# sirc-timestamp.pl
# script for sirc irc client which shows time in every line
# by bartko!misiopysio09@netscape.net
# http://mywebpage.netscape.com/bartek09/
sub whattime {
($sec,$min,$hour) = localtime(time);
($min < 10) && ($min = "0" . $min);
($hour < 10) && ($hour = "0" . $hour);
return "$hour:$min";
sub hook_timeprint {
my ($theline) = $_[0];
$_[0] = whattime() . ' ' . $theline;
addhook ('print','timeprint');
&addhelp("timestamp","This is \cusirc-timestamp.pl\cu for sirc by \cbbartko\cb
The script adds timestamps in format hh:mm at the
beginning of each line");
print("*\cba\cb* \cbbartko\cb's \cvsirc-timestamp.pl\cv loaded ... \n");
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