/** * $Id: FEATURES,v 2003/07/22 14:01:42 meebey Exp $ * $Revision: $ * $Author: meebey $ * $Date: 2003/07/22 14:01:42 $ */ Full featurelist of Net_SmartIRC ------------------------------------- - full object oriented programmed - every received IRC message is parsed into an ircdata object (it contains following info: from, nick, ident, host, channel, message, type, rawmessage) - actionhandler for the API on different types of messages (channel/notice/query/kick/join..) callbacks can be registered - messagehandler for the API class based messagehandling, using IRC reply codes - time events callbacks to methods in intervals - send/receive floodprotection - detects and changes nickname on nickname collisions - autoreconnect, if connection is lost - autoretry for connecting to IRC servers - debugging/logging system with log levels (destination can be file, stdout, syslog or browserout) - supports fsocks and PHP socket extension - supports PHP 4.1.x to 4.3.2 (also PHP 5.0.0b1) - sendbuffer with a queue that has 3 priority levels (high, medium, low) plus a bypass level (critical) - channel syncing (tracking of users/modes/topic etc in objects) - user syncing (tracking the user in channels, nick/ident/host/realname/server/hopcount in objects) - when channel syncing is acticated the following functions are available: isJoined isOpped isVoiced isBanned - on reconnect all joined channels will be rejoined, also when keys are used - own CTCP version reply can be set - IRC commands: pass op deop voice devoice ban unban join part action message notice query ctcp mode topic nick invite list names kick who whois whowas quit