# This is my .ircrc, put here as an example. This used to be the fnet # updated for 2.2.2 # script. # # - Troy # for ircII2.2 the tabkey script is needed in conjunction with this script. set NOVICE off window level NOTICE,MSG alias -join alias -channel set suppress_server_motd on set command_mode off set show_channel_names off set hold_mode on alias 437 set TRANSLATION CP437 alias ASC set TRANSLATION ASCII alias return @ function_return = [$*] alias GRP2CHAN { if ( [A] > [$0] ) { return $0 } { return #$0 } } alias CHAN2GRP { if ( [#] != [$[1]0] ) { return $0 } { return $MID(1 512 $0) } } alias M { if ( RMATCH($0 $TROY.BIGMOUTHS) ) { MSG $0 Copyright 1992 $NAME: $1- } { MSG $* } } @ TROY.BIGMOUTHS = [Waftam Ireshi] alias Q QUIT $() alias HERE WHO * $() alias ! EXEC $* alias DISPLAY LASTLOG $* alias SC MSG $GRP2CHAN($0) $1- alias BOOT KICK $C $* alias STATUS STATUS_$0 bind ^W QUOTE_CHARACTER alias GROUP channel $GRP2CHAN($0) set CLOCK off set CONTINUED_LINE set SCROLL on set STATUS_QUERY (Q:%Q) set STATUS_DQUERY (D:%D) set STATUS_MAIL (M:%M) set STATUS_CHANNEL %C set STATUS_NOTIFY (A:%F) set STATUS_AWAY (G) set STATUS_FORMAT *%R* %H%N%*%#%S%B %@%C%+%Q%D %A%M%F%T%W *** alias w names -min 2 on ^TOPIC * echo [Status] $0 has changed the topic on channel $1 to "$2-" load columns ^set display off load ~/irc/connects ^set display off on ^KICK * doonkick $* on ^SEND_NOTICE * : # # The following are channels which regularly exist and are in foreign # languages. Mask them out completely - they cause the /w list to be # too cluttered without telling you anything useful. # on ^NAMES #T.P.D : $() on ^NAMES +Nippon : $() on ^NAMES 42 : $() on ^NAMES #Nippon : $() on ^NAMES #* : $() on ^NAMES #fj.* : $() # Mask out these things too - Twilight_Zone status messages aren't # really useful on ^join "* #Twilight_Zone" : on ^leave "* #Twilight_Zone" : on ^mode "* #Twilight_Zone" : on ^channel_nick #Twilight_Zone : on ^channel_signoff #Twilight_Zone : # window new channel #Twilight_Zone level WALLOPS,OPNOTE,WALLS hide on ^INVITE * echo [Invite] $0 has invited you to join group $CHAN2GRP($1) on ^NOTIFY_SIGNON * echo [Spy] $0 has signed on <$STIME($TIME())> on ^NOTIFY_SIGNOFF * echo [Spy] $0 has signed off <$STIME($TIME())> on ^NOTIFY_CHANGE * echo [Spy] $0 has changed groups to $CHAN2GRP($1) <$STIME($TIME())> on ^LEAVE * DO_LEAVE $* on ^JOIN * DO_JOIN $* alias DO_JOIN { if ( [$0] == N ) { echo [Change] You are now in group $CHAN2GRP($1) } { echo [Status] $0 \($USERHOST()) has entered group $CHAN2GRP($1) } } alias DO_LEAVE { if ( [$0] == N ) { echo [Change] You have left group $CHAN2GRP($1) } { echo [Status] $0 has left group $CHAN2GRP($1) } } alias DOonKICK { if ( [$0] == N ) { echo [Change] You have been forcibly removed from group $CHAN2GRP($2) by $1 } { echo [Status] $0 has been forcibly removed from group $CHAN2GRP($2) by $1 } on ^SIGNOFF * echo [Signoff] $0 has signed off \($1-) on ^CHANNEL_SIGNoff * echo [Signoff] $1 has signed off group $CHAN2GRP($0) \($2-) } on ^NICKNAME * echo [Nick] $0 has changed his or her nickname to $1 on ^CHANNEL_NICK * echo [Nick] $1 has changed his or her nickname to $2 on group $CHAN2GRP($0) on ^MODE * echo [Mode] for $CHAN2GRP($1) changed \($2-) by $0 on ^IDLE 60 away Long gone, by the looks of things alias PASS MODE $C +o $0 set LASTLOG_LEVEL ALL -CRAP set HISTORY 20 set LASTLOG 250 # This has been revised. Now, instead of rotating the list on tab, # it seeks through the list. If an entry is used, it is removed from # its old position and placed at the head of the list. Thus if you # are currently talking to just two people, it cycles between them # without having to go back through the entire list. # # This has been changed to just load the 'tabkey' script. load tabkey alias HList nicklist alias NickServ msg NickServ@Service.de $* alias NoteServ msg NoteServ@Service.de $* set SHOW_NUMERICS on # 311 312 313 314 316 317 318 319 353 401 changed for 2.2.2 (server == $0) on ^481 * echo [Error] You are not moderator of group $CHAN2GRP($1) on ^403 * echo [Error] There is no group $CHAN2GRP($1) on ^421 * comm on ^391 * echo [Info] Date at $0 is $2- on ^442 * echo [Error] $1 is not in group $CHAN2GRP($0) on ^401 * echo [Error] $1: No such nickname on ^311 * echo [Info] $1 is $2@$3 \($5-) on group $CHAN2GRP($4) on ^312 * echo [Info] Connected to $1 \($2-) on ^317 * echo [Info] Last command: $2-6 on ^314 * echo [Info] $1 was $2@$3 \($5-) on ^313 * echo [Info] $1 is an IRC god on ^316 * echo [Info] $1 is a group moderator on ^341 * echo [Invite] Invitation message sent to $0 on ^332 * echo [Topic] The topic is "$1-" on ^324 * echo [Mode] Group mode on $CHAN2GRP($1) is $2- on ^406 * echo [Error] There was no $1 on ^301 * echo [Info] $0 is away \($1-) on ^315 "* * End * /WHO *" : on ^473 * echo [Error] $CHAN2GRP($1): You must have an invitation to enter a restricted group # The following is now set up as a default because there are people # on IRC who will attempt to get around a /ignore (IRC's /hush). # This makes life difficult for such antisocial creatures by neglecting # to tell them that they are IGNOREd. set SEND_IGNORE_MSG off # The following alias allows you to send a message to a user and WALLOPS at # the same time. It formats the messages in such a way as to inform each # side that the message has been sent to the other. alias mw msg $0 !! $1-;wallops -> *$0* $1- # Some binds to make IRC windows look like screen windows bind meta2-1 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 1 bind meta2-2 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 2 bind meta2-3 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 3 bind meta2-4 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 4 bind meta2-5 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 5 bind meta2-6 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 6 bind meta2-7 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 7 bind meta2-8 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 8 bind meta2-9 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 9 bind meta2-0 PARSE_COMMAND window SWAP 10 bind meta2-^C PARSE_COMMAND window NEW HIDE_OTHERS bind meta2-^W PARSE_COMMAND window LIST bind meta2-^M PARSE_COMMAND window NOTIFY bind meta2-^L REFRESH_SCREEN bind meta2-, PARSE_COMMAND window SHOW $"Window to preview: " bind meta2-^H PARSE_COMMAND set LOG TOGGLE bind meta2-. PARSE_COMMAND window HIDE # And some to give me cursor keys bind meta3-A BACKWARD_HISTORY bind meta3-B FORWARD_HISTORY bind meta3-C FORWARD_CHARACTER bind meta3-D BACKWARD_CHARACTER bind meta3-H BEGINNING_OF_LINE bind meta3-K END_OF_LINE bind meta3-O meta3 # And the function keys on my terminal at home bind meta3-P SCROLL_BACKWARD bind meta3-Q SCROLL_FORWARD bind meta3-R SCROLL_END bind meta3-S PARSE_COMMAND JOIN $"Join Channel: " bind meta3-T PARSE_COMMAND KICK $C $"Kick who: " bind meta3-U PARSE_COMMAND DCC SEND $"Send to: " $"Filename" on ^SERVER_NOTICE "% \*\*\* Notice -- Received KILL *" echo [KILL] $7 by $MID($RINDEX(+! $9) 512 $9) $10- on ^SERVER_NOTICE "% \*\*\* Notice -- Received KILL % % % % % Path: *" echo [KILL] $7 by $MID($RINDEX(+! $11) 512 $11) $12- on ^SERVER_NOTICE "% \*\*\* Notice -- Hack: *" on ^DISCONNECT * server 0 set MAIL 2 # End of user inserted commands #