/* dircproxy * Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Scott James Remnant . * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Francois Harvey * * timers.c * - Scheduling events * -- * @(#) $Id: timers.c,v 1.9 2002/12/29 21:30:12 scott Exp $ * * This file is distributed according to the GNU General Public * License. For full details, read the top of 'main.c' or the * file called COPYING that was distributed with this code. */ #include #include #include #include #include "sprintf.h" #include "timers.h" /* structure of a timer */ struct timer { char *id; time_t time; void (*function)(void *, void *); void *boundto; void *data; struct timer *next; }; /* forward declarations */ static int _timer_free(struct timer *); /* list of current timers */ static struct timer *timers = 0; /* next dynamic id */ static unsigned long nexttimer = 0; /* Check if a timer exists */ int timer_exists(void *b, const char *id) { struct timer *t; t = timers; while (t) { if ((b == t->boundto) && !strcmp(id, t->id)) return 1; t = t->next; } return 0; } /* Add a new timer */ char *timer_new(void *b, const char *id, unsigned long interval, void (*func)(void *, void *), void *data) { struct timer *t; if (id && timer_exists(b, id)) return 0; t = (struct timer *)malloc(sizeof(struct timer)); if (id) { t->id = x_strdup(id); } else { t->id = x_sprintf("timer%lu", nexttimer++); } t->time = (interval ? time(NULL) + interval : 0); t->function = func; t->boundto = b; t->data = data; t->next = timers; timers = t; debug("Timer %s will be triggered in %d seconds", t->id, (t->time ? t->time - time(NULL) : 0)); return t->id; } /* Delete a timer */ int timer_del(void *b, char *id) { struct timer *t, *l; l = 0; t = timers; while (t) { if ((b == t->boundto) && !strcmp(id, t->id)) { if (l) { l->next = t->next; } else { timers = t->next; } debug("Timer %s will not be triggered (%d on the clock)", t->id, (t->time ? t->time - time(NULL) : 0)); _timer_free(t); return 0; } else { l = t; t = t->next; } } return -1; } /* Delete all timers with a certain ircproxy class */ int timer_delall(void *b) { struct timer *t, *l; int numdone; l = 0; t = timers; numdone = 0; while (t) { if (t->boundto == b) { struct timer *n; n = t->next; debug("Timer %s will not be triggered (%d on the clock)", t->id, (t->time ? t->time - time(NULL) : 0)); _timer_free(t); if (l) { t = l->next = n; } else { t = timers = n; } numdone++; } else { l = t; t = t->next; } } return numdone; } /* Poll the timers */ int timer_poll(void) { struct timer *t, *l; time_t ctime; l = 0; t = timers; ctime = time(NULL); while (t) { if (t->time <= ctime) { void (*function)(void *, void *); struct timer *n; void *b, *data; function = t->function; b = t->boundto; data = t->data; n = t->next; debug("Timer %s triggered", t->id); _timer_free(t); if (l) { t = l->next = n; } else { t = timers = n; } if (function) function(b, data); } else { l = t; t = t->next; } } return (timers ? 1 : 0); } /* Free a timer */ static int _timer_free(struct timer *t) { free(t->id); free(t); return 0; } /* Get rid of all the proxies */ void timer_flush(void) { struct timer *t; t = timers; while (t) { struct timer *n; n = t->next; debug("Timer %s never triggered (%d on the clock)", t->id, (t->time ? t->time - time(NULL) : 0)); _timer_free(t); t = n; } timers = 0; }