! $eterna: xecho,v 1.6 2002/08/29 10:24:27 mrg Exp $ ! ! Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Michael Sandrof, Troy Rollo, Matthew Green, ! and other ircII contributors. ! ! All rights reserved. See the HELP IRCII COPYRIGHT file for more ! information. ! Usage: XECHO [] XECHO is like ECHO, except that it takes flag arguments. Available flags: -LEVEL displays the message with the specified lastlog level. This is useful to change the window some messages are displayed in. This is the only way to generate a message with the USERLOG1-4 lastlog levels. -WINDOW displays the text in the named window, if it can. If the window doesn't exist, then the -WINDOW flag is ignored. See Also: ECHO ON SET DISPLAY LASTLOG