* Code from: Philipp Meinen
* Copyright (C): 2003-2004 Philipp Meinen
* Email: lancelot@lancelot2k.dyndns.org
* Homepage: http://lancelot2k.dyndns.org
* License: GPL
* */
#ifndef _SCREEN_H_
#define _SCREEN_H_ 1
#include <curses.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "classes.h"
#include "functions.h"
struct screeninfo {
int used;
int type; /* 0 = channel; 1 = directchat */
char channel_name[CHANNELS_NAME_LEN];
char channel_topic[TOPIC_LEN_MAX];
char directchat_nickname[NICKNAME_LEN];
class Screen {
int COLSnow;
int LINESnow;
int active_channel;
int first_print_msg; /* 0 = print normal screen, 1-xxx = when the user wants to scroll up*/
int redraw_screen_from_scratch; /* used for SIGWINCH */
char * InputBuffer;
char help_buffer[HELP_BUF_LEN];
WINDOW * MainScreen; /* The hole Screen */
WINDOW * TextScreen;
WINDOW * InfoBottom; /* User-Info -> Mode, Name, Away ... */
WINDOW * InfoTop; /* Channel and Topic Info */
WINDOW * InputScreen;
struct screeninfo screen_info[CHANNELS_MAX];
unsigned long num_textscreen_redraws;
int Test_Input_for_special_Chars(char * buf);
/* ret: what we have to do: 0 = dont Parse the input, wait for more Chars; 1 = Parse the Input */
void AddToInputBuffer(char * buf);
int MessagesToPrint(void);
void user_input_SCREEN(char * user_input);
char * MakeScreenString(int type); /* for printing the bottom screen */
void SetCursorToInputScreen(void);
/* TextFormat variables and functions */
bool bold_started; /* if the is marked as bold or not */
bool underline_started; /* if the string is markes as underlined or not*/
void ResetFormat(WINDOW * screen); /* resets ALL format options ! */
void SetBold(WINDOW * screen); /* makes the next chars bold, or not bold if it is allready turned on */
void SetUnderline(WINDOW * screen); /* makes the next chars underlined, or not underlined if it is allready turned on */
int SetColor(char * string); /* in this version this function is only make the ouput more 'nice' -> "^C15text^C" => "text" */
int print_format_text(WINDOW * screen, char * string, int max_chars); /* max_chars = maximum real chars to write to the screen (without format chars ) ; return value = num chars wrote */
void SetActiveChannel(int new_active_channel);
int GetActiveChannel(void);
int GetScreenUse(int screen_nr);
void SetScreenUse(int screen_nr, int new_use);
int GetScreenType(int screen_nr);
void SetScreenType(int screen_nr, int new_type);
char * GetChannelName(int screen_nr);
char * GetDirectChatNick(int screen_nr);
int GetScreenCols(void);
int GetScreenNumForChannel(char * tmp_channel);
int GetScreenNumForDirectChat(char * tmp_nickname);
void SetChannelName(int screen_nr, char * new_channelname);
char * GetTopic(int screen_nr); /* get the topic for a screen */
void SetTopic(int screen_nr, char * new_topic); /* sets the topic for a screen */
void SetDirectChatNick(int screen_nr, char * new_directchatnick);
void DrawTopScreen(void);
void DrawBottomScreen(void);
void DrawTextScreen(void);
void DrawInputScreen(void);
void GetInput(void);
int GetScreenNr(char * name, int type); /* ret: 0 = no such name for a channel or user; >0 = screennum */
int GetNotUsedScreen(int type); /* ret: 0 = no screen left; or the new screen number */
void EmptyScreen(int screen_nr); /* marks a screen as not used */
void EmptyAllScreens(void); /* same as above but for all screens */
void MakeAllWindow(int sigwinch);
void MarktoRedrawScreen(void);
void CheckScreenForRedraw(void);
void EndNcurses(void); /* clean up the screen and end ncurses */
void ParseCommandToServer(char * message); /* parse a user command and send it to the server if 'message' is NULL the intern buffer 'InputBuffer' will be taken */
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