# # Structure AutoDocumentator for ircu. # 26/02/2000 --Gte # # Creates a 'structs.html', containing HTML Table definitions # for all structures encountered in *.h in the current directory. # # $Id$ import string, fnmatch, os def parse(filename): OutFile = open('structs.html', 'a') OutFile.write("


") stage = 1 try: IncFile = open(filename, 'r') line = IncFile.readline() while line != "": line = string.replace(line,"\n","") # Stript out LF's. splitline = string.split(line, " ") try: if ((stage == 2) & (splitline[0] == "};")): OutFile.write("

"+"\n") stage = 1 if (stage == 2): # Begin reading member information. declr = string.split(string.strip(line), ";", 1) comment = string.replace(declr[1], "*", "") comment = string.replace(comment, "/", "") OutFile.write("\n") OutFile.write(""+string.strip(declr[0])+"\n") if (declr[1][-1] == "/"): OutFile.write(""+string.strip(comment)+"\n") else: # Loop until end of comment string. while (declr[-1] != "/"): line = IncFile.readline() line = string.replace(line,"\n","") # Stript out LF's. declr = string.strip(line) comment = comment + line comment = string.replace(comment, "*", "") comment = string.replace(comment, "/", "") OutFile.write(""+string.strip(comment)+"\n") OutFile.write("\n") if ((splitline[0] == "struct") & (splitline[2] == "{") & (stage == 1)): # We've found a "Standard" structure definition. OutFile.write("Structure table for: \""+splitline[1]+"\"

\n") OutFile.write("") # Now, carry on until we encounter a "};". stage = 2 except IndexError: pass line = IncFile.readline() IncFile.close OutFile.write("
") except IOError: print("** Error, File does not exist.") OutFile.close files = os.listdir(".") files.sort() for file in files: if (fnmatch.fnmatch(file, "*.h")): parse(file)