! $eterna: flag,v 1.6 2002/08/29 10:25:21 mrg Exp $ ! ! Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Michael Sandrof, Troy Rollo, Matthew Green, ! and other ircII contributors. ! ! All rights reserved. See the HELP IRCII COPYRIGHT file for more ! information. ! Usage: NOTE FLAG [&] [+|-] [#] <+|-flags> You can add or delete as many flags as you wish with +/-. + switch the flag on, and - switch it off. Example: -S+RL Following flags with its default set specified first are available: -S > News flag for subscribing. -M > Request is removed after you sign off. -Q > Ignore request if recipient's first nick is equal to username. -I > Ignore request if recipient is not on same server as request. -W > Ignore request if recipient is not an operator. -Y > Ignore request if sender is not on IRC. -N > Let server send a note to you if message is delivered. -D > Same as N, except you only get a message (no queued note to you). -R > Repeat processing the request until timeout. -F > Let server send note info for matching recipient(s). Any message part specify what to match with the realname of the recipient. -L > Same as F, except you only get a message (no queued note to you). -C > Make sender's nicks be valid in all cases username@host is valid. -V > Make sender's "nick*" be valid in all cases username@host is valid. -X > Let server display if recipient signs on/off IRC or change nickname. Any message specified is returned to sender. -A > Show what server matching user is on using X flag. -J > Show what channel matching user is on using X flag. -U > Do not display nick-change using X flag. -E > Ignore request if nick, name and host matches the message text starting with any number of this format: 'nick!name@host nick!... ' * -B > Send a message to every account who match the nick!user@host * This creates a received list with flag H set. (see LS +h) * -T > Send a message not all nicks on same accounts too using B flag. * -K > Give keys to unlock privileged flags by setting that flags on. * The recipient does also get privileges to queue unlimited * numer of requests, list privileged flags and see all stats. * -Z > Make it impossible for recipient to queue anything at all. Other flags which are only displayed but can't be set by user: -O > Request is queued by an operator. -G > Notice message is generated by server. - -B > Broadcasting message. * -H > Flag list for who's received Broadcast message (B flag). - Notice: Message is not sent to recipient using F, L, R or X flag. - Using this flags, no message needs to be specified. * Notice: Message is not sent to recip. using F, L, R, X, K, Z or H * flag (except if B flag is set for R). For this flags, no msg. needed. Examples: FLAG * +cj : Switch on c and j flag for all requests. FLAG +x * +c : Switch on c flag for all req. which have x flag. FLAG nick -c+j : Switch off c flag and which on j flag for nick