# $eterna: alias,v 1.2 2001/08/12 15:57:10 mrg Exp $ # # Comfortable aliases... see /help load alias # alias mr msg $, $* alias ma msg $. $* alias wa whois $. alias ia invite $. $C # # command collision cludges alias no notice alias nf notify alias la lastlog # # other quickies alias " quote alias lf set logfile $* alias unset set -$* alias unalias alias -$* alias alarm set clock_alarm $* alias clock set clock $* alias h+ ^set hold_mode on alias h- ^set hold_mode off # # These aliases have been taken and adapted from the .ircrc's # posted to alt.irc some time ago... # alias shields_up ignore $, msgs notices alias protect mode $C +ni alias unprotect mode $C -ni alias chops who $C -chop alias wjoin window new channel $0 name $0 $1- alias talkto window new name $0;query $0 alias oops { ^assign alias.oops $B msg $. Sorry, that wasn't meant for you. msg $0 $alias.oops } # # lynx91,92