Bounce - Basic configuration. ----------------------------- Example 1: Compressing the S<>S data between a hub and a leaf. * Hub : ( * Leaf: ( Install bounce on both irc machines and set the configs as below. This configuration allows for the initialisation of a compressed connection from both sides. For further examples see: docs/zbounce_ircd.example Hub Bounce Config ----------------- P: * This sets bounce to listen on the local interface on port 8400 for * uncompressed input (from ircu) and to forward any connections recieved on this * to on port 8500 in a compressed form. p: * This sets bounce to listen on the local interface on port 8500 for * compressed input and to forward any connections recieved on this to * on port 4400 (to ircu) in a uncompressed form. Hub ircu: Add/Change a C: line for with IP Make this is the last C line in the config for the leaf, so that this IP will be used to connect to the bounce. Then to initiate a compressed connection, /connect leafser* 8400. ---END OF HUB CONFIG--- Leaf Bounce Config ------------------ P: * This sets bounce to listen on the local interface on port 8400 for * uncompressed input (from ircu) and to forward any connections recieved on this * to on port 8500 in a compressed form. p: * This sets bounce to listen on the local interface on port 8500 for * compressed input and to forward any connections recieved on this to * on port 8400 (to ircu) in a uncompressed form. Leaf ircu: Add/Change a C: line for with IP Make this is the last C line in the config for the hub, so that this IP will be used to connect to the bounce. Then to initiate a compressed connection, /connect hubser* 8400. ---END OF LEAF CONFIG--- Once a connection is established from either end, the flow of data goes compressed in both directions (hub->leaf, leaf->hub). Overall topology map -------------------- Hub Ircu <--uncompressed--> Hub Bounce <--compressed--> Leaf Bounce <--uncompressed--> Leaf Ircu Config File Format: ------------------- # Format: P:::: # # Using a P means: Accept plain input, and send a compressed stream. # Using a p means: Accept compressed input, and send a plain stream. # # A Lines. # 'Allows' this IP to initiate a connection to a listening port. # Format: # # A: # # E.G: # # A: -- Greg Sikorski ( 04/11/2000.