use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser carpout);
# #
# addalias version 2.2 by deadlock (deadlock@cheeseheadz.net) #
# #
# This script can be used on a webpage for users to enter and edit their #
# own info for the pisg ircstats program by mbrix. #
# #
# addalias v2+ is based on the original addalias program by Doomshammer #
# #
### Configuration section ###
# File locations:
my $pisg_config = "/path/to/pisg.cfg";
# Server URL
# If your script resists in http://myserver/cgi-bin/addalias.pl you should
# set it to: "/cgi-bin"
my $url = "/cgi-bin";
# Page layout:
my $c_bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
my $c_text = "#000000";
my $c_link = "blue";
my $c_vlink = "#C0C0C0";
my $c_alink = "#C0FFC0";
my $c_border = "#FFFFFF";
my $title = "IRC statistics - user addition page";
# Text on the main page
my $txthead1 = "In this form you can enter the settings (aliases, link and user picture) for your nickname in the IRC-stats.";
my $txthead2 = "Nicknames are allowed only once.";
my $txtnick = "Nickname";
my $txtalias = "Alias(es)";
my $txturl = "URL/E-Mail";
my $txtpic = "Userpic";
my $txtsex = "Sex";
my $txtmale = "M";
my $txtfemale = "F";
my $txtbot = "B";
my $txtignore = "Ignore me";
my $btnsubmit = "Submit";
my $btnupdate = "Update";
my $txtfoot1 = "To update your settings, just enter your nickname and click Submit to retrieve your current settings.";
my $txthelp = "For help on this form click here.";
my $txtlist = "For a complete list of known nicks please click here.";
my $txtupdate = "These are your current settings. Edit them where needed and click Update to update your info.";
my $txtaddok = "Your nickname was successfully added.";
my $txtignoreon = "You activated ignore and will not appear in the stats.";
my $txtupdateok = "Your info was successfully updated.";
# Helptext:
my $nickhelp = "Enter the name you want to use in the stats here.";
my $aliashelp = "Add all aliases you use here, seperated by spaces, so they will be joined in the stats. A * is allowed as a wildcard. For example: MyNick[Zzz], MyNick-afk and MyNick-work could be entered as 'MyNick[Zzz] MyNick-*' or just as 'MyNick*'";
my $urlhelp = "You can enter a webpage or e-mail adress here to be linked to your nick in the stats.";
my $pichelp = "If you enter a link to a picture here it will be added to your stats on the page.";
my $sexhelp = "This setting is used to determine if lines in the stats should read 'his' or 'her' or 'bot' when referring to you.";
my $ignorehelp = "If you don't want to be included in the stats, select this option.";
### End config section ###
### do not edit below this line ###
# Main program
my $path = path_info();
$path =~ s!^/!!;
my (%oldnicks, @users, @nick);
my ($frm_nick, $frm_alias, $frm_link, $frm_pic, $frm_sex, $frm_ignore);
my ($old_nick, $old_alias, $old_link, $old_pic, $old_sex, $old_ignore);
my ($old_sexm, $old_sexf, $old_sexb, $old_ignr);
my ($cfg, $fnd);
my ($submitbtn, $frmaction);
if (!$path) {
$submitbtn = $btnsubmit;
$txtupdate = "";
} elsif ($path eq 'help') {
} elsif ($path eq 'list') {
$submitbtn = $btnsubmit;
$txtupdate = "";
} elsif ($path eq 'input') {
if ($frm_nick eq "") {
$submitbtn = $btnsubmit;
$txtupdate = "";
} else {
$cfg = read_config();
if ($cfg ne "1") {
$fnd = check_if_found();
if ($fnd eq "1") {
$submitbtn = $btnupdate;
else {
$submitbtn = $btnupdate;
else {
$submitbtn = $btnupdate;
} elsif ($path eq 'update') {
if ($frm_nick eq "") {
} else {
$cfg = read_config();
$submitbtn = $btnupdate;
} else {
print "Illegal calling of script
# Subs
sub htmlheader
print <
sub updateinfo
my $line;
my $line_to_add = " \n";
sub lock_file {
my $lock = 2;
flock($_[0], $lock);