# $eterna: silent,v 1.2 2001/08/12 15:57:12 mrg Exp $ # # This is necessary when you join crowded channels like #report... # All the join,leave,quit,nick and mode change messages do not appear # on the screen, unless you have %U somewhere in your STATUS_FORMAT, # then the changes will be displayed in your status line, which is # a lot less annoying and distracting. ;-) on ^join * set status_user Join: $0 \($1\) on ^leave * set status_user Leave: $0 \($1\) on ^signoff * set status_user Signoff: $* on ^nick * set status_user Nick: $0 now $1 on ^mode * set status_user Mode: $* # on ^topic * set status_user Topic by $0: $1- # lynx91