NICE-TO-HAVE: ------------ * A better LostIRC icon. * Implement /help for all commands. * ipv6 support * When window has lost its focus, then highlight the front tab too. * /BAN and /EXEC command. * Recognise URLs (and make them clickable?) * Transparent TextView background. RANDOM BUGS: ------------ * When text is in the input box, and you switch from one tab to another, going back to the tab with text in the input box, will make the text get selected, thus making it harder to append text to the already written text. * Color-parsing might be slow, since it inserts one character at the time. Need to look into optimizing it. * Should we check for EAGAIN on send()? It seems to always succeed anyway. DCC: ---- * DCC port ranges. * DCC objects should timeout when no response has been given. * DCC CHAT. WIN32 TODO: ----------- * Doesn't fork() when using gethostbyname(), it should.