# Classic BitchX with timestamps # The non-ascii chars might be wrong, should work if replaced with .'s # Tested with epic4+splitfire with bitchx theme # $Id: bitchx.lrx,v 1.1 2000/01/20 22:31:52 cphipps Exp $ text=^\[([0-9:]*)\] <([[:nick:]]*)> (.*)$,time,nick,string act=^\[([0-9:]*)\] π ([[:nick:]]*) (.*)$,time,nick,string join=^\[([0-9:]*)\] ωνω ([[:nick:]]*) \[([[:uh:]]*)\] has joined #(.*),time,nick part=^\[([0-9:]*)\] ωνω ([[:nick:]]*) \[([[:uh:]]*)\] has left #(.*),time,nick quit=^\[([0-9:]*)\] ωνω SignOff ([[:nick:]]*): #(.*) \((.*)\),time,nick,null,string kick=^\[([0-9:]*)\] ωνω ([[:nick:]]*) was kicked off #(.*) by ([[:nick:]]*) \((.*)\),time,othernick,null,nick,string topic=^\[([0-9:]*)\] ωνω ([[:nick:]]*) has changed the topic on channel #(.*) to: (.*)$,time,nick,null,string nick=^\[([0-9:]*)\] ωνω ([[:nick:]]*) is now known as ([[:nick:]]*),time,nick,othernick mode=^\[([0-9:]*)\] ωνω mode/#(.*) \[(.*)\] by ([[:nick:]]*),time,null,string,nick date_stamp=^IRC log started (.*) [0-9][0-9]:,date channel=^... Starting logfile (.*)#(.*)$,null,channel