;ò > ÄDc@sèdkiZdkiZd„ZeidƒZeiedeie dƒƒeiedei ddƒƒei edƒeiei d eie d ƒƒeiei d eie d ƒƒeiei d eie dƒƒdS(NcCs3dkl}l}l}l}tidtƒdS(N(sexpectsanythings somethingsynsInfobot(ssupybot.questionssexpectsanythings somethingsynsconfsregisterPluginsTrue(sadvancedsanythingsynsexpects something((s./Infobot/config.pys configure!ssInfobots personalityswDetermines whether the bot will respond with personable (Infobot-like) responses rather than its standard messages.s boringDunnosDunno.saDetermines what boring dunno should be given if supybot.plugins.Infobot.personality is False.s unaddressedssnarfDefinitionssÄDetermines whether the bot will snarf definitions given in the channel that weren't directly addressed to it. Of course, no confirmation will be given if the bot isn't directly addressed.sanswerQuestionss Determines whether the bot will answer questions that weren't directly addressed to it. Of course, if it doesn't have an answer, it will remain silent.sreplyExistingFactoids„Determines whether the bot will announce that a factoid already exists when it sees a definition for a pre-existing factoid.(s supybot.confsconfssupybot.registrysregistrys configuresregisterPluginsInfobotsregisterChannelValuesBooleansTruesStrings registerGroups unaddressedsFalse(s configuresInfobotsregistrysconf((s./Infobot/config.pys?s&