fisg [options] [source#1] [source#2...]


       Fisg  is  a free utility to generate nice looking web page(s) from your
       IRC logs, containing various interesting statistics and  amusing  facts
       based on the computed statistical information.

       Fisg  has  been  designed  for speed, simplicity and small memory foot-
       print.  It is written in ANSI-C and only depends on standard libc (run-
       time), so it can be compiled and used in very wide range of systems.


       -?, --help Shows a brief help

       -V, --version
              Show version information

       -o, --output <file>
              Specify output file (default: stdout)

       -u, --user-file <file>
              Specify users-file (default: users.cfg)

       -f, --format <format>
              Specify input format. Currently irssi, eggdrop and mIRC are sup-
              ported. (no default)

       -O, --output-format <format>
              Specify output format. Currently xhtml  (XHTML/CSS)  and  xhtmls
              (XHTML/CSS with table borders)

       -L, --list-formats
              Show list of predefined log- and output-formats.

       -c, --config <file>
              Specify configuration file (no default)

       -q, --quiet
              Use multiple times for more silence.

       -d, --dump-userfile
              Dump  internal  user information to given file.  This option can
              be used to create initial users-file or to  debug  fisg's  func-
              tionality related to automagic user-handling.


       If  you  have  log for channel #kewlchan produced by Irssi in directory
       "~/irclogs/IRCNet/"  (aka under your home directory), you could use the
       The full documentation for fisg


       Report Bugs should be reported via bug tracker system, see  FISG  home-
       page ( for details. In case you don't want
       to use BTS, send reports via e-mail to  <>.  Problems  with
       Debian-  or  other  packages  should be reported to appropriate package


       fisg was written by Matti  Hmlinen  <>.  This  manpage  was
       written  by Alexander Wirt <> for the Debian Distri-

fisg 0.3.12                      Sep. 12, 2004                         FISG(1)

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