# $eterna: shell,v 1.2 2001/08/12 15:57:12 mrg Exp $ # # This sets up a shell in an IRCII window. # You start it by executing /SHELL. If creates a window and # runs the shell in it, all command from that window go to # the shell. Executing subsequent /SHELL commands makes # the shell window the current window. # eval assign IRCFLUSH $LIBRARY_PATH/$ARCHITECTURE/flush assign shell_flag 0 on ^exec_exit shell { ^window refnum shell kill ^assign shell_flag 0 } on ^window_kill shell { ^exec -kill %shell ^assign shell_flag 0 } alias shell if (shell_flag) {^window show shell} {^call_shell} alias call_shell { window new name shell exec -name shell -window exec $ircflush $SHELL ^query %shell assign shell_flag 1 }