// FiSH encryption module for irssi, v0.99
#include "FiSH.h"
// encrypt a message and store in bf_dest (using key for target)
static int FiSH_encrypt(char *msg_ptr, const char *target, char *bf_dest)
unsigned char contactName[100]="", theKey[150]="", ini_outgoing[10]="";
if(msg_ptr==NULL || *msg_ptr=='\0' || bf_dest==NULL || target==NULL || *target=='\0') return 0;
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "process_outgoing", "1", ini_outgoing, sizeof(ini_outgoing), iniPath);
if(*ini_outgoing=='0' || *ini_outgoing=='n' || *ini_outgoing=='N') return 0;
if(strlen(target) >= sizeof(contactName)) return 0; // buffer too small
strcpy(contactName, target);
FixContactName(contactName); // replace '[' and ']' with '~' in contact name
GetPrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", "", theKey, sizeof(theKey), iniPath);
if(strlen(theKey) < 4) return 0; // don't process, key not found in ini
if(strncmp(theKey, "+OK ", 4)==0)
{ // key is encrypted, lets decrypt
decrypt_string((char *)iniKey, theKey+4, theKey, strlen(theKey+4));
{ // don't process, decrypted key is bad
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
return 0;
encrypt_string(theKey, msg_ptr, bf_dest, strlen(msg_ptr));
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
return 1;
// decrypt a base64 cipher text (using key for target)
static int FiSH_decrypt(char *msg_ptr, char *msg_bak, const char *target)
unsigned char contactName[100], theKey[150]="", bf_dest[1000]="";
unsigned char ini_incoming[10]="", myMark[20]="", mark_pos[20]="";
unsigned int msg_len, i, mark_broken_block=0;
if(msg_ptr==NULL || *msg_ptr=='\0' || msg_bak==NULL || target==NULL || *target=='\0') return 0;
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "process_incoming", "1", ini_incoming, sizeof(ini_incoming), iniPath);
if(*ini_incoming=='0' || *ini_incoming=='n' || *ini_incoming=='N') return 0;
if(strncmp(msg_ptr, "+OK ", 4)==0) msg_ptr += 4;
else if(strncmp(msg_ptr, "mcps ", 5)==0) msg_ptr += 5;
else return 0; // don't process, blowcrypt-prefix not found
strcpy(contactName, target);
FixContactName(contactName); // replace '[' and ']' with '~' in contact name
GetPrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", "", theKey, sizeof(theKey), iniPath);
if(*theKey=='\0' || strlen(theKey)<4) return 0; // don't process, key not found in ini
if(strncmp(theKey, "+OK ", 4)==0)
{ // key is encrypted, lets decrypt
decrypt_string((char *)iniKey, theKey+4, theKey, strlen(theKey+4));
{ // don't process, decrypted key is bad
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
return 0;
// Verify base64 string
if((strspn(msg_ptr, B64) != msg_len) || (msg_len < 12)) return 0;
// usually a received message does not exceed 512 chars, but we want to prevent evil buffer overflow
if(msg_len >= (int)(sizeof(bf_dest)*1.5)) msg_ptr[(int)(sizeof(bf_dest)*1.5)-20]='\0';
// block-align blowcrypt strings if truncated by IRC server (each block is 12 chars long)
// such a truncated block is destroyed and not needed anymore
if(msg_len != (msg_len/12)*12)
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "mark_broken_block", " \002&\002", myMark, sizeof(myMark), iniPath);
if(*myMark=='\0' || *myMark=='0' || *myMark=='n' || *myMark=='N') mark_broken_block=0;
else mark_broken_block=1;
decrypt_string(theKey, msg_ptr, bf_dest, msg_len);
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
while(bf_dest[i] != 0x0A && bf_dest[i] != 0x0D && bf_dest[i] != '\0') i++;
bf_dest[i]='\0'; // in case of wrong key, decrypted message might have control characters -> cut message
if(*bf_dest=='\0') return 0; // don't process, decrypted msg is bad
// append broken-block-mark?
if(mark_broken_block) strcat(bf_dest, myMark);
// append crypt-mark?
GetPrivateProfileString(contactName, "mark_encrypted", "1", myMark, sizeof(myMark), iniPath);
if(*myMark!='0' && *myMark!='n' && *myMark!='N')
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "mark_encrypted", "", myMark, sizeof(myMark), iniPath); // global setting
if(*myMark != '\0')
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "mark_position", "0", mark_pos, sizeof(mark_pos), iniPath);
if(*mark_pos=='0') strcat(bf_dest, myMark); //append mark at the end
{ // prefix mark
memmove(bf_dest+i, bf_dest, strlen(bf_dest)+1);
strncpy(bf_dest, myMark, i);
strcpy(msg_bak, bf_dest); // copy decrypted message back (overwriting the base64 cipher text)
ZeroMemory(bf_dest, sizeof(bf_dest));
return 1;
static void decrypt_incoming(SERVER_REC *server, char *msg, const char *nick, const char *addr, const char *target)
unsigned char contactName[100]="", *msg_bak;
if(msg==NULL || target==NULL || nick==NULL) return;
else if(strncmp(msg, "+OK ", 4)!=0 && strncmp(msg, "mcps ", 5)!=0 && strcmp(nick, "-psyBNC")!=0) return; // don't process, blowcrypt-prefix not found
msg_bak=(unsigned char *)msg; // this is needed, because of psyBNC
if(*target=='#' || *target=='&') strcpy(contactName, target);
else if(strcmp(nick, "-psyBNC")==0)
msg=strstr(msg, " :(")+3; // points to nick!ident@host in psybnc log
if(msg==(char *)3) return;
ExtractRnick(contactName, msg);
msg=strchr(msg, ' ')+1;
if(msg==(char *)1) return;
if((strncmp(msg, "+OK ", 4)!=0) && (strncmp(msg, "mcps ", 5)!=0)) return;
else strcpy(contactName, nick);
if(FiSH_decrypt(msg, msg, contactName))
signal_emit(signal_get_emitted(), 5, server, msg_bak, nick, addr, target);
static void encrypt_outgoing(SERVER_REC *server, char *msg, char *target, char *orig_target)
unsigned char bf_dest[800]="";
unsigned char contactName[100]="", plain_prefix[20]="";
unsigned char myMark[20]="", mark_pos[20]="";
unsigned int i;
// generally cut a message to a size of 512 byte, as everything above will never arrive complete anyway
if(strlen(msg) > 512) msg[512]='\0';
// plain-prefix in msg found?
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "plain_prefix", "+p ", plain_prefix, sizeof(plain_prefix), iniPath);
if(*plain_prefix != '\0')
if(strncasecmp(msg, plain_prefix, i)==0)
irc_send_cmdv(server, "PRIVMSG %s :%s", target, msg+i);
if(FiSH_encrypt(msg, target, bf_dest)==0)
{ // send plain-text (no key found)
irc_send_cmdv(server, "PRIVMSG %s :%s", target, msg);
irc_send_cmdv(server, "PRIVMSG %s :%s %s\n", target, "+OK", bf_dest);
strcpy(bf_dest, msg);
// append crypt-mark?
GetPrivateProfileString(contactName, "mark_encrypted", "1", myMark, sizeof(myMark), iniPath);
if(*myMark!='0' && *myMark!='n' && *myMark!='N')
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "mark_encrypted", "", myMark, sizeof(myMark), iniPath); // global setting
if(*myMark != '\0')
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "mark_position", "0", mark_pos, sizeof(mark_pos), iniPath);
if(*mark_pos=='0') strcat(bf_dest, myMark); //append mark at the end
{ // prefix mark
memmove(bf_dest+i, bf_dest, strlen(bf_dest)+1);
strncpy(bf_dest, myMark, i);
signal_continue(4, server, bf_dest, target, orig_target);
ZeroMemory(bf_dest, sizeof(bf_dest));
static void notice_incoming(SERVER_REC *server, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target)
{ // decrypt NOTICE messages (and forward DH1080 key-exchange)
unsigned char *contactPtr;
if(strncmp(msg, "DH1024_", 7)==0)
irc_send_cmdv(server, "NOTICE %s :Received \002old DH1024\002 public key from you! Please update to latest version: http://fish.sekure.us\n", nick);
printtext(server, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Received \002old DH1024\002 public key from %s! Telling him to update...", nick);
if(strncmp(msg, "DH1080_", 7)==0)
DH1080_received(server, msg, nick, address, target);
if(*target=='#' || *target=='&') contactPtr=target;
else contactPtr=nick;
if(FiSH_decrypt(msg, msg, contactPtr))
signal_emit(signal_get_emitted(), 5, server, msg, nick, address, target);
static void decrypt_action(SERVER_REC *server, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target)
if(FiSH_decrypt(msg, msg, target))
signal_emit(signal_get_emitted(), 5, server, msg, nick, address, target);
static void decrypt_topic(SERVER_REC *server, char *channel, char *topic, char *nick, char *address)
if(FiSH_decrypt(topic, topic, channel))
signal_emit(signal_get_emitted(), 5, server, channel, topic, nick, address);
static void topic_changed(CHANNEL_REC *chan_rec)
FiSH_decrypt(chan_rec->topic, chan_rec->topic, chan_rec->name);
static void raw_handler(SERVER_REC *server, char *data)
char channel[100], *ptr, *ptr_bak;
int len;
if(data==NULL || *data=='\0') return;
ptr=strchr(data, ' '); // point to command
if(ptr==NULL) return;
if(strncmp(ptr, "332 ", 4)!=0) return; // 332 = TOPIC
ptr=strchr(ptr, '#'); // point to #channel
ptr=strchr(ptr_bak, '&'); // point to &channel
if(ptr_bak==NULL) return;
len=strchr(ptr, ' ')-ptr;
if(len >= sizeof(channel)-2) return; // channel string too long, something went wrong
strncpy(channel, ptr, len);
ptr=strchr(ptr, ':'); // point to topic msg start
if(ptr==NULL) return;
FiSH_decrypt(ptr, ptr, channel);
static void encrypt_notice(const char *data, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
{ // New command: /notice+ <nick/#channel> <notice message>
unsigned char bf_dest[1000]="";
const char *target;
unsigned char *msg;
void *free_arg=NULL;
if(data==NULL || (strlen(data) < 3)) goto notice_error;
if(!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 2, &target, &msg)) goto notice_error;
if (target==NULL || *target=='\0' || msg==NULL || *msg=='\0') goto notice_error;
// generally refuse a notice size of more than 512 byte, as everything above will never arrive complete anyway
if(strlen(msg) >= 512)
printtext(server, target, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 /notice+ error: message argument exceeds buffer size!");
goto notice_error;
if(FiSH_encrypt(msg, target, bf_dest)==0)
printtext(server, target, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 /notice+ error: Encryption disabled or no key found for %s.", target);
goto notice_error;
irc_send_cmdv(server, "NOTICE %s :%s %s\n", target, "+OK", bf_dest);
signal_emit("message irc own_notice", 3, server, msg, target);
if(free_arg) cmd_params_free(free_arg);
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 Usage: /notice+ <nick/#channel> <notice message>");
// set encrypted topic for current channel, irssi syntax: /topic+ <your topic>
static void command_crypt_TOPIC(const char *data, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
unsigned char bf_dest[1000]="";
const char *target;
if(data==0 || *data=='\0') goto topic_error;
if(item!=NULL) target=window_item_get_target(item);
else goto topic_error;
if(*target!='#' && *target!='&')
printtext(server, target, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Please change to the channel window where you want to set the topic!");
goto topic_error;
// generally refuse a topic size of more than 512 byte, as everything above will never arrive complete anyway
if(strlen(data) >= 512)
printtext(server, target, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 /topic+ error: topic length exceeds buffer size!");
goto topic_error;
// encrypt a message (using key for target)
if(FiSH_encrypt((char *)data, target, bf_dest)==0)
printtext(server, target, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 /topic+ error: Encryption disabled or no key found for %s.", target);
goto topic_error;
irc_send_cmdv(server, "TOPIC %s :%s %s\n", target, "+OK", bf_dest);
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 Usage: /topic+ <your new topic>");
static void command_helpfish(const char *arg, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
"\n\002FiSH HELP:\002 For more information read FiSH-irssi.txt :)\n\n"
" /topic+ <your new topic>\n"
" /notice+ <nick/#channel> <notice message>\n"
" /key [<nick/#channel>]\n"
" /setkey [<nick/#channel>] <sekure_key>\n"
" /delkey <nick/#channel>\n"
" /keyx [<nick>] (DH1080 KeyXchange)\n"
" /setinipw <sekure_blow.ini_password>\n"
" /unsetinipw\n");
static void command_setinipw(const char *iniPW, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
unsigned int i=0, pw_len, re_enc=0;
unsigned char B64digest[50], SHA256digest[35];
unsigned char bfKey[512], new_iniKey[100], old_iniKey[100], *fptr, *ok_ptr, line_buf[1000], iniPath_new[300];
FILE *h_ini, *h_ini_new;
if(pw_len < 1 || pw_len > sizeof(new_iniKey))
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 No parameters. Usage: /setinipw <sekure_blow.ini_password>");
strfcpy(new_iniKey, (char *)iniPW);
ZeroMemory(iniPW, pw_len);
if(pw_len < 8)
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 Password too short, at least 8 characters needed! Usage: /setinipw <sekure_blow.ini_password>");
SHA256_memory(new_iniKey, pw_len, SHA256digest);
ZeroMemory(new_iniKey, sizeof(new_iniKey));
for(i=0;i<40872;i++) SHA256_memory(SHA256digest, 32, SHA256digest);
htob64(SHA256digest, B64digest, 32);
strcpy(old_iniKey, iniKey);
if(unsetiniFlag) strcpy(iniKey, default_iniKey); // unsetinipw
else strcpy(iniKey, B64digest); // this is used for encrypting blow.ini
for(i=0;i<30752;i++) SHA256_memory(SHA256digest, 32, SHA256digest);
htob64(SHA256digest, B64digest, 32); // this is used to verify the entered password
ZeroMemory(SHA256digest, sizeof(SHA256digest));
// re-encrypt blow.ini with new password
strcpy(iniPath_new, iniPath);
strcat(iniPath_new, "_new");
h_ini_new=fopen(iniPath_new, "w");
if(h_ini && h_ini_new)
while (!feof(h_ini))
fptr=fgets(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf)-2, h_ini);
ok_ptr=strstr(line_buf, "+OK ");
strtok(ok_ptr+4, " \n\r");
decrypt_string(old_iniKey, ok_ptr+4, bfKey, strlen(ok_ptr+4));
ZeroMemory(ok_ptr+4, strlen(ok_ptr+4)+1);
encrypt_string(iniKey, bfKey, ok_ptr+4, strlen(bfKey));
strcat(line_buf, "\n");
if(fprintf(h_ini_new, "%s", line_buf) < 0)
ZeroMemory(B64digest, sizeof(B64digest));
ZeroMemory(bfKey, sizeof(bfKey));
ZeroMemory(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf));
ZeroMemory(old_iniKey, sizeof(old_iniKey));
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write new blow.ini, probably out of disc space.");
ZeroMemory(bfKey, sizeof(bfKey));
ZeroMemory(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf));
ZeroMemory(old_iniKey, sizeof(old_iniKey));
rename(iniPath_new, iniPath);
else return;
if(WritePrivateProfileString("FiSH", "ini_password_Hash", B64digest, iniPath) == -1)
ZeroMemory(B64digest, sizeof(B64digest));
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write to blow.ini, probably out of space or permission denied.");
ZeroMemory(B64digest, sizeof(B64digest));
if(re_enc) printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL,
MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH: Re-encrypted blow.ini\002 with new password.");
if(!unsetiniFlag) printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL,
MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 blow.ini password hash saved.");
// Change back to default blow.ini password, irssi syntax: /unsetinipw
static void command_unsetinipw(const char *arg, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
command_setinipw("Some_boogie_dummy_key", server, item);
if(WritePrivateProfileString("FiSH", "ini_password_Hash", "\0", iniPath) == -1)
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write to blow.ini, probably out of space or permission denied.");
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 Changed back to default blow.ini password, you won't have to enter it on start-up anymore!");
static void command_setkey(const char *data, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
unsigned char contactName[100]="", encryptedKey[150]="";
const char *target, *key;
void *free_arg;
if (data==NULL || *data=='\0')
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 No parameters. Usage: /setkey [<nick/#channel>] <sekure_key>");
if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 2, &target, &key)) return;
if (*target=='\0')
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 No parameters. Usage: /setkey [<nick/#channel>] <sekure_key>");
if (*key=='\0') {
// one paramter given - it's the key
key = target;
if (item != NULL) target = window_item_get_target(item);
"\002FiSH:\002 Please define nick/#channel. Usage: /setkey [<nick/#channel>] <sekure_key>");
strcpy(contactName, target);
encrypt_key((char *)key, encryptedKey);
if(WritePrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", encryptedKey, iniPath) == -1)
ZeroMemory(encryptedKey, sizeof(encryptedKey));
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write to blow.ini, probably out of space or permission denied.");
ZeroMemory(encryptedKey, sizeof(encryptedKey));
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 Key for %s successfully set!", target);
static void command_delkey(const char *target, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
unsigned char contactName[100]="";
if (target==NULL || *target=='\0')
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 No parameters. Usage: /delkey <nick/#channel>");
strfcpy(contactName, (char *)target);
if(WritePrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", "\0", iniPath) == -1)
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write to blow.ini, probably out of space or permission denied.");
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 Key for %s successfully removed!", target);
static void command_key(const char *target, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
unsigned char contactName[100]="", theKey[150]="";
if(target==NULL || *target=='\0')
if (item!=NULL) target=window_item_get_target(item);
printtext(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Please define nick/#channel. Usage: /key <nick/#channel>");
strfcpy(contactName, (char *)target);
GetPrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", "", theKey, sizeof(theKey), iniPath);
if(*theKey=='\0' || strlen(theKey)<4)
{ // don't process, key not found in ini
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 Key for %s not found!", target);
if(strncmp(theKey, "+OK ", 4)==0)
{ // key is encrypted, lets decrypt
decrypt_string((char *)iniKey, theKey+4, theKey, strlen(theKey+4));
{ // don't process, decrypted key is bad
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
printtext(server, target, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Key for %s invalid!", target);
printtext(server, target, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Key for %s: %s", target, theKey);
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
static void command_keyx(const char *target, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item)
if(target==NULL || *target=='\0')
if(item!=NULL) target = window_item_get_target(item);
printtext(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Please define nick/#channel. Usage: /keyx <nick/#channel>");
if(*target=='#' || *target=='&')
printtext(server, target, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 KeyXchange does not work for channels!");
DH1080_gen(g_myPrivKey, g_myPubKey);
irc_send_cmdv(server, "NOTICE %s :%s %s", target, "DH1080_INIT", g_myPubKey);
printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP,
"\002FiSH:\002 Sent my DH1080 public key to %s, waiting for reply ...", target);
static void DH1080_received(SERVER_REC *server, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target)
unsigned int i;
char hisPubKey[300], contactName[100]="", encryptedKey[150]="";
if(*target=='&' || *target=='#' || *nick=='#' || *nick=='&') return; // no KeyXchange for channels...
if(i<191 || i>195) return;
if(strncmp(msg, "DH1080_INIT ", 12)==0)
strcpy(hisPubKey, msg+12);
if(strspn(hisPubKey, B64ABC) != strlen(hisPubKey)) return;
if(query_find(server, nick)==NULL)
{ // query window not found, lets create one
irc_query_create(server->tag, nick, TRUE);
printtext(server, nick, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Received DH1080 public key from %s, sending mine...", nick);
DH1080_gen(g_myPrivKey, g_myPubKey);
irc_send_cmdv(server, "NOTICE %s :%s %s", nick, "DH1080_FINISH", g_myPubKey);
else if(strncmp(msg, "DH1080_FINISH ", 14)==0) strcpy(hisPubKey, msg+14);
else return;
if(DH1080_comp(g_myPrivKey, hisPubKey)==0) return;
strcpy(contactName, nick);
encrypt_key(hisPubKey, encryptedKey);
ZeroMemory(hisPubKey, sizeof(hisPubKey));
if(WritePrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", encryptedKey, iniPath) == -1)
ZeroMemory(encryptedKey, sizeof(encryptedKey));
printtext(server, nick, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write to blow.ini, probably out of space or permission denied.");
ZeroMemory(encryptedKey, sizeof(encryptedKey));
printtext(server, nick, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Key for %s successfully set!", nick);
static void do_auto_keyx(QUERY_REC *query, int automatic)
{ // perform auto-keyXchange only for known people
unsigned char theKey[150]="", ini_auto_keyx[10], contactName[100]="";
if(keyx_query_created) return; // query was created by FiSH
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "auto_keyxchange", "1", ini_auto_keyx, sizeof(ini_auto_keyx), iniPath);
if(*ini_auto_keyx=='0' || *ini_auto_keyx=='N' || *ini_auto_keyx=='n') return;
strcpy(contactName, query->name);
GetPrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", "", theKey, sizeof(theKey), iniPath);
if(strlen(theKey) > 4)
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
command_keyx(query->name, query->server, NULL);
static void query_nick_changed(QUERY_REC *query, char *orignick)
{ // copy key for old nick to use with the new one
unsigned char theKey[150]="", ini_nicktracker[10], contactName[100]="";
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "nicktracker", "1", ini_nicktracker, sizeof(ini_nicktracker), iniPath);
if(*ini_nicktracker=='0' || *ini_nicktracker=='N' || *ini_nicktracker=='n') return;
if(orignick==NULL || strcasecmp(orignick, query->name)==0) return; // same nick, different case?
strcpy(contactName, orignick);
GetPrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", "", theKey, sizeof(theKey), iniPath);
if(strlen(theKey) < 4) return; // see if there is a key for the old nick
strcpy(contactName, query->name);
if(WritePrivateProfileString(contactName, "key", theKey, iniPath) == -1)
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
printtext(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write to blow.ini, probably out of space or permission denied.");
ZeroMemory(theKey, sizeof(theKey));
static void void_send(SERVER_REC *server, const char *target, const char *msg, int target_type)
static void server_register_fish(SERVER_REC *server)
if(server==NULL) return;
rec = g_new0(MODULE_SERVER_REC, 1);
MODULE_DATA_SET(server, rec);
rec->orig_send_message = server->send_message;
server->send_message = void_send;
static void server_unregister_fish(SERVER_REC *server)
if(server==NULL) return;
rec = MODULE_DATA(server);
if(rec==NULL) return;
server->send_message = rec->orig_send_message;
void fish_init(void)
unsigned char iniPasswordHash[50], SHA256digest[35], B64digest[50], *iniPass_ptr;
unsigned int i;
g_slist_foreach(servers, (GFunc) server_register_fish, NULL);
strcpy(iniPath, get_irssi_config()); // path to irssi config file
strcpy(tempPath, iniPath);
strcpy(strrchr(iniPath, '/'), blow_ini);
strcpy(strrchr(tempPath, '/'), "/temp_FiSH.$$$");
GetPrivateProfileString("FiSH", "ini_Password_hash", "0", iniPasswordHash, sizeof(iniPasswordHash), iniPath);
if(strlen(iniPasswordHash) == 43)
iniPass_ptr = getpass(" --> Please enter your blow.ini password: ");
strcpy(iniKey, iniPass_ptr);
ZeroMemory(iniPass_ptr, strlen(iniPass_ptr));
irssi_redraw(); // getpass() screws irssi GUI, lets redraw!
SHA256_memory(iniKey, strlen(iniKey), SHA256digest);
for(i=0;i<40872;i++) SHA256_memory(SHA256digest, 32, SHA256digest);
htob64(SHA256digest, B64digest, 32);
strcpy(iniKey, B64digest); // this is used for encrypting blow.ini
for(i=0;i<30752;i++) SHA256_memory(SHA256digest, 32, SHA256digest);
htob64(SHA256digest, B64digest, 32); // this is used to verify the entered password
if(strcmp(B64digest, iniPasswordHash) != 0)
printtext(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Wrong blow.ini password entered, try again...");
printtext(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH module NOT loaded.\002");
printtext(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Correct blow.ini password entered, lets go!");
strcpy(iniKey, default_iniKey);
printtext(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Using default password to decrypt blow.ini... Try /setinipw to set a custom password.");
signal_add_first("message private", (SIGNAL_FUNC) decrypt_incoming);
signal_add_first("message public", (SIGNAL_FUNC) decrypt_incoming);
signal_add_first("message irc notice", (SIGNAL_FUNC) notice_incoming);
signal_add_first("message irc action", (SIGNAL_FUNC) decrypt_action);
signal_add_first("message own_private", (SIGNAL_FUNC) encrypt_outgoing);
signal_add_first("message own_public", (SIGNAL_FUNC) encrypt_outgoing);
signal_add_first("channel topic changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) topic_changed);
signal_add_first("message topic", (SIGNAL_FUNC) decrypt_topic);
signal_add_first("server incoming", (SIGNAL_FUNC) raw_handler);
signal_add("server connected", (SIGNAL_FUNC) server_register_fish);
signal_add("server disconnected", (SIGNAL_FUNC) server_unregister_fish);
signal_add("query created", (SIGNAL_FUNC) do_auto_keyx);
signal_add("query nick changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) query_nick_changed);
command_bind("topic+", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_crypt_TOPIC);
command_bind("notice+", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) encrypt_notice);
command_bind("notfish", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) encrypt_notice);
command_bind("setkey", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_setkey);
command_bind("delkey", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_delkey);
command_bind("key", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_key);
command_bind("keyx", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_keyx);
command_bind("setinipw", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_setinipw);
command_bind("unsetinipw", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_unsetinipw);
command_bind("fishhelp", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_helpfish);
command_bind("helpfish", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_helpfish);
"FiSH v0.99 - encryption module for irssi loaded! URL: http://fish.sekure.us\n"
"Try /helpfish or /fishhelp for a short command overview");
module_register("fish", "core");
void fish_deinit(void)
g_slist_foreach(servers, (GFunc) server_unregister_fish, NULL);
signal_remove("message private", (SIGNAL_FUNC) decrypt_incoming);
signal_remove("message public", (SIGNAL_FUNC) decrypt_incoming);
signal_remove("message irc notice", (SIGNAL_FUNC) notice_incoming);
signal_remove("message irc action", (SIGNAL_FUNC) decrypt_action);
signal_remove("message own_private", (SIGNAL_FUNC) encrypt_outgoing);
signal_remove("message own_public", (SIGNAL_FUNC) encrypt_outgoing);
signal_remove("channel topic changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) topic_changed);
signal_remove("message topic", (SIGNAL_FUNC) decrypt_topic);
signal_remove("server incoming", (SIGNAL_FUNC) raw_handler);
signal_remove("server connected", (SIGNAL_FUNC) server_register_fish);
signal_remove("server disconnected", (SIGNAL_FUNC) server_unregister_fish);
signal_remove("query created", (SIGNAL_FUNC) do_auto_keyx);
signal_remove("query nick changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) query_nick_changed);
command_unbind("topic+", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_crypt_TOPIC);
command_unbind("notice+", (SIGNAL_FUNC) encrypt_notice);
command_unbind("notfish", (SIGNAL_FUNC) encrypt_notice);
command_unbind("setkey", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_setkey);
command_unbind("delkey", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_delkey);
command_unbind("key", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_key);
command_unbind("keyx", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_keyx);
command_unbind("setinipw", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_setinipw);
command_unbind("unsetinipw", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_unsetinipw);
command_unbind("fishhelp", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_helpfish);
command_unbind("helpfish", (SIGNAL_FUNC) command_helpfish);
// :someone!ident@host.net PRIVMSG leetguy :Some Text -> Result: Rnick="someone"
int ExtractRnick(char *Rnick, char *incoming_msg) // needs direct pointer to "nick@host" or ":nick@host"
int k=0;
if(*incoming_msg == ':') incoming_msg++;
while(*incoming_msg!='!' && *incoming_msg!='\0') {
if (*Rnick != '\0') return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
// replace '[' and ']' from nick/channel with '~' (else problems with .ini files)
void FixContactName(char *contactName)
while(*contactName != '\0')
if((*contactName == '[') || (*contactName == ']')) *contactName='~';
void memXOR(unsigned char *s1, const unsigned char *s2, int n)
while(n--) *s1++ ^= *s2++;
char *strfcpy(unsigned char *dest, char *buffer) // removes leading and trailing blanks from string
int i=0, k=strlen(buffer);
while(buffer[i]==' ') i++;
while(buffer[k-1]==' ') k--;
strcpy(dest, buffer+i);
return dest;
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1