# ============================================================================================================ # # NIGHT LIGHT IRC PROXY - CONNECTION CONFIGURATION FILE # # ============================================================================================================ # # # SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS FILE TO CHANGE THE CONFIGURATION, LINES STARTING WITH # ARE COMMENTS # AND ARE IGNORED. YOU MUST CHANGE THE CONFIGURATION FOR IRCPROXY TO WORK. # # # In this file you specify real connections to IRC server(s) that is owned by a specific user defined in # the user configuration file (data/user.conf or /etc/passwd). # # Each connection is identified by "connection name". The "connection name" must be a unique string of letters # and numbers, without spaces. All defines are optional, only the connection name is required. # # Scroll down to the bottom of the file to see an example connection. # # NICK: # This is simply the nickname to set for the connection when one or more users are connected on the proxy. # # AWAYNICK: # This is the nickname to when no users are attached on the connection. This can be the same as "NICK". # # USER: # The username sent on IRC, who is also the owner of the connection. Must exist in the user configuration. # (If you didden't define "USER_CONF", it must be a valid user on the system). # # HOST: # Host is either a fully qualified domain name or a IP-address on the machine to use for that specific # connection. It is only useful for a multi-homed machine, if your machine only has one host or you dont know, # then set it to * # # SERVERS: # The SERVERS definition is followed by "{" then a list of servers, and "}" to indicate end of the # server list. A IRC server is written in the format: "host:port:password". ":password" is optional. # # IPV6: # # Set to 1 to use IPv6, otherwise set it to 0. # # SSL: # # Set to 1 to use SSL, otherwise set it to 0. # # USERMODE: # The usermode you want to set when connected. An example is "+i" for invisible. # # USERINFO: # Any text to send for the USER command will be shown in a WHOIS on IRC. # # CHANNELS: # Channels to automatically join when connected. Channels are seperated by comma. Be sure # not to enter space between the comma and the next channel name. # # AUTOCONNECT: # Either 1 or 0. If "AutoConnect" is 1 the connection will automatically connect. However # if set to 0, the user must use the PCONNECT command to activate the connection. # # LOGGING: # Either 1 or 0. If "Logging" is 1 the connection will log messages received in private when the # connection is detached. # # AUTOAWAY: # Either 1 or 0. If "AutoAway" is 1 the daemon will automatically set away-message when you # detach, unless a away is already set. And remove AWAY when attached. # # PUBLICAWAY: # Either 1 or 0. If "PublicAway" is 1 the daemon will send a ACTION to all channels your currently # on, saying your detached. And a message to notity users that your back when attaching the connection. # # REGAINNICK: # "RegainNick" is either 1 or 0. If "RegainNick" is 1 and the "Nick" specified for the connection is in use by # someone # else, the connection will automatically try to gain it back when the other user quit. # # MAXUSERS: # The maximum number of users that are allowed to be attached on the specific connection at the # same time. # # MAXSENDLINES: # This is the number of lines allowed to be sent to the server within a specfic time. Format is lines:seconds. # # MAXSENDBUFFER: # This is the maximum buffer allowed to be sent to the server within a specfic time. Format is buffer:seconds. # On Undernet, enter 1024:120 for best result without getting disconnected. # # AWAYMSG: # The away message sent in the AWAY command when you detach from the connection. # # PUBLICDETACHMSG: # Action sent to all channels when detaching. # # PUBLICATTACHMSG: # Action sent to all channels when attaching. # # CHANCYCLE: # # If you're detached and the only one on the channel and without OP, part and rejoin to gain OP. # # NICKSERVNUH: # # If this server has a NickServ, enter the nick!user@host and ircproxy will # automatically reply with IDENTIFY # # NICKSERVPASS: # # This is the NickServ password. # # Be careful what you set MAXSENDLINES and MAXSENDBUFFER to. If you configure it wrong it may result in lag and # pingtimeout or that the ircproxy doesnt send anything at all because you set the limit wrong. # # # !!! YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE CONFIGURATION BELOW FOR IRCPROXY TO WORK !!! # # # ============================================================================================================ CONNECTION Connection001 { NICK Night AWAYNICK NightAWAY USER ircproxy HOST * SERVERS { irc.night-light.net:6667 } SSL 0 IPV6 0 USERMODE +i USERINFO http://www.ircproxy.night-light.net/ CHANNELS #funfunfun AUTOCONNECT 1 LOGGING 1 AUTOAWAY 1 PUBLICAWAY 1 REGAINNICK 1 MAXUSERS 4 MAXSENDLINES 100:15 MAXSENDBUFFER 1024:120 AWAYMSG I am not here, this session is detached! PUBLICDETACHMSG is gone PUBLICATTACHMSG is back CHANCYCLE 1 NICKSERVNUH NickServ!services@services NICKSERVPASS blah } # ============================================================================================================