See ChangeLog for stuff that has changed. miau will continue hibernating while written-from-scatch version is worked with. Don't expect it to be released (any time soon). If you want to see it ready, concider finding me more spare time from work. :-) Notes: - epic _may_ act funny when using getnick-feature. - Automodes do not track nick-changes. if target changes nick, invalid mode-change will be done and error will be passed to the client. - Don't reboot your Mac running X-Chat Aqua (2.0.5) unless you want to part _some_ of the channels you are on. - cmdpasswd (do NOT use) and related things are space-sensitive About multi-client support - When having a dialog with someone, most clients see two persons talking instead of two having a dialog. This really isn't a bug nor feature of miau but a "feature" of IRC-clients. - DCC-requests also work, but there are a few things to consider: - When accepting a DCC-request, fastest client most likely gets it all. This may differ from (sending) client to client, because DCC-requests are sent to each client connected to miau and usually the other end (the one offering DCC) only accepts one connection. - When offering a DCC-something, offer is, unfortunately, echoed to each client and again, fastest gets it all - this means another client, with auto-accept on, connected to bouncer could get the file instead of the original target.