irc [-p portnum] [-c channel] [ nickname [ server ]]


       Irc  is a user interface to the Internet Relay Chat, a CB-like interac-
       tive discussion environment.  It is structured into channels, which are
       public  discussion  forums, and also allows for private intercommunica-
       tion.  Each participant has a nickname, which is the one  specified  in
       the command line or else his login name.

       Once  invoked, irc connects as a client to the specified server, server
       or to the default one (see below).  The screen splits into  a  dialogue
       window  (the  major  part of the screen) and a command line, from which
       messages can be sent and commands given to control irc.


       The syntax of irc commands is of the form /COMMAND.  The  most  notable
       ones  are  listed below.  For an uptodate list, use the HELP command of
       irc.  Case is ignored.

       /ADMIN [server]
              Prints administrative information about an IRC server.

       /AWAY [message]
              Mark yourself as being away (with an automatic reply message  if

       /BYE, /EXIT, /QUIT
              Terminate the session

       /CHANNEL [channel]
              Join another channel

       /CLEAR Clear the screen

       /HELP [command]
              Display  a  brief  description  of the command (or list all com-
              mands, if none specified).

       /SUMMON user
              Allows to summon a user specified as a  full  Internet  address,
              i.e., login@host.domain, to an IRC dialogue session (in much the
              same way as the talk(1) command).  It is usable ONLY if the  irc
              daemon runs on the target machine (host.domain).

       /TOPIC topic
              Sets the topic for the current channel

       /WHO [channel|*]
              Lists  all users of IRC if no argument, of the specified channel
              or of the current channel (*).

              configuration file, and can be superseded with  the  environment
              variable IRCSERVER.


              tolmoon% irc -p6667 Wizard tolsun

       connects  you  to  irc  server in host tolsun (port 6667) with nickname


       Copyright (c) 1988 University of Oulu, Computing Center, Finland.
       Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990 Jarkko Oikarinen
       All rights reserved.
       For full COPYRIGHT see LICENSE file with IRC package.




       What bugs ?


       Jarkko Oikarinen <>
       Manual page updated by Michel Fingerhut <>

                                7 October 1990                          IRC(1)

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