 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Night Light Internet Relay Chat Functions Header
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Jonas Kvinge <jonas@night-light.net>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Last modified by:
 * Jonas Kvinge (28.09.2002)

#warning "irccalls.h already included."
#define IRCCALLS_H

#define IRC_IRCUNKNOWNEVENT						"Unknown IRC event: \"%c\"."
#define IRC_IRCEVENTTWOTIMESINSTRING					"IRC event \"%c\" appears two times in string."
#define IRC_IRCNICKINVALIDSTARTCHAR					"Invalid starting character \"%c\" in nickname."
#define IRC_IRCNICKINVALIDCHAR						"Invalid character \"%c\" in nickname."
#define IRC_IRCNICKMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in nickname."
#define IRC_IRCUSERINVALIDCHAR						"Invalid character \"%c\" in username."
#define IRC_IRCUSERMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in username."
#define IRC_IRCHOSTINVALIDCHAR						"Invalid character \"%c\" in hostname."
#define IRC_IRCHOSTMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in hostname."
#define IRC_IRCNUHINVALIDCHAR						"Invalid character \"%c\" in NICK!USER@HOST."
#define IRC_IRCNUHMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in NICK!USER@HOST."
#define IRC_IRCSERVERINVALIDCHAR					"Invalid character \"%c\" in server."
#define IRC_IRCSERVERMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in server."
#define IRC_IRCPASSINVALIDCHAR						"Invalid character \"%c\" in password."
#define IRC_IRCPASSMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in password."
#define IRC_IRCTARGETINVALIDCHAR					"Invalid character \"%c\" in target."
#define IRC_IRCTARGETMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in target."
#define IRC_IRCCHANINVALIDSTARTCHAR					"Invalid starting character \"%c\" in channel name."
#define IRC_IRCCHANINVALIDCHAR						"Invalid character \"%c\" in channel name."
#define IRC_IRCCHANMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in channel name."
#define IRC_IRCCHANTOPICMAXCHARS					"Maximum %d characters in channel topic name."
#define IRC_IRCCHANKEYMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in channel key name."
#define IRC_IRCUNKNOWNUSERMODEFLAG					"Unknown user mode flag: \"%c\"."
#define IRC_IRCUSERMODESTWOTIMESINSTRING				"User mode \"%c\" appears more then once in user modes."
#define IRC_IRCUNKNOWNCHANMODEFLAG					"Unknown channel mode flag: \"%c\"."
#define IRC_IRCCHANMODESTWOTIMESINSTRING				"Channel mode \"%c\" appears more then once in user modes."
#define IRC_IRCUNKNOWNCHANEVENT						"Unknown channel event \"%c\"."
#define IRC_IRCCHANEVENTTWOTIMESINSTRING				"Channel event \"%c\" appears more than once in string."
#define IRC_IRCMSGMAXCHARS						"Maximum %d characters in a IRC message."

/* FUNCTION PROTOTYPES - JONAS (26.09.2000) */

unsigned short int irc_isvalidevents(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidnick(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvaliduser(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidhost(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidnuh(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidserver(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidpass(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidtarget(const char *const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidchan(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidchantopic(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidchankey(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidusermodes(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidchanmodes(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidchanevents(const char * const StringPT);
unsigned short int irc_isvalidmsg(const char *const StringPT);
const char *irc_strevent(const char Event);
char *irc_nuhmask(const char *NickPT, const char *UserPT, const char *HostPT, const unsigned short int NickMask, const unsigned short int UserMask, const unsigned short int HostMask);
char *irc_fixnuh(char *NUHPT);
void irc_nuhmastest(void);
unsigned short int irc_nextnick(const char *const NickPT, unsigned short int NicksIndex, const unsigned short int MaxNickLen);
void irc_cleanup(void);


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