# $eterna: action,v 1.2 2001/08/12 15:44:17 mrg Exp $ # Basically taken from LpMUD. -lynx91,92 # # If the variable 'GENDER' is set, 'POSSESSIVE' is set accordingly # and used by some actions, but it works also without. # Accept old action format: # on ^public_notice * echo $0 $2- # Use old action format: # alias me {notice $C $*;echo $N $*} # Restyle output of actions: # on ACTION * echo $* # on SEND_ACTION * echo $* if (GENDER) { if ([$GENDER] == [F]) { assign POSSESSIVE her } { assign POSSESSIVE his } } { assign POSSESSIVE the } # These commands can be used with or without an adverb of your choice. # alias applaud me applauds alias bounce me bounces around alias chuckle me chuckles alias clap me claps $POSSESSIVE hands alias giggle me giggles alias grin me grins alias groan me groans alias moan me moans alias nod me nods alias purr me purrs alias scratch me scratches $POSSESSIVE head alias shrug me shrugs alias sigh me sighs alias smile me smiles alias wave me waves goodbye alias wink me winks alias yawn me yawns # Same type, but a bit more complex (with 'defaults'). # alias laugh { if ([$*]) { me laughs $* } { me falls down laughing. } } alias sing { if ([$*]) { me sings $* } { me sings "O sole mio, sta'n fronte a te..." } } # These can only be used without arguments. # alias bow me bows gracefully. alias burp me burps rudely. alias cough me coughs noisily. alias cry me bursts into tears. Waaaaah! alias gasp me gasps in astonishment! alias scream me screams loudly: Aaarrrgghh!!! alias shiver me shivers from the cold. Brrrr! alias snap me snaps with $POSSESSIVE fingers. alias sneeze me sneezes. Gesundheit! alias snore me snores loudly. Zzzz... alias whistle me whistles a well known melody. alias wiggle me wiggles $POSSESSIVE bottom. # These require a nickname as argument. # (Or 'you' if you are in a /query). # alias comfort me comforts alias cuddle me cuddles alias hug me hugs alias kiss me kisses alias love me whispers sweet words of love to alias pat me pats $0 on the shoulders $1- alias poke me pokes $0 in the ribs $1- alias slap me slaps $0 in the face $1- alias spit me spits on alias thank me thanks $* from the heart. # These work with or without a nickname. # alias dance { if ([$*]) { me sweeps $0 across the dance floor $1- } { me does the dance of the disco-duck. } } alias shake { if ([$*]) { me shakes hands with $* } { me shakes $POSSESSIVE head. } } # These are wake-up-messages in form of actions. # Use /ping with 0 to 3 beeps as 2nd argument. # alias ping describe $0 pings you $1- alias pong describe $0 pongs back $1-