# This script is intended for use with 2.8 servers on all sites. # It's an extension of the 2.8script but with much much nicer # formatting. @ RCS.newformat = [$$Header: /home/cvs/ircii/script/newformat,v 1.3 2001/08/12 15:44:17 mrg Exp $$] # An operator command. ESC-t turns this option on and off. # It allows one to see users or not see them in a TRACE. # It also effects the output of STAT l ^bind meta1-t parse_command tt ^alias tt if (trace) { assign -trace } { assign trace x } # Stores the output of a trace for use with conall ^alias trace ^cleantr;//trace $0- ^alias storetrace { if (index([ $0)>-1) { assign trace.$strip([].-0123456789/* $0) $left($index([ $0) $0) } { assign trace.$strip([].-0123456789/* $0) $0 } } ^alias cleantr foreach trace ii { assign -trace[$ii] } # connect to all the servers listed in the last trace # food for when you restart the server. ^alias conall foreach trace ii { connect $trace[$ii] } ^alias topic if ([#]==[$[1]0]) { //topic $* } { //topic $C $* } ^alias invite if ([$1]) { //invite $0 $1 } { //invite $0 $C } # Don't EVER screw with the format() or lformat() commands # as many other things may use them. ^alias format { @ IRCII.word = [$1-] if (@IRCII.word < [$0]) { @ function_return = [$([-$0]IRCII.word)] } { @ function_return = [$IRCII.word] } } ^alias lformat { @ IRCII.word = [$1-] if (@IRCII.word < [$0]) { @ function_return = [$([$0]IRCII.word)] } { @ function_return = [$IRCII.word] } } # Trace information # ----------------- # define RPL_TRACELINK 200 ^on ^200 * echo $[7]0 $1 $lformat(23 [$2]) ==> $3- # define RPL_TRACECONNECTING 201 ^on ^201 * echo $[7]0 $1 Class$format(7 [$2]) trying... ==> $3- # define RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE 202 ^on ^202 * echo $[7]0 $1 Class$format(7 [$2]) handshake ==> $3- # define RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN 203 ^on ^203 * echo $[7]0 $1 Class$format(7 [$2]) *unknown* ==> $3- # define RPL_TRACEOPERATOR 204 ^on ^204 * echo $[7]0 $1 Class$format(7 [$2]) $format(9 1C) ==> $left(35 $3) # define RPL_TRACEUSER 205 ^on ^205 * if (trace) { echo $[7]0 $1 Class$format(7 [$2]) $format(9 1C) ==> $left(35 $3) } # define RPL_TRACESERVER 206 ^on ^206 * storetrace $5;echo $[7]0 $1 Class$format(7 [$2]) $format(4 $3) $format(5 $4) ==> $left(35 $5) # define RPL_TRACESERVICE 207 ^on ^207 * echo $[7]0 $1 Class[$format(7 $2)] service ==> $3- # define RPL_TRACENEWTYPE 208 ^on ^208 * echo $[7]0 $1 Class[$format(7 $2)] newtype ==> $3- # define RPL_TRACECLASS 209 ^on ^209 * echo $[7]0 -==- $1$format(7 [$2]) Entries linked: $3 # numeric 261 A debug file type in a trace ^on ^261 * echo $[7]0 $1 Level$format(7 [$3]) $[9]xbogus ==> $2 # Stats information # ----------------- alias statsltime { if ([$1] != []) {@function_return = left(19 $*)} {@function_return = left(16 $shorttime($tdiff($0)))} } # takes time as returned from $tdiff() e.g. 23 days 1 hour 32 minutes 10 seconds # and puts it in the format 23d 1h 32m 10s alias shorttime { @ function_return = [$0] ## left(1 $1) ## [ $2] ## left(1 $3) ## [ $4] ## left(1 $5) ## [ $6] ## left(1 $7) } alias stats { if ([$0] == [l]) { echo $lformat(17 Server) $lformat(40 Link) $lformat(16 Connect Time) if (vercomp($R 2.8.20) >= 0) { echo $lformat(10 SendQ) $lformat(10 SendM) $lformat(10 SendKBytes) $lformat(10 RcveM) $lformat(7 RcveKBytes) } { echo $lformat(10 SendQ) $lformat(10 SendM) $lformat(10 SendBytes) $lformat(10 RcveM) $lformat(7 RcveBytes) } } //stats $* } # define RPL_STATSLINKINFO 211 ^on ^211 * ^echo $[17]0 $[40]1 $statsltime($7-);echo $[10]2 $[10]3 $[10]4 $[10]5 $[7]6 ^on ^211 "% *.*[*.*] *" ^echo $[17]0 $[40]1 $statsltime($7-);echo $[10]2 $[10]3 $[10]4 $[10]5 $[7]6 ^on ^211 "% *[*" if (trace) {^echo $[17]0 $[40]1 $statsltime($7-);echo $[10]2 $[10]3 $[10]4 $[10]5 $[7]6} # ^on ^211 * ^echo $[7]0 $[20]1 $[10]3 $[10]5 $7- # define RPL_STATSCOMMANDS 212 ^on ^212 * ^echo $[7]0 $[10]1 : $[-10]2 $[-10]3 # define RPL_STATSCLINE 213 # ^on ^213 * ^echo $[7]0 $1: $[25]2:$3: $[25]4:$5:$6- # define RPL_STATSNLINE 214 # ^on ^214 * ^echo $[7]0 $1: $[25]2:$3: $[25]4:$5:$6- # define RPL_STATSILINE 215 ^on ^215 * ^echo $[7]0 $1: $[25]2:$3: $[25]4:$5:$6- # define RPL_STATSKLINE 216 ^on ^216 * ^echo $[7]0 $1: $[25]2:$3: $[25]4:$5:$6- # define RPL_STATSQLINE 217 ^on ^217 * ^echo $[7]0 $1: $[25]2:$3: $[25]4:$5:$6- # define RPL_STATSYLINE 218 # ^on ^218 * ^echo $[7]0 $1:$[5]2:$[5]3:$[5]4:$[5]5:$6- # # 220 is used by .troy versions to return information on # host masks being enforced locally. # ^on ^220 * ^echo $[7]0 $1: $[25]2:$3: $[25]4:$5:$6- # User Mode (2.1.5 actually knows about this. This is for 2.1.4e) # define RPL_UMODEIS 221 ^on ^221 * ^echo $[7]0 Your user mode is $1 ^comment Service list: ^on ^231 * ^echo $[7]0 Service $1 ($0) ^comment Ban list: ^on ^367 * ^echo $[7]0 ban in [ $[15]1 ] for [ $[30]2- ] ^on ^369 * if (SHOW_END_OF_MSGS==[ON]) { if (SHOW_NUMERICS==[ON]) {echo 369 $1-} {echo *** $1-} } alias vercomp { @ vc.one = [$0] @ vc.two = [$1] if (vc.one == vc.two) { @function_return = 0 } { # Mika totally broke the version syntax.. annoying SOB if (match(2.8/dog3* $vc.one)) { @ vc.one = [2.8.16.dog3] } if (match(2.8/dog3* $vc.two)) { @ vc.two = [2.8.16.dog3] } while (left($index(. $vc.one) $vc.one) == left($index(. $vc.two) $vc.two)) { @ vc.one = mid(${index(. $vc.one) +1} 30 $vc.one) @ vc.two = mid(${index(. $vc.two) +1} 30 $vc.two) } if (vc.one > vc.two) { @function_return = 1 } { @function_return = -1 } } ^assign -vc.one ^assign -vc.two }