****************************************************************** * http://www.ptlink.net/Coders - Coders@PTlink.net * ****************************************************************** (.2) 23 Dec 2001 What has been fixed ? --------------------- removed duplicated zlib -- Brasnet bug reports and suggestions: nick change rule can_send() replaced with is_banned() can_send() rules changed: +c,+d and +S are only checked for local users other modes and bans are allways checked bug matching nonidented users made services nicknames match on privmsg filter case insensitive svline and sgline changed to include a reason parameter completed STEALTH user mode config.h cleanup (.1) 08 Dec 2001 What's new ? --------------------- Hebrew support with ./configure --enable-hebrew (from shimi ) What has been fixed ? --------------------- Fixed glines match for real hosts (bug reported by DURAKOVIC Ahmedin ) PTlink6.9.0 (06 Dec 2001) ================================================================== What's new ? --------------------- Stealth user mode (+S) to hide channels presence (can only be set from services) Host Prefix info exchange via CAPAB PREFIX /UNDLINE to remove D:Lines, patch from Adam Herscher (http://www.einride.org/ircd/) What has been fixed ? --------------------- bug that could crash ircd on ping timeouts IRC_UID typo on ircd.c (repored by VampireMan) undefined HIDE_SERVERS_IPS moved sample configuration files to /samples changed some stats letters and added /stats v suggestions from fabulous@t7ds.com.br: OWN_CRYPT defined with ./configure --enable-owncrypt some code optimizations added reason field to sv:lines/sg:lines To Do ----- Fix RestrictedChans (empty channels are not synchronized on netjoins)