* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Morten Brix Pedersen <morten@wtf.dk>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "ConfigHandler.h"
#include "LostIRCApp.h"
using Glib::ustring;
using std::cout;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
Servers::Servers(const char *file)
filename = App->home;
filename += file;
vector<Server*>::iterator i;
for (i = _servers.begin(); i != _servers.end();) {
delete (*i);
i = _servers.erase(i);
bool Servers::readServersFile()
std::ifstream in(filename.c_str());
if (!in)
return false;
vector<ustring> tmpcmds;
ustring server, nick, password;
std::string tmp;
int port = 0;
int auto_connect = 1;
while (getline(in, tmp)) {
ustring::size_type pos1 = tmp.find_first_of("=");
ustring param;
ustring value;
if (pos1 != ustring::npos) {
param = tmp.substr(0, pos1 - 1);
try {
value = tmp.substr(pos1 + 2);
} catch (std::out_of_range) {
value = tmp.substr(pos1 + 1);
if (param == "hostname") {
if (!server.empty()) {
Server *j = new Server;
j->hostname = server;
j->port = port ? port : 6667;
j->password = password;
j->cmds = tmpcmds;
j->nick = nick;
j->auto_connect = auto_connect;
port = 0;
auto_connect = 1;
server = value;
} else if (param == "cmd") {
} else if (param == "port") {
port = Util::convert<int>(value);
} else if (param == "password") {
password = value;
} else if (param == "nick") {
nick = value;
} else if (param == "auto_connect") {
auto_connect = Util::convert<int>(value);
if (!server.empty()) {
Server *j = new Server;
j->hostname = server;
j->port = port ? port : 6667;
j->password = password;
j->cmds = tmpcmds;
j->nick = nick;
j->auto_connect = auto_connect;
return true;
bool Servers::writeServersFile()
std::ofstream out(filename.c_str());
if (!out)
return false;
vector<Server*>::const_iterator i;
vector<ustring>::const_iterator ivec;
for (i = _servers.begin(); i != _servers.end(); ++i) {
out << "hostname = " << (*i)->hostname.raw() << std::endl;
out << "port = " << (*i)->port << std::endl;
out << "password = " << (*i)->password.raw() << std::endl;
out << "nick = " << (*i)->nick.raw() << std::endl;
out << "auto_connect = " << static_cast<int>((*i)->auto_connect) << std::endl;
for (ivec = (*i)->cmds.begin(); ivec != (*i)->cmds.end(); ++ivec)
out << "cmd = " << (*ivec).raw() << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
return true;
bool Servers::hasAutoConnects()
vector<Server*>::const_iterator i;
for (i = _servers.begin(); i != _servers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->auto_connect)
return true;
return false;
void Servers::removeServer(Server *a)
vector<Server*>::iterator i = std::find(_servers.begin(), _servers.end(), a);
delete a;
baseConfig::baseConfig(const char *file)
filename = App->home;
filename += file;
void baseConfig::set(const ustring& key, const ustring& value)
if (configvalues.find(key) != configvalues.end())
*(configvalues[key]) = value;
std::cerr << _("Not found key, `") << key << "'" << std::endl;
Glib::ustring baseConfig::get(const ustring& key)
map<ustring, baseConfigValue*>::const_iterator i = configvalues.find(key);
if (i != configvalues.end())
return i->second->getString();
std::cerr << _("Not found key, `") << key << "'" << std::endl;
return "";
bool baseConfig::readConfigFile()
std::ifstream in(filename.c_str());
if (!in)
return false;
std::string str;
while (getline(in, str)) {
ustring::size_type pos = str.find(" = ");
ustring param = str.substr(0, pos);
ustring value = str.substr(pos + 3);
if (configvalues.find(param.c_str()) != configvalues.end())
*(configvalues[param.c_str()]) = value;
return true;
bool baseConfig::writeConfigFile()
#ifdef DEBUG
App->log << "Trying to write configfile: `" << filename << "'" << std::endl;
std::ofstream out(filename.c_str());
if (!out)
return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
App->log << "\twriting..." << std::endl;
map<ustring, baseConfigValue*>::const_iterator i;
for (i = configvalues.begin(); i != configvalues.end(); ++i)
out << i->first.raw() << " = " << i->second->getString().raw() << std::endl;
return true;
Options::Options(const char *filename)
: baseConfig(filename),
nickcompletion_char(this, "nickcompletion_character", ','),
buffer_size(this, "buffer_size", 500),
window_width(this, "window_width", 0),
window_height(this, "window_height", 0),
window_x(this, "window_x", 0),
window_y(this, "window_y", 0),
realname(this, "realname"),
nick(this, "nick"),
ircuser(this, "ircuser"),
dccip(this, "dccip"),
dccport(this, "dccport", 0),
highlight_words(this, "highlight_words"),
font(this, "font", "Sans 10"),
strip_colors(this, "strip_colors", true),
strip_boldandunderline(this, "strip_boldandunderline", false),
logging(this, "logging", false),
encoding(this, "encoding", "System"),
hidenicklist(this, "hidenicklist", false),
hidemenu(this, "hidemenu", false),
hidestatusbar(this, "hidestatusbar", false),
colorscheme(this, "colorscheme", 1)
Colors1::Colors1(const char *filename)
: baseConfig(filename),
bgcolor(this, "bgcolor", "#000000"),
color0(this, "color0", "#FFFFFF"),
color1(this, "color1", "#000000"),
color2(this, "color2", "#0000CC"),
color3(this, "color3", "#00CC00"),
color4(this, "color4", "#DD0000"),
color5(this, "color5", "#AA0000"),
color6(this, "color6", "#BB00BB"),
color7(this, "color7", "#FFAA00"),
color8(this, "color8", "#EEDD22"),
color9(this, "color9", "#33DE55"),
color10(this, "color10", "#00CCCC"),
color11(this, "color11", "#33DDEE"),
color12(this, "color12", "#0000FF"),
color13(this, "color13", "#EE22EE"),
color14(this, "color14", "#777777"),
color15(this, "color15", "#999999"),
color16(this, "color16", "#BEBEBE"),
color17(this, "color17", "#000000"),
color18(this, "color18", "#FFFFFF"),
color19(this, "color19", "#000000")
Colors2::Colors2(const char *filename)
: baseConfig(filename),
bgcolor(this, "bgcolor", "#FFFFFF"),
color0(this, "color0", "#000000"),
color1(this, "color1", "#FFFFFF"),
color2(this, "color2", "#0000CC"),
color3(this, "color3", "#00CC00"),
color4(this, "color4", "#DD0000"),
color5(this, "color5", "#AA0000"),
color6(this, "color6", "#BB00BB"),
color7(this, "color7", "#FFAA00"),
color8(this, "color8", "#EEDD22"),
color9(this, "color9", "#33DE55"),
color10(this, "color10", "#00CCCC"),
color11(this, "color11", "#33DDEE"),
color12(this, "color12", "#0000FF"),
color13(this, "color13", "#EE22EE"),
color14(this, "color14", "#777777"),
color15(this, "color15", "#999999"),
color16(this, "color16", "#BEBEBE"),
color17(this, "color17", "#000000"),
color18(this, "color18", "#FFFFFF"),
color19(this, "color19", "#000000")
Events::Events(const char *filename)
: baseConfig(filename),
privmsg(this, "privmsg", "$12<$00%1$12>$00 %2"),
privmsg_highlight(this, "privmsg_highlight", "$02<$08%1$02>$00 %2"),
privmsg_self(this, "privmsg_self", "$07<$00%1$07>$00 %2"),
action(this, "action", "$07* %1$00 %2"),
action_highlight(this, "action_highlight", "$08* %1$00 %2"),
dcc_receive(this, "dcc_receive", "$15-- $16DCC SEND from $00%1$16 (%2), use /DCC RECEIVE %3 to accept the file transfer."),
servermsg1(this, "servermsg1", "$15-- :$00 %1 %2"),
servermsg2(this, "servermsg2", "$15-- $00%1:$16 %2"),
clientmsg(this, "clientmsg", "$15-- $16%1 %2"),
ctcp(this, "ctcp", "$15-- $16CTCP $07%1 $16received from $00%2"),
ctcp_multi(this, "ctcp_multi", "$15-- $16CTCP $07%1 $16received from $00%2$16 $15($16to §%3§$15)"),
ctcp_reply(this, "ctcp_reply", "$15-- $16CTCP $07%1 $16reply from $00%2: %3"),
topicchange(this, "topicchange", "$15-- $00%1$16 changes topic to:$00 %2"),
topicis(this, "topicis", "$15-- $16Topic for §%1§ is:$00 %2"),
topictime(this, "topictime", "$15-- $16Set by $00%1$16 on $00%2"),
noticepriv(this, "noticepriv", "$15-- $07NOTICE $00%1$07: %2"),
noticepubl(this, "noticepubl", "$15-- $07NOTICE $00%1$07 (to §%2§$07): %3"),
error(this, "error", "$15-- $04Error:$00 %1"),
away(this, "away", "$15-- $16User $00%1$00: is away $15($09%2$15)"),
banlist(this, "banlist", "$15-- $16Ban: $03%1$16 set by: $00%2"),
unknown(this, "unknown", "$15-- $16Unknown message: $02%1"),
join(this, "join", "$15-- $00%1 $15($03%3$15)$16 has joined §%2"),
part(this, "part", "$15-- $00%1 $15($03%3$15)$16 has parted §%2§ $15($09%4$15)"),
part2(this, "part2", "$15-- $00%1 $15($03%3$15)$16 has parted §%2"),
quit(this, "quit", "$15-- $00%1$16 has quit $15($09%2$15)"),
quit2(this, "quit2", "$15-- $00%1$16 has quit"),
nick(this, "nick", "$15-- $00%1$16 changes nick to $00%2"),
mode(this, "mode", "$15-- $00%1$16 sets mode $07%2 %3"),
cmode(this, "cmode", "$15-- $00%1$16 sets channel mode$07 %2$16 on §%3"),
wallops(this, "wallops", "$08WALLOPS/<$00%1$8>$07 %2"),
kicked(this, "kicked", "$15-- $00%1$16 was kicked from §%2§ by $00%3 $15($09%4$15)"),
opped(this, "opped", "$15-- $00%1$16 gives channel operator status to $00%2"),
deopped(this, "deopped", "$15-- $00%1$16 removes channel operator status from $00%2"),
admined(this, "admined", "$15-- $00%1$16 gives channel admin status to $00%2"),
deadmined(this ,"deadmined", "$15-- $00%1$16 removes channel admin status from $00%2"),
ownered(this, "ownered", "$15-- $00%1$16 gives channel owner status to $00%2"),
deownered(this, "deownered", "$15-- $00%1$16 removes channel owner status from $00%2"),
voiced(this, "voiced", "$15-- $00%1$16 gives voice to $00%2"),
devoiced(this, "devoiced", "$15-- $00%1$16 removes voice from $00%2"),
halfopped(this, "halfopped", "$15-- $00%1$16 gives channel half-operator status to $00%2"),
halfdeopped(this, "halfdeopped", "$15-- $00%1$16 removes channel half-operator status from $00%2"),
banned(this, "banned", "$15-- $00%1$16 sets ban on $03%2"),
unbanned(this, "unbanned", "$15-- $00%1$16 unbans $03%2"),
invited(this, "invited", "$15-- $00%1$16 invites you to join §%2"),
connecting(this, "connecting", "$15-- $16Connecting to §$11%1§$16 on port §$11%2§$16..."),
names(this, "names", "$15-- $16Names §%1§$00:$16 %2"),
killed(this, "killed", "$15-- $16You were killed by $00%1$16 $15($09%2$15)"),
whois_user(this, "whois_user", "$15-- $16User $00%1$00: $03%2@%3$00 - %4"),
whois_channels(this, "whois_channels", "$15-- $16User $00%1$00: on channels §%2"),
whois_server(this, "whois_server", "$15-- $16User $00%1$00: on server %2 (%3)"),
whois_generic(this, "whois_generic", "$15-- $16User $00%1$00: %2")
map<ustring, baseConfigValue*>::iterator i = configvalues.begin();
for (; i != configvalues.end(); ++i) {
std::string msg = i->second->getString();
std::replace(msg.begin(), msg.end(), '$', '\003');
std::replace(msg.begin(), msg.end(), '§', '\002');
*(i->second) = msg;
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1