/** * StringTokenizer.h * Author: Daniel Karrels dan@karrels.com * Copyright (C) 2002 Daniel Karrels * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef __STRINGTOKENIZER_H #define __STRINGTOKENIZER_H "$Id$" #include #include #include using std::string ; using std::vector ; /** * This class provides a clean mechanism for parsing * C++ strings based on a given delimiter. * It overloads operator[], and does not affect the * original string passed as argument to the constructor. * The tokens maintained by this class are zero indexed. * This class is immutable. */ class StringTokenizer { private: /** * This is the type that will be used to store * the tokens in the StringTokenizer object. */ typedef vector< string > vectorType ; public: /** * Constructor receives the string to be * tokenized, and the delimiter by which * tokens will be generated. */ StringTokenizer( const string& = string(), char = ' ' ) ; /** * The destructor is a NOOP because no streams have been * opened, and no memory dynamically explicitly allocated. */ virtual ~StringTokenizer() ; /** * This is the type of the variable used for * representing the size (number of tokens) of * the StringTokenizer object. */ typedef vectorType::size_type size_type ; /** * Retrieve a const reference to a given token, zero-indexed. * This method will assert(false) if the requested index is * out of bounds. This is for debugging, and may be conditionally * compiled at a later time to throw an exception while * in a production environment. */ const string& getToken( const size_type& ) const ; /** * This method allows StringTokenizer objects to be used like * arrays. This method just calls the getToken() method, and * its semantics are the same. */ inline const string& operator[]( const size_type& sub ) const { return getToken( sub ) ; } /** * Return a const reference to the original C++ string before * tokenization. * A copy of the original string is *not* kept because, in * the setting in which this class was designed, getOriginal() * is never called. This will free up some processing time * spent copying the original string. */ inline const string getOriginal() const { return assemble() ; } /** * Return the number of tokens in this StringTokenizer object. */ inline size_type size() const { return array.size() ; } /** * Return true if the StringTokenizer holds no tokens, * false otherwise. * This is equivalent to (size() == 0). */ inline bool empty() const { return array.empty() ; } /** * Determine if the subscript argument is within the * bounds [0,size()). * Return true if so, false otherwise. * This method works also even if the StringTokenizer is empty. */ inline bool validSubscript( const size_type& sub ) const { return (sub < size()) ; } /** * This method builds and returns a C++ string starting at the given * index, and continuing until the last token, placing the * appropriate delimiter between each token. * With no argument supplied, assemble() will return the entire * original string, delimiters included. */ string assemble( const size_type& = 0 ) const ; /** * The immutable iterator type to use for walking through * this object's tokens. */ typedef vectorType::const_iterator const_iterator ; /** * Retrieve an immutable iterator to the beginning of this * object's token structure. */ inline const_iterator begin() const { return array.begin() ; } /** * Retrieve an immutable iterator to the end of this object's * token structure. */ inline const_iterator end() const { return array.end() ; } /** * Return the total number of characters for all tokens, * including the delimiters. */ inline size_type totalChars() const ; /** * Convenience method for debugging purposes. */ friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const StringTokenizer& rhs ) { for( size_type i = 0, end = rhs.size() ; i < end ; ++i ) { out << rhs.array[ i ] ; if( i < (rhs.size() - 1) ) { out << rhs.delimiter ; } } return out ; } protected: /** * Disable the copy constructor. This method is declared * but NOT defined. */ StringTokenizer( const StringTokenizer& ) ; /** * Protected method called internally by the constructor once * at object instantiation to tokenize the given C++ string. */ virtual void Tokenize( const string& ) ; /** * The delimiter by which the (original) string is tokenized. */ const char delimiter ; /** * The structure for holding the tokens. */ vectorType array ; } ; #endif /* __STRINGTOKENIZER_H */