.TH netwalker "1" "03.12.2003" "netwalker irc-client" "user command" .SH NAME netwalker \- a small irc-client .SH SYNOPSIS netwalker [\fBOPTION\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .br netwalker is a small but nice irc-client. .br you can use the following options: .br \fB-h\fR, \fB--help\fR short help .br \fB-i\fR ignore that user is root .br \fB-c\fR write a new default configurations file .br \fB-t\fR test the configurations file .br \fB-v\fR print a version info .br .SH SOME INTRODUCTION you can use page-up and page-down for scrolling. .br f1 - f12 are your first twelve irc-screens and you can go to the server messages by pressing escape. .br /help displays all available commands. .br /help command displays come help for this command .br to clear the screen press control+l .br .SH CONFIGURATION FILE after you used the command 'netwalker -c' there will be a .br default configuration-file (atm called: '.netwalkerircc') in your home directory. .br Available config-file options: .br \fBnickname=\fR .br \fBrealneme=\fR .br \fBserver=\fR .br \fBport=\fR .br \fBcommand=\fR .br \fBmodes=\fR .br \fBautoconnect=\fR<"yes" or "no"> .br connect to the irc-network when the client starts .br \fBautoreconnect=\fR<"yes" or "no"> .br immediately reconnect after a disconnect .br \fBleave_message=\fR .br .SH AUTHOR Writen by Philipp Meinen .SH REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Philipp Meinen .SH HOMEPAGE http://lancelot2k.dyndns.org