# Example users-file for FISG # =========================== # Lines starting with # are comments, empty lines are ignored, # all other lines are interpreted as user definations, format is: # # [!]: [...]:: # # - Aliases may have '*' and '?' used in them, used for matching as expected. # # - If user handle's first character is "!", all associated nicks/masks are # ignored and won't show up in the statistics. # # - Path/filename of picture is taken literal, so be careful about what you enter in it. # # - URLs cannot contain whitespaces! If the URL has whitespaces in it, you need to encode them. # (e.g. "http://foobar.com/My Picture.jpg" becomes "http://foobar.com/My%20Picture.jpg") # # Examples # ======== # username:nicks used by him:picture.jpg:http://www.domain.com/ # # ccr/TNSP:ccr ccr_ ggr::http://ccr.tnsp.org/ # # fgcl/TNSP:fgcl*: # # mdx/TNSP:*mdx*:mdx.jpg:http://www.saab.com/ # # sindrom of TNSP:sundwn*:image name with spaces.jpg: # # !idiot ignored:*idiot* _lamer_ 31337*: # !ircbots:mybot* otherbot thirdbot_: # ################################################################### # NOTICE! Remember to include ALL user's nicks in the NICKLIST, # not only the alternative nicks! Username is not counted as a nick. # # For example, next line would be INCORRECT for nick "somebody" # somebody:s0m3body somebody_*: # # A CORRECT line would be: # somebody:somebody s0m3body somebody_*: ###################################################################