/* * ------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Tommi Saviranta * (C) 1998-2002 Sebastian Kienzl * ------------------------------------------------------- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef MESSAGES_H_ #define MESSAGES_H_ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H */ /* * General */ #define IRCLF "\r\n" #ifdef MKPASSWD #define OPT_CRYPT_L " -c\t\tCreate crypted password\n" #define OPT_CRYPT_S "[-c] " #else #define OPT_CRYPT_L "" #define OPT_CRYPT_S "" #endif #define SYNTAX "\ Usage: %s [-f] "OPT_CRYPT_S"[-d dir]\n\ -f\t\tStay in foreground\n\ -d dir\tOther directory than default for miau-files\n\ -v\t\tPrint version and copyright information and exit\n\ "OPT_CRYPT_L /* * Parsing-section. */ #define PARSE_SE "Parse error on line %d!" #define PARSE_MK "'%s' has not been set!" #define PARSE_NOSERV "No servers have been specified!" /* * miau-messages. */ #define MIAU_WELCOME "Welcome to miau (not connected to server)" #define MIAU_PARSING "Parsing configuration file..." #define MIAU_ERRCFG "Unable to open miaurc in %s!" #define MIAU_ERRNEEDARG "Option -%c requires an argument!" #define MIAU_ERRNOHOME "$HOME is not set! (set it or use -d)" #define MIAU_ERRFILE "Can't write to \"%s\"!" #define MIAU_ERRCHDIR "Can't chdir to \"%s\"!" #define MIAU_ERRLOGDIR "\"%s\" not a directory!" #define MIAU_ERRCREATELOGDIR "Can't create \"%s\"!" #define MIAU_ERREXIT "Terminating..." #define MIAU_SIGTERM "Caught sigterm, terminating..." #define MIAU_OUTOFSERVERS "Out of servers, terminating..." #define MIAU_OUTOFSERVERSNEVER "Out of servers, retrying..." #define MIAU_ERRFORK "Unable to fork!" #define MIAU_FORKED "miau's forked. (pid %d)" #define MIAU_ERRINBOXFILE "Can't open inbox, inbox disabled." #define MIAU_LEAVING "Leaving channels." #define MIAU_REINTRODUCE "Reintroducing channels." #define MIAU_JOINING "Autojoining channels (%s)." #define MIAU_JOIN_QUEUE "Queued joining channel %s" #define MIAU_JUMP "Changing server..." #define MIAU_RECONNECT "Reconnecting to server..." #define MIAU_DIE_CL "killed" #define MIAU_READ_RC "Configuration read." #define MIAU_RESET "Reseted all servers to working." #define MIAU_NICK "miau's nick is '%s'." #define MIAU_GOTNICK "Got nick '%s'!" #define MIAU_NEWSESSION "---------- NEW SESSION ----------" #define MIAU_STARTINGLOG "miau version "VERSION" - starting log..." #define MIAU_CLOSINGLINK "ERROR: Closing link: %s" #define MIAU_USERKILLED "ERROR: "CLNT_DIE" %s" #define MIAU_LOGNOWRITE "Cannot write to logfile \"%s\"!" #define MIAU_VERSION "- miau version "VERSION" - \""VERSIONNAME"\" -" #define MIAU_372_RUNNING "- Running on server %s with nickname %s" #define MIAU_372_NOT_CONN "- Not connected to server" #define MIAU_END_OF_MOTD "End of /MOTD command." #define MIAU_ERRLOGCONN "Can't write to logfile, disabling logging." /* releasenick */ #ifdef RELEASENICK #define MIAU_RELEASENICK "Having nick '%s' for %d second(s)" #endif /* RELEASENICK */ /* uptime */ #ifdef UPTIME #define MIAU_UPTIME "miau has been online: %dd %02dh %02dm %02ds" #define CMD_UPTIME ", UPTIME" #else /* UPTIME */ #define CMD_UPTIME "" #endif /* UPTIME */ /* pingstat */ #ifdef PINGSTAT #define CMD_PINGSTAT ", PINGSTAT" #else /* PINGSTAT */ #define CMD_PINGSTAT "" #endif /* PINGSTAT */ /* dumpstatus */ #ifdef DUMPSTATUS #define CMD_DUMP ", DUMP" #else /* DUMPSTATUS */ #define CMD_DUMP "" #endif /* DUMPSTATUS */ /* quicklog */ #ifdef QUICKLOG #define MIAU_FLUSHQLOGALL "Quicklog flushed" #define MIAU_FLUSHQLOG "Flushed quicklog older than " \ "%d day(s), %d hour(s), %d minute(s)" #define CMD_FLUSHQLOG ", QUICKLOG [[[days:]hours:]minutes], FLUSHQLOG [[[days:]hours:]minutes]" #else /* ifdef QUICKLOG */ #define CMD_FLUSHQLOG "" #endif /* ifdef else QUICKLOG */ /* mkpasswd */ #ifdef MKPASSWD #define MIAU_ENTERPASS "Enter password to crypt: " #define MIAU_THISPASS "Set this as password in your miaurc: %s\n\n" #endif /* MKPASSWD */ #define MIAU_URL "http://miau.sf.net/" #define BANNER "\ miau v"VERSION" \""VERSIONNAME"\"\n\ "MIAU_URL"\n\ Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Tommi Saviranta \n\ (C) 2002 Lee Hardy \n\ (C) 1998-2002 Sebastian Kienzl \n\ \n\ This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or\n\ later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.\n\ Read 'COPYING' for copyright and licence details.\n" /* * Socket-messages. */ #define SOCK_GENERROR "General socket error (%s)!" #define SOCK_ERROPEN "Unable to create socket! (%s)" #define SOCK_ERRBIND "Unable to bind to port %d! (%s)" #define SOCK_ERRBINDHOST "Unable to bind to '%s':%d! (%s)" #define SOCK_ERRLISTEN "Unable to listen!" #define SOCK_ERRACCEPT "Unable to accept connection from '%s'!" #define SOCK_LISTENOK "Listening on port %d." #define SOCK_LISTENOKHOST "Listening on host %s/port %d." #define SOCK_CONNECT "TCP-connection to '%s' established!" #define SOCK_ERRRESOLVE "Unable to resolve '%s'!" #define SOCK_ERRCONNECT "Unable to connect to '%s'! (%s)" #define SOCK_ERRWRITE "Error while sending data to '%s'!" #define SOCK_RECONNECT "Trying to reconnect to '%s' in %d seconds." #define SOCK_RECONNECTNOW "Trying to reconnect to '%s'." #define SOCK_ERRTIMEOUT "Connection timeout" /* * IRC-messages. */ #define IRC_CONNECTED "Connected to '%s'." #define IRC_BADNICK "'%s' is an invalid nick - using '%s'." #define IRC_NICKINUSE "Nick '%s' is in use - using '%s'." #define IRC_NICKUNAVAIL "Nick '%s' unavailable - using '%s'." #define IRC_SERVERERROR "Server-error! (%s)" #define IRC_KILL "You've been killed by '%s'!" #define IRC_AWAY "You have been marked as being away" #define IRC_NOSUCHCHAN "No such channel" /* * Client-related -messages. */ #define CLNT_AUTHFAIL "Authorization failed!" #define CLNT_AUTHTO "New client timed out while authorizing!" #define CLNT_AUTHFAILNOTICE "Unsuccessful connect-attempt from '%s'!" #define CLNT_AUTHOK "Authorization successful!" #define CLNT_LEFT "Client signed off." #define CLNT_DROP "Dropped old client." #define CLNT_DIE "Killed by user: " #define CLNT_STONED "Disconnected stoned client." #define CLNT_CLIENTS "%d client(s) connected." #define CLNT_SERVINFO "Disconnected client to update server info" #define CLNT_HAVEMSGS "\2You have messages waiting.\2 (/miau read)" #define CLNT_INBOXEMPTY "Your inbox is empty." #define CLNT_KILLEDMSGS "Killed your messages." #define CLNT_CAUGHT "Client from '%s'." #define CLNT_DENIED "Denied client from '%s'." #define CLNT_DROPPED "Client dropped connection." #define CLNT_DROPPEDUNAUTH "Client dropped connection while authorizing." #define CLNT_CTCP "Received a CTCP %s from %s." #define CLNT_CTCPNOREPLY "Received a CTCP %s from %s. (didn't reply)" #define CLNT_KICK "%s kicked me out of %s (%s)!" #define CLNT_NOTCONNECT "Not connected to server." /* * Server-related -messages. */ #define SERV_ERR "Closed connection after server reported error." #define SERV_STONED "Disconnecting from stoned server." #define SERV_TRYING "Trying server '%s' on port %d..." #define SERV_DROPPED "Server dropped connection!" #define SERV_RESTRICTED "Connection is restricted, jumping..." #define SERV_DISCONNECT "Disconnected from server." /* * Client-side -messages. */ #ifdef CTCPREPLIES #define VERSIONREPLY "\1VERSION miau v"VERSION" \""VERSIONNAME"\" -- "MIAU_URL"\1" #define CLIENTINFOREPLY "\1CLIENTINFO VERSION PING CLIENTINFO ACTION\1" #endif /* CTCPREPLIES */ #define CLNT_COMMANDS "Available commands: HELP, READ, DEL, JUMP [n], " \ "REHASH, RESET, DIE, PRINT" \ CMD_FLUSHQLOG CMD_UPTIME CMD_PINGSTAT CMD_DUMP #define CLNT_INBOXSTART "Playing inbox..." #define CLNT_INBOXEND "End of inbox." #define CLNT_NEWCLIENT "New connection established!" #define CLNT_RESTRICTED "restricted connection" #define CLNT_SERVLIST "Servers:" #define CLNT_NOSERVERS PARSE_NOSERV #define CLNT_MIAURCBEENWARNED "Incomplete miaurc! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!" #define CLNT_CURRENT "Current server is %d%s." #define CLNT_ANDCONNECTING " (connecting)" #define CLNT_CONNECTING "Connecting to server..." /* * DCC-bouncing. */ #ifdef DCCBOUNCE #define DCC_SUCCESS "DCC: Bounce from %s established! [%d]" #define DCC_TIMEOUT "DCC: Bounce timed out! [%d]" #define DCC_ERRCONNECT "DCC: Can't connect peer! (%s) [%d]" #define DCC_ERRACCEPT "DCC: Can't accept incoming! (%s) [%d]" #define DCC_ERRSOCK "DCC: Socket-error! (%s) [%d]\n" #define DCC_START "DCC: Starting bounce to %s:%d! [%d]" #define DCC_END "DCC: Ending bounce [%d]" #endif /* DCCBOUNCE */ /* * Logging, */ #define LOGM_JOIN "%s --> %s (%s) has joined %s\n" #define LOGM_PART "%s <-- %s has left %s (%s)\n" #define LOGM_QUIT "%s <-- %s has quit (%s%s%s)\n" #define LOGM_KICK "%s <-- %s was kicked by %s (%s)\n" #define LOGM_MODE "%s --- %s sets mode %s\n" #define LOGM_MESSAGE "%s <%s> %s\n" #define LOGM_ACTION "%s * %s %s\n" #define LOGM_NOTICE "%s >%s< %s\n" #define LOGM_TOPIC "%s --- %s has changed the topic to: %s\n" #define LOGM_NICK "%s --- %s is now known as %s\n" #define LOGM_MIAU "%s --- client %sconnected\n" #define LOGM_LOGOPEN "**** BEGIN LOGGING AT %s\n" #define LOGM_LOGCLOSE "**** ENDING LOGGING AT %s\n\n" /* * quicklog, */ #ifdef QUICKLOG #define CLNT_QLOGSTART "Playing quicklog..." #define CLNT_QLOGEND "End of quicklog." #endif /* QUICKLOG */ /* * quicklog to inbox, */ #ifdef QLOGTOMSGLOG #define QLOGM_PRIVMSG "<%s/%s> %s\n" #define QLOGM_GENERAL "%s\n" #define QLOGM_LEAVE "Forced to leave the channel" #endif /* QLOGTOMSGLOG */ /* * General error-message. */ #define ERR_CANT_ATEXIT "Couldn't set atexit()!" #define ERR_MEMORY "Out of memory, terminating!" #define ERR_UNEXPECTED "!!! An unexpected situation occured, please send us this: [%s, %s:%d]\n" /* * Ping statistics. */ #ifdef PINGSTAT #define PING_NO_PINGS "No pings" #define PING_STAT "Pings sent/got: %d/%d - %d %% loss" #endif /* PINGSTAT */ #endif /* ifndef MESSAGE_H_ */