 * Very simple configuration handling functions
 * Programmed and designed by Matti 'ccr' Hamalainen
 * (C) Copyright 2004 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
 * Please read file 'COPYING' for information on license and distribution.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "th_config.h"
#include "th_util.h"
#include "th_string.h"

void th_config_error(char *pcFilename, size_t lineNum, const char *pcFormat, ...)
 va_list ap;
 va_start(ap, pcFormat);
 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error in '%s', line #%d: ", th_prog_name, pcFilename, lineNum);
 vfprintf(stderr, pcFormat, ap);

t_config * th_config_new(void)
 t_config *cfg;
 cfg = (t_config *) calloc(1, sizeof(t_config));
 if (!cfg) return NULL;

 return cfg;

void th_config_free(t_config *cfg)
 t_config_item *pCurr, *pNext;

 if (!cfg) return;

 pCurr = cfg->pItems;
 while (pCurr)
	pNext = pCurr->pNext;
	pCurr = pNext;

 * Allocate and add new item to configuration
t_config_item * th_config_add(t_config *cfg, char *itemName, int itemType, BOOL (*itemValidate)(t_config_item *), void *itemData)
 t_config_item *pNode;

 if (!cfg) return NULL;
 /* Allocate new item */
 pNode = (t_config_item *) calloc(1, sizeof(t_config_item));
 if (!pNode) return NULL;
 /* Set values */
 pNode->itemType = itemType;
 pNode->itemData = itemData;
 pNode->itemValidate = itemValidate;
 th_strcpy(&pNode->itemName, itemName);
 /* Insert into linked list */ 
 if (cfg->pItems)
	/* The first node's pPrev points to last node */
	LPREV = cfg->pItems->pPrev;	/* New node's prev = Previous last node */
	cfg->pItems->pPrev->pNext = pNode;	/* Previous last node's next = New node */
	cfg->pItems->pPrev = pNode;		/* New last node = New node */
	LNEXT = NULL;				/* But next is NULL! */
 	} else {
	cfg->pItems = pNode;			/* First node ... */
	LPREV = pNode;				/* ... it's also last */
	LNEXT = NULL;				/* But next is NULL! */

 return pNode;

/* Add integer type setting into give configuration
int th_config_add_int(t_config *cfg, char *itemName, BOOL (*itemValidate)(t_config_item *), int *itemData, int itemDef)
 t_config_item *pNode;
 pNode = th_config_add(cfg, itemName, ITEM_INT, itemValidate, (void *) itemData);
 if (!pNode) return -1;

 *itemData = itemDef; 

 return 0;

/* Add unsigned integer type setting into give configuration
int th_config_add_uint(t_config *cfg, char *itemName, BOOL (*itemValidate)(t_config_item *), t_uint *itemData, t_uint itemDef)
 t_config_item *pNode;
 pNode = th_config_add(cfg, itemName, ITEM_UINT, itemValidate, (void *) itemData);
 if (!pNode) return -1;

 *itemData = itemDef; 

 return 0;

/* Add strint type setting into given configuration
int th_config_add_str(t_config *cfg, char *itemName, BOOL (*itemValidate)(t_config_item *), char **itemData, char *itemDef)
 t_config_item *pNode;
 pNode = th_config_add(cfg, itemName, ITEM_STRING, itemValidate, (void *) itemData);
 if (!pNode) return -1;

 if (itemDef != NULL)
 	*itemData = th_strdup(itemDef);
 	*itemData = NULL;
 return 0;

/* Add boolean type setting into given configuration
int th_config_add_bool(t_config *cfg, char *itemName, BOOL (*itemValidate)(t_config_item *), BOOL *itemData, BOOL itemDef)
 t_config_item *pNode;
 pNode = th_config_add(cfg, itemName, ITEM_BOOL, itemValidate, (void *) itemData);
 if (!pNode) return -1;

 *itemData = itemDef;

 return 0;

/* Read a given file into configuration structure and variables
enum {

#define VADDCH(ch) if (strPos < SET_MAX_BUF) { tmpStr[strPos++] = ch; }
#define VISEND(ch) (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == ';' || th_isspace(c))

int th_config_read(char *pcFilename, t_config *cfg)
 FILE *inFile;
 t_config_item *pItem;
 char tmpStr[SET_MAX_BUF + 1];
 size_t lineNum, strPos;
 int c, parseMode, prevMode, nextMode, tmpCh;
 BOOL isFound, isStart, tmpBool, isError;


 /* Open the file */
 if ((inFile = fopen(pcFilename, "ra")) == NULL)
	return -1;

 /* Parse the configuration */
 lineNum = 1;
 c = -1;
 nextMode = prevMode = parseMode = PM_NORMAL;
 while ((parseMode != PM_EOF) && (parseMode != PM_ERROR))
 	if (c == -1)
 		/* Get next character */
 		switch (c = fgetc(inFile)) {
 		case EOF:
 			if (parseMode != PM_NORMAL)
				th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
				"Unexpected end of file.\n");
				parseMode = PM_ERROR;
 				} else
 				parseMode = PM_EOF;
		case '\n':
	switch (parseMode) {
		/* Comment parsing mode */
		if (c == '\n')
			/* End of line, end of comment */
			parseMode = prevMode;
			prevMode = PM_COMMENT;
		c = -1;
 	case PM_NORMAL:
 		/* Normal parsing mode */
 		if (c == '#')
 			prevMode = parseMode;
			parseMode = PM_COMMENT;
			c = -1;
			} else
		if (VISEND(c))
			c = -1;
			} else
		if (th_isalpha(c))
			/* Start of key name found */
			prevMode = parseMode;
			parseMode = PM_KEYNAME;
			strPos = 0;
			} else
			/* Error! Invalid character found */
			th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
				"Unexpected character '%c'\n", c);
			parseMode = PM_ERROR;
		/* Configuration KEY name parsing mode */
		if (c == '#')
 			/* Start of comment */
 			prevMode = parseMode;
 			parseMode = PM_COMMENT;
			c = -1;
			} else
		if (th_iscrlf(c) || th_isspace(c) || c == '=')
			/* End of key name */
			prevMode = parseMode;
			parseMode = PM_NEXT;
			nextMode = PM_KEYSET;
			} else
		if (th_isalnum(c) || (c == '_'))
			/* Add to key name string */
			VADDCH(c) else
				/* Error! Key name string too long! */
				th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
					"Config key name too long!");
				parseMode = PM_ERROR;
			c = -1;
			} else
			/* Error! Invalid character found */
			th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
				"Unexpected character '%c'\n", c);
			parseMode = PM_ERROR;

	case PM_KEYSET:
		if (c == '=')
			/* Find key from configuration */
			tmpStr[strPos] = 0;
			isFound = FALSE;
			pItem = cfg->pItems;
			while (pItem && !isFound)
				if (strcmp(pItem->itemName, tmpStr) == 0)
					isFound = TRUE;
					pItem = pItem->pNext;
			/* Check if key was found */
			if (isFound)
				/* Okay, set next mode */
				switch (pItem->itemType) {
				case ITEM_STRING: nextMode = PM_STRING; break;

				case ITEM_INT:
				case ITEM_UINT: nextMode = PM_INT; break;

				case ITEM_BOOL: nextMode = PM_BOOL; break;
				prevMode = parseMode;
				parseMode = PM_NEXT;
				isStart = TRUE;
				strPos = 0;
				} else
				/* Error! No configuration key by this name found */
				th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
					"No such configuration setting ('%s')\n", tmpStr);
				parseMode = PM_ERROR;

			c = -1;
			} else
			/* Error! '=' expected! */
			th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
				"Unexpected character '%c', '=' expected.\n", c);
			parseMode = PM_ERROR;

	case PM_NEXT:
		/* Search next item parsing mode */
		if (c == '#')
 			/* Start of comment */
 			prevMode = parseMode;
 			parseMode = PM_COMMENT;
			} else
		if (th_isspace(c) || th_iscrlf(c))
			/* Ignore whitespaces and linechanges */
			c = -1;
			} else
			/* Next item found */
			prevMode = parseMode;
			parseMode = nextMode;

	case PM_STRING:
		/* String parsing mode */
		if (isStart)
			/* Start of string, get delimiter */
			tmpCh = c;
			isStart = FALSE;
			strPos = 0;
			} else
		if (c == tmpCh)
			/* End of string, set the value */
			tmpStr[strPos] = 0;
			th_strcpy((char **) pItem->itemData, tmpStr);
			if (pItem->itemValidate)
			prevMode = parseMode;
			parseMode = PM_NORMAL;
			} else
			/* Add character to string */
			VADDCH(c) else
				/* Error! String too long! */
				th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
					"String too long! Maximum is %d characters.", SET_MAX_BUF);
				parseMode = PM_ERROR;

		c = -1;
	case PM_INT:
		/* Integer parsing mode */
		if (isStart && (pItem->itemType == ITEM_UINT) && (c == '-'))
			/* Error! Negative values not allowed for unsigned ints */
			th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
			"Negative value specified, unsigned value expected.");
			parseMode = PM_ERROR;
			} else
		if (isStart && (c == '-' || c == '+'))
			VADDCH(c) else isError = TRUE;
			} else
		if (th_isdigit(c))
			VADDCH(c) else isError = TRUE;
			} else
		if (VISEND(c))
			/* End of integer parsing mode */
			tmpStr[strPos] = 0;
			switch (pItem->itemType) {
			case ITEM_INT:
				*((int *) pItem->itemData) = atoi(tmpStr);
			case ITEM_UINT:
				*((t_uint *) pItem->itemData) = atol(tmpStr);
			if (pItem->itemValidate)
			prevMode = parseMode;
			parseMode = PM_NORMAL;
			} else
			/* Error! Unexpected character. */
			th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
			"Unexpected character, ", SET_MAX_BUF);
			parseMode = PM_ERROR;			

		if (isError)
			/* Error! String too long! */
			th_config_error(pcFilename, lineNum,
			"String too long! Maximum is %d characters.", SET_MAX_BUF);
			parseMode = PM_ERROR;

		isStart = FALSE;
		c = -1;
	case PM_BOOL:
		/* Boolean parsing mode */
		if (isStart)
			tmpCh = c;
			isStart = FALSE;
			} else
		if (VISEND(c))
			/* End of boolean parsing */
			switch (tmpCh) {
			case 'Y': case 'y':
			case 'T': case 't':
			case '1':
				tmpBool = TRUE;

				tmpBool = FALSE;
			/* Set the value */
			*((BOOL *) pItem->itemData) = tmpBool;
			if (pItem->itemValidate)
			prevMode = parseMode;
			parseMode = PM_NORMAL;

		c = -1;
 /* Close files */

 /* Return result */
 if (parseMode == PM_ERROR)
 	return -2;
 	return 0;

/* Validate a given configuration. If setting does not have a defined
 * validation function (function pointer is NULL), value is assumed to be valid.
 * Returns 0 if ok, otherwise positive integer with number of failed validations
 * is returned.
int th_config_validate(t_config *cfg)
 t_config_item *pNode;
 int nFailed;

 nFailed = 0;
 pNode = cfg->pItems;
 while (pNode)
 	if (pNode->itemValidate && !pNode->itemValidate(pNode))

	pNode = pNode->pNext;
 return nFailed;

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