# $eterna: multichan,v 1.2 2003/12/02 12:40:22 mrg Exp $ # # this is an example script to use to setup multiple channels # and servers in a relatively working way. copy this script in # to your ~.irc/, modify it and add "load multichan" to your # ~/.ircrc. you may want to leave the messages window commented. alias multi.newwin { ^window new hide ^window swap last scroll on level none notify_level dcc,public,msgs,notices,actions } # first setup the channels. in this example we have a total # of 6 windows: # 1 - irc on channel #one server local.irc.server.one.com # 2 - irc on channel #two server local.irc.server.one.com # 3 - irc on channel #three server far.irc.server.one.com # 4 - query to dcc chat connection to "nick" # 5 - icb on group frobnitz to server the.icb.server.com # 6 - irc dcc & messages for server local.irc.server.one.com # we set each windows "server group" via the addgroup command # to some unique name. this ensures reconnections work properly. # for each of the below sections, the example code is given a # double hash comment prefix (##). you must uncomment and modify # most of these lines to suit your own setup. # window 1 # (window 1 is already created; no need to call multi.newwin) ## window addgroup local channel #one bind #one # window 2 ## multi.newwin ## window addgroup local channel #two bind #two # window 3 ## multi.newwin ## window addgroup far channel #three bind #three # window 4 ## multi.newwin ## query =nick # window 5 ## multi.newwin ## window addgroup icb # create the messages window # - you may not want to create a message window # - the "goto 2" below does NOT refer to "window 2". see # /help window goto for details. ## window new name msgs level msgs,dcc addgroup local ## window goto 2 # now that we've setup all the channels, it's safe to attempt # connections to the servers. (there are strange interactions # [bugs] in the multi-server code and the code that attempts # to not hang the client while connecting to the server.) # the "swap 1", "swap 3" and "swap 5" commands each refer to # window 1, window 3 and window 5 respectively. ## window swap 1 server local.irc.server.one.com ## window swap 3 server far.irc.server.one.com ## window swap 5 server ICB/the.icb.server.com::::frobnitz # finally return to the first window, we're done ## window swap 1