/* dircproxy * Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Scott James Remnant . * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Francois Harvey * * dcc_net.c * - Creating new DCC connections * - Connecting to DCC Senders * - The list of currently active DCC proxies * - Miscellaneous DCC functions * -- * @(#) $Id: dcc_net.c,v 1.16 2004/04/02 21:34:11 fharvey Exp $ * * This file is distributed according to the GNU General Public * License. For full details, read the top of 'main.c' or the * file called COPYING that was distributed with this code. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "net.h" #include "dns.h" #include "timers.h" #include "sprintf.h" #include "stringex.h" #include "dcc_chat.h" #include "dcc_send.h" #include "dcc_net.h" /* forward declarations */ static int _dccnet_listen(struct dccproxy *, int *, size_t, int *); static int _dccnet_connect(struct dccproxy *, struct in_addr, int, int *, size_t, int *); static int _dccnet_bind(int sock, int *, size_t, int *); static void _dccnet_timedout(struct dccproxy *, void *); static void _dccnet_accept(struct dccproxy *, int); static void _dccnet_free(struct dccproxy *); /* list of currently proxied connections */ static struct dccproxy *proxies = 0; /* Create a new DCC connection */ int dccnet_new(int type, long timeout, int *range, size_t range_sz, int *lport, struct in_addr addr, int port, const char *filename, long maxsize, int (*n_f)(void *, const char *, const char *), void *n_p, const char *n_msg, uint32_t resume_from) { struct dccproxy *p; p = (struct dccproxy *)malloc(sizeof(struct dccproxy)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(struct dccproxy)); p->type = type; p->bytes_rcvd = resume_from; /* If we're capturing, we do not need to listen for the client connecting because its not going to! */ if (p->type & DCC_SEND_CAPTURE) { /* Unlink first for security */ if (!resume_from){ /* Unlink first for security */ if (unlink(filename) && (errno != ENOENT)) { syscall_fail("unlink", filename, 0); free(p); return -1; } } /* Open for writing */ p->cap_file = fopen(filename, "a"); if (!p->cap_file) { syscall_fail("fopen", filename, 0); free(p); return -1; } p->cap_filename = x_strdup(filename); p->bytes_max = maxsize * 1024; /* Connect to the sender */ if (_dccnet_connect(p, addr, port, range, range_sz, lport)) { fclose(p->cap_file); free(p->cap_filename); free(p); return -1; } } else { /* Do the connect first, because then that'll hopefully get a port, which the listen socket can also use later anyway */ if (_dccnet_connect(p, addr, port, range, range_sz, lport)) { free(p); return -1; } /* Now listen, if this fails a bind() then thats fatal */ if (_dccnet_listen(p, range, range_sz, lport)) { net_close(&(p->sender_sock)); free(p); return -1; } } p->notify_func = n_f; p->notify_data = n_p; if (n_msg) p->notify_msg = x_strdup(n_msg); p->next = proxies; proxies = p; timer_new((void *)p, "timeout", timeout, TIMER_FUNCTION(_dccnet_timedout), 0); return 0; } /* Create socket to listen on */ static int _dccnet_listen(struct dccproxy *p, int *range, size_t range_sz, int *port) { int theport; p->sendee_sock = net_socket(AF_INET); if (p->sendee_sock == -1) return -1; if (_dccnet_bind(p->sendee_sock, range, range_sz, &theport)) { net_close(&(p->sendee_sock)); return -1; } if (listen(p->sendee_sock, SOMAXCONN)) { syscall_fail("listen", 0, 0); net_close(&(p->sendee_sock)); return -1; } if (port) *port = theport; debug("Listening for DCC Sendees on port %d", theport); p->sendee_status |= DCC_SENDEE_LISTENING; net_hook(p->sendee_sock, SOCK_LISTENING, (void *)p, ACTIVITY_FUNCTION(_dccnet_accept), 0); return 0; } /* Connect to remote user */ static int _dccnet_connect(struct dccproxy *p, struct in_addr addr, int port, int *range, size_t range_sz, int *bindport) { int theport; p->sender_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; p->sender_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(addr.s_addr); p->sender_addr.sin_port = htons(port); debug("Connecting to DCC Sender %s:%d", inet_ntoa(p->sender_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(p->sender_addr.sin_port)); p->sender_sock = net_socket(AF_INET); if (p->sender_sock == -1) return -1; if (_dccnet_bind(p->sender_sock, range, range_sz, &theport)) { debug("Connecting to DCC Sender from random port"); } else { debug("Connecting to DCC Sender from port %d", theport); if (bindport) *bindport = theport; } if (connect(p->sender_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&(p->sender_addr), sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) && (errno != EINPROGRESS)) { syscall_fail("connect", inet_ntoa(p->sender_addr.sin_addr), 0); net_close(&(p->sender_sock)); return -1; } p->sender_status |= DCC_SENDER_CREATED; if (p->type & DCC_SEND) { net_hook(p->sender_sock, SOCK_CONNECTING, (void *)p, ACTIVITY_FUNCTION(dccsend_connected), ERROR_FUNCTION(dccsend_connectfailed)); } else if (p->type & DCC_CHAT) { net_hook(p->sender_sock, SOCK_CONNECTING, (void *)p, ACTIVITY_FUNCTION(dccchat_connected), ERROR_FUNCTION(dccchat_connectfailed)); } return 0; } /* Bind a dcc socket to one from the allowed range */ static int _dccnet_bind(int sock, int *range, size_t range_sz, int *port) { struct sockaddr_in local_addr; int len; local_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; local_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (range) { int bound = 0; size_t i; int j; for (i = 0; i < range_sz; i += 2) { for (j = range[i]; j <= range[i + 1]; j++) { debug("Trying to bind DCC to port %d", j); local_addr.sin_port = htons(j); if (!bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) { bound = 1; break; } } if (bound) break; } if (!bound) { debug("No free ports to bind DCC to"); return -1; } } else { debug("Binding DCC to random port"); local_addr.sin_port = 0; if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) { syscall_fail("bind", "dcc_listen", 0); return -1; } } len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local_addr, &len)) { syscall_fail("getsockname", 0, 0); return -1; } if (port) *port = ntohs(local_addr.sin_port); return 0; } /* Timer hook to check if we've timed out */ static void _dccnet_timedout(struct dccproxy *p, void *data) { if ((p->sender_status == DCC_SENDER_ACTIVE) && (p->type & DCC_SEND_CAPTURE)) { debug("Capturing, and we've connected to sender"); return; } if (p->sendee_status != DCC_SENDEE_ACTIVE) { if (p->type & DCC_CHAT) { net_send(p->sender_sock, "--(%s)-- Timed out awaiting connection from " "remote peer\n", PACKAGE); } else if (p->type & DCC_SEND) { if (p->notify_func) p->notify_func(p->notify_data, p->notify_msg, "Timed out awaiting connection from peer"); } } else if (p->sender_status != DCC_SENDER_ACTIVE) { if (p->type & DCC_CHAT) { net_send(p->sendee_sock, "--(%s)-- Connection to remote peer timed out\n", PACKAGE); } else if (p->type & DCC_SEND) { if (p->sender_status & DCC_SENDER_GONE) { debug("Sender has come and gone, but sendee is connected"); return; } else { if (p->notify_func) p->notify_func(p->notify_data, p->notify_msg, "Connection to peer timed out"); } } } else { debug("They are talking"); return; } p->dead = 1; } /* Accept a sendee connection */ static void _dccnet_accept(struct dccproxy *p, int sock) { int newsock; int len; /* Accept the connection */ len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); newsock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&(p->sendee_addr), &len); if (newsock == -1) { syscall_fail("accept", 0, 0); p->dead = 1; return; } /* Close the listening socket and make the new socket the sendee */ net_close(&(p->sendee_sock)); p->sendee_status &= ~(DCC_SENDEE_LISTENING); p->sendee_sock = newsock; net_create(&(p->sendee_sock)); if (p->sendee_sock != -1) { p->sendee_status |= DCC_SENDEE_CONNECTED; if (p->type & DCC_SEND) { dccsend_accepted(p); } else if (p->type & DCC_CHAT) { dccchat_accepted(p); } debug("DCC Sendee connected from %s:%d", inet_ntoa(p->sendee_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(p->sendee_addr.sin_port)); } } /* Free a DCC proxy */ static void _dccnet_free(struct dccproxy *p) { debug("Freeing DCC proxy"); if (p->sender_status & DCC_SENDER_CREATED) net_close(&(p->sender_sock)); if (p->sendee_status & DCC_SENDEE_CREATED) net_close(&(p->sendee_sock)); if (p->cap_filename) { unlink(p->cap_filename); free(p->cap_filename); } if (p->cap_file) fclose(p->cap_file); free(p->notify_msg); free(p->buf); dns_delall((void *)p); timer_delall((void *)p); free(p); } /* Get rid of any dead proxies */ int dccnet_expunge_proxies(void) { struct dccproxy *p, *l; l = 0; p = proxies; while (p) { if (p->dead) { struct dccproxy *n; n = p->next; _dccnet_free(p); if (l) l->next = n; else proxies = n; p = n; } else { l = p; p = p->next; } } return 0; } /* Delete all of the proxies */ void dccnet_flush(void) { struct dccproxy *p; p = proxies; while (p) { struct dccproxy *n; n = p->next; _dccnet_free(p); p = n; } proxies = 0; }