gruftitats ========== gruftistats is a program to read IRC logs. It produces a web page, with various statistics and quotes from the channel; the idea was got from the cool MircStats program. See the AUTHORS file for credits and contacting information. gruftistats is free software, see the file COPYING for details. Get the latest gruftistats information at Usage ----- First compile (and if you want, install). This is covered in the INSTALL file. Next, get some IRC logs for your channel. gruftistats supports a few different log file formats, each described by a spec file. There are several such files supplied in the formats/ dir of this distribution (installed to /usr/local/share/gruftistats/). If there isn't one there for your client/bot, you can write one (TODO: document how :-). Next, copy the supplied sample.conf (installed to /usr/local/share/gruftistats) and adapt it for your channel. At least, set the channel name, and your name and email. The format is hopefully clear :-). Then, run gruftistats like so: gruftistats -r your_conf_file -p format_spec_file list_of_log_files > output.html Then fire up a browser and see the results. If you want to see the graphics, copy the .png graphics into the dir with the output.html (they are supplied in the pipes/ dir of this distribution, or installed to /usr/local/share/gruftistats/). For an example (or to be truthful to fit in a credit to the excellent text browser w3m, which was invaluable in testing gruftistats), here is how I would do a stats run on my BitchX log of #debian and read it in w3m: gruftistats -r /usr/local/share/gruftistats/sample.conf -p /usr/local/share/gruftistats/bitchx.lrx ~/.irclog.\#debian | w3m -T text/html