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Who by %s
%s%s (%d) stndrdthknew the right word, and said "%s" %%ld timeskept saying "%s", a whole %%ld times in fact was in a mood not to be messed with, and kicked %ld timeswas the channel bouncer, booting %ld people outwasn't very popular, and got booted out %ld timesjust didn't fit in, getting kicked %ld timescouldn't find the right nick, despite changing it %ld timesis still looking for that perfect nick after %ld changescouldn't decide whether to stay or go, and was in and out %ld timesabused the door, coming and going %ld timeshad the longest lines, averaging %ld in lengthwas the loud mouth, with %ld%% shoutingwas giving us earache, yelling %ld%% of the timeseemed uncertain - %ld%% of lines were questionsdidn't know, so asked questions %ld%% of the timewas very helpful, answering %ld questionswas a know-it-all, answering %ld questionscouldn't find who he was looking for, and performed %ld seensmissed his friends, he did %ld seenswrote only %ld letters per line, despite talking our ears offwas busy surfing the web, and found %ld cool URLsdug up %ld interesting web sites to visitwrote only %ld lines, yet still managed to be around
morning, afternoon, evening, and the graveyard shifttalked to himself a lot, with %ld monologuesdelivered %ld monologues, although nobody listenedwasn't satisfied with the topic, so changed it %ld timesSetting %s to %s -rtfopenrUnknown option %sNo log format file - unable to continue Error %d compiling signoffs regexp %s Error %d compiling kicks regexp %s Collecting stats for word "%s" Error opening %s, skipping file No logs parsed. Nothing to outputwtError opening output html fileUnknown0.2.4gruftistats#%s statistics created by %s and %s
%s Channel stats for #%s - created by %s

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%i%s %li %s%li%s
%s%s (%i)

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This page was created on %s, with %s %s by Andy Kempling and Colin Phipps.
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Done (Parsed %i files) Channel Name: '%s' (%s) DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan fgetsFailed to parse "%s" Bad hour "%s" Parsed line "%s" as %d, %s,%s,%s http://www.ftp://statseen!seenchannamemynamemyemail&statwordsdpage_textSpage_text_contrast&Spage_bgSdate_bg-Stable_head_nick4Stable_head_other;Stable_index_bgBStable_nick_bgIStable_2_bgPStable_3_bgWSbotname^S botname2hS botname3rS picextS credits max_quote_len[min_quote_len[ignore_kicksWignore_quitsSheaderfont1Sfont2Sfont3S A?|y⍀yP||d⍀dP||O⍀OP||:⍀:Pt|o|%⍀%P[|V|⍀PB|=|⍀P)|$|⍀P| |⍀P{{⍀P{{⍀P{{⍀P{{}⍀}P{{h⍀hPz{u{S⍀SPa{\{>⍀>PH{C{)⍀)P/{*{⍀P{{⍀Pzz⍀Pzz⍀Pzz⍀Pzz⍀Pzz⍀Pz{z⍀Pgzbzl⍀lPNzIzW⍀WP5z0zB⍀BPzz-⍀-Pzy⍀Pyy⍀Pyy⍀Pyy⍀Pyy⍀Pyy⍀Pmyhy⍀PTyOy⍀P;y6yp⍀pP"yy[⍀[P yyF⍀FPxx1⍀1Pxx⍀Pxx⍀Pxx⍀Pxx⍀Psxnx⍀PZx5Ng˃/Hazńބ)B[t؅ #<Un҆6Oh$Ë$R RdRR R mR[`RbRP`R\R 9RP%R'RP%R!R R Q Q Q Q QpFQpFQpF}Q sQpFhQpFbQSQFAQ 3Q %QQFP P PFP PFPPFP P~PFaPNP FP؋FPOOOFOOFO OȋFnO0OO N NFN NFN NFN N pNrSFfN TNhSFJN 8N^SF2N N N NM@FM M M \M 2M #MFM LFL LFLLFLF~LFxL CL5L L KJQFKQFKPFKOFKwOFKfQFKPFK|LFKKFKFF|KKF)KKK J`FJFJ gJ J I IFIIFII =I 1I !I`FIFH PH @H`F6HF H G G xG MG G  G G FFF F FpF|FFtFlFiF_FFWFOFiF*F F E E E(EE Ep(EEp(EE yE ]E OEp(E@Ep(E$E E D D D yD  >bO;= =^O;= <ZO;>< /<VO;x; i;RO;`; K; $; ; : : :i:: :i:: s: e: 1: :L9:H99 9 99 959S59[5{95e9S5V95@9S51959S5 958S5858S5858S5858S5t85^8S5N8588S5(858S5857S5757S5757S575z7S5j75T7S5D75.7S5757S5656S5656S565~6S5^65H6S5/6 "65 6S56 555S5555S5555S555n5S5f5 \55F5 S5@5545 S5.5 S5"5 S55S55 4 434S34[34 434S3p4S3j43d4 S4 B4 14 4 333S33[33 3 3 3k33Sk3v3[k3g3 T3 3S23232S2222 222S2222S22S22S22S22 X21N2 -21'2 2`1 291111S11S11 1 &1 1  1 0`e0!e0Se0 0 e0 0~e0 0~e0Se0 e0 y0~es0 d0}eZ0Se;0 ,0|e"01je0+je0 0|e/Se/ / /|e//e/{e/ /{e/&Se/Se/u/@ek/x{ee/ V/ {eL/&SeB/Seie&`e  ge ge `eheeSez reG -  e eheeLe [eHe [e  `ezheiWeZ R؋eHWe: . `e`heSe ȋeSe  `e he `egeb T CSe8 0ge! geSe  wgeh Bge0e,ke(e$e 4ekeeeye keDekekeekekekekekekeee3 'e e   @eeee gegea 6  `@g@S@w   | _ B@< %   ^^8 [8 g8 [8 `g8  g8 S8 s[8 if8 US8 O>[8 .`f8 # f8  \8 e8  [8 e8 `e8 ~ m [8 P ? \8 / e8 $ d8  S8  \8 d8 `d8  \8 d8 c8 d S \8 I c8 3 " \8  `c8  c8  \8 b8 b8  \8 x @b8 m b8 M < \8 , a8 ! a8   `8 4S8 &S8 S8 ;S8 &S8 S8 ;S8 &S8 S8 } _8 r _8 ^ 8 U M B : 8 4  [ [  _@_@_@|_@< )  _)WS)S))  ^)IS)S))oPS)eS))S)S)))[)G)%   _)WS)S))  ^)IS)S)v)[PS)QS))S)S))~)Y)G)%  ^^ G^  ]BSSISSkPSaS3 $`] ];S&SS \4S&SS @\ +  `  \  S  bA          |`D( dH,hL0z tZlZf a [VySVyM H BR`:R`4 / )NG!NG  J.J.  FF  BB  >>  :ʆ:ʆ  66  z2r2l g a.Y.S N H*f@*f: 5 /&M'&M!  "4"4        ЅЅ     x r m g_Y T NlFl@ ; 5S-S' " ::  !!      քք    ~x s mއeއ_ Z TڇrLڇrF A ;ևY3ևY- ( "҇@҇@  ·'·' ʇʇ ƇƇ ‡܃‡܃ Ãà ~ y ske ` ZxRxL G A_9_3 . (F F  --              | x t p l h d ` \ X T P L H D @ < 8 4 0 , ( $          rgzk~fx#hv  udyi`jtm|}lep{wqosnbrgzk~fx#hv  udyi`jtm|}lep{wqosnbcaR(6G@Tp2 531\3H1* F] hC l7 C|SS^ShSrS{[? S4Se@9=R<3: JP@;_-S%S, rS SS\؋Fȋ)WE9T~L[oH[&7S@SK&SS4UTRS9+0[PSWSr4S;SBSIS \p   EP 09@ -0 n Q` "  SS.S\GVow&M.6>u_channum_chanmax_usernum_usermax_deluser_verbose_page_bg_page_text_page_text_contrast_day_usage_date_bg_table_head_nick_table_head_other_table_index_bg_table_nick_bg_table_2_bg_table_3_bg_botname1_botname2_botname3_botkick1_botkick2_picext_font1_font2_font3_quit_msg_exp_kick_str_exp_addletters___i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_statword_clearrandom_do_random_table_do_factoid_userloc_do_factoid_inv_position_suffix_user_kicks_user_kicked_user_nicks_user_joins_user_linelength_user_questions_user_loud_user_punct_user_word_user_stats_user_seens_user_monos_user_urls_user_fourseasons_user_topics_callback_constant_user_linesec_user_lines_user_answers_do_factoids_max_quote_len_str_min_quote_len_str_channame_myname_myemail_randomwordslist_credits_header_text_read_options_main_chan0_ignore_signoff_regex_ignore_kick_regex_min_quote_len_max_quote_len_InitChan_FindChan_CreateChan_compare_user_names_FindUser_DeleteUser_CreateUser_compare_quoterep_comparechan_datestr_addrandom_line_with_history_ParseLog_channel_compare_adv_criterion_qcsort___i686.get_pc_thunk.axdyld_stub_binding_helper___sF__DefaultRuneLocale_strlwr_memcpy_calloc_strdup_from_rmatch_regexec_stripansi_feof_strcat_strstr_strdup_bsearch_realloc_ctime_qsort_printf_strcmp_strcpy_strlcpy_atoi_regcomp_exit_ReadLogFormatSpec_fclose_perror_fopen_srand_time_strncpy_strcasecmp_strchr_fgets_bcopy_free_sprintf_rand_malloc_strlen_fputs_output_content_fprintf___maskrune___istype_random_topics_random_kicks_random_signoffs_random_urls_history_line