! $eterna: foreach,v 1.8 2004/07/26 11:38:05 mrg Exp $ ! ! Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Michael Sandrof, Troy Rollo, Matthew Green, ! and other ircII contributors. ! ! All rights reserved. See the HELP IRCII COPYRIGHT file for more ! information. ! Usage: FOREACH { } FOR { } FOR (,) { } This causes to be executed once for each element in the structure. The aliases inside the {} are not expanded until execution unless the leading { is quoted like \{ The 2nd style of FOR allows C-style for loops. Here are a couple examples of basic foreach commands. assign blue.1 one assign blue.2 two assign blue.3 three foreach blue ii { echo $ii $blue[$ii] } will return 1 one 2 two 3 three FOREACH can also be imbedded such as in the following example. assign blue.1.1 one one assign blue.1.2 one two assign blue.2.1 two one assign blue.2.2 two two alias showblue { foreach blue ii { foreach blue.$ii jj { echo $ii $jj $blue[$ii][$jj] } } } And /showblue returns.. 1 1 one one 1 2 one two 2 1 two one 2 2 two two Note: When using this format the {} in the foreach must be on separate lines by themselves. This is true for IF and WHILE as well. Notice that variable names 'ii' and 'jj' were used. Any name can be used for the index but keep in mind that single letter vars can interfere with the built in single char vars. See ALIAS special See Also: expressions ALIAS special