]
else {
char hourbuf[MINIBUFFER], minbuf[MINIBUFFER];
bool ahead;
/* Parse first timezone */
pointer = line;
p = NextQuoteWord(pointer);
if (p) {
first = FindZoneByName(p);
if (NULL == first) {
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_unknown_zone), p);
/* Parse second timezone */
p = NextQuoteWord(pointer);
if (p) {
second = FindZoneByName(p);
if (NULL == second) {
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_unknown_zone), p);
else {
second = FindZoneByName("GMT");
if ((NULL == first) || (NULL == second)) {
Send(from, GetText(msg_specify_tz));
/* Calculate the time difference in minutes */
mins = (first->hdiff - second->hdiff) * 60 +
(first->mdiff - second->mdiff);
ahead = ((mins < 0) ? FALSE : TRUE);
if (mins < 0)
mins = -mins;
hours = mins / 60;
mins %= 60;
if (hours) {
StrFormatMax(hourbuf, sizeof(hourbuf), "%d %s",
(hours == 1) ? GetText(msg_hour) : GetText(msg_hours));
if (mins) {
StrFormatMax(minbuf, sizeof(minbuf), "%s%s%s%d %s",
hours ? " " : "",
hours ? GetText(msg_and) : "",
hours ? " " : "",
(mins == 1) ? GetText(msg_minute) : GetText(msg_minutes));
if (hours || mins) {
Sendf(from, "%s %s %s%s %s %s.",
hours ? hourbuf : "",
mins ? minbuf : "",
ahead ? GetText(msg_ahead_of) : GetText(msg_behind),
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_is_the_same_as), first->name, second->name);
/* --- Exchange --------------------------------------------------- */
void Exchange(char *from, char *line)
extern char exchangecmd[];
char amount[MINIBUFFER];
char convfrom[MINIBUFFER] = "";
char convto[MINIBUFFER] = "";
land *n_from, *n_to;
amount, convfrom, convto)) && exchangecmd[0]) {
if ('.' == convfrom[0])
n_from = FindByCode(&convfrom[1]);
n_from = FindByCurrency(convfrom);
if (NULL == n_from)
n_from = FindByCountry(convfrom);
if ('.' == convto[0])
n_to = FindByCode(&convto[1]);
n_to = FindByCurrency(convto);
if (NULL == n_to)
n_to = FindByCountry(convto);
if (n_from && (NULL == n_from->currency)) {
Sendf(errfrom, GetText(msg_no_currency_info), convfrom);
else if (n_to && (NULL == n_to->currency)) {
Sendf(errfrom, GetText(msg_no_currency_info), convto);
else {
Execute(from, "%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" 2>/dev/null",
exchangecmd, amount,
n_from ? n_from->currency : convfrom,
n_to ? n_to->currency : convto,
n_from ? n_from->onemoney : "-",
n_to ? n_to->onemoney : "-",
n_from ? n_from->country : "-",
n_to ? n_to->country : "-");
else if ((1 <= StrScan(line, "%"MINIBUFFERTXT"s %"MINIBUFFERTXT"s",
convfrom, convto)) && exchangecmd[0]) {
if (StrEqual(convfrom, "list")) {
* List available currencies for the exchange service
Execute(from, "%s list \"%s\" 2>/dev/null", exchangecmd, convto);
else {
* Present all available information about the convfrom currency
if ('.' == convfrom[0])
n_from = FindByCode(&convfrom[1]);
n_from = FindByCurrency(convfrom);
if (NULL == n_from)
n_from = FindByCountry(convfrom);
if (NULL == n_from)
Sendf(errfrom, GetText(msg_no_country_or_currency), convfrom);
else if (NULL == n_from->currency)
Sendf(errfrom, GetText(msg_no_currency_info), convfrom);
Sendf(from, GetText(msg_currency_is),
CmdSyntax(errfrom, "EXCHANGE");
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1